Why is British Humour so superior to American Humour I mean American Humour is literally:
>dude your bro is like 21 now he can buy us weed and beer now so we can impress stacey at the party *farts*
Why is British Humour so superior to American Humour I mean American Humour is literally:
>dude your bro is like 21 now he can buy us weed and beer now so we can impress stacey at the party *farts*
>While British Humour is just a cut straight to *farts*
Both are shit
American humour: sex references, like they were 14 years old
British humour: dumb puns, like they were 12 years old
I'm a bong and you're talking shit.
The two funniest things on TV ever are the Simpsons (US) and The Day Today (UK).
Now fuck off.
Agreed, lets not act like British comedy doesn't have its fair of immature shit and piss jokes. Look at how big the inbetweeners franchise is
Time for my favorite joke!
- Why did the conjoined twins go to England?
- So the other one could drive!
>A bit of fry & laurie
>based 1989
BTFO Americucks
>Mr. Bean
>literally BTFO'd ameriturds
DAE quips make it a superior capeshit ?
Funniest thing on television is The League.
Eat a dick.
Do people actually laugh at the Simpsons? It's never gotten more than an occasional chuckle out of me
never got the appeal
Yeah, for the older seasons.
They have the queen
No, problem is in you and shows you watch.
Amys and Islanders have absolutely smart and abstract humor, but also totaly dumb and retarded .
You just choose to watch retarded shows..
bENNY hILL(GOD REST HIS SOUL) & mr. bean are dumbest crap i have ever saw, yet Germans loved them so they made shitload of seasons for export.
Now, Germany, they dont have a clue about humor.
>they still haven't aired anything past season 10 Simpsons abroad
should we tell him guys?
brits are stuck 20 years in the past they still think dressing up like women and getting pies in the face are the funniest things
they are so inferior on every level its literally not even funny its kind of sad. But despite all the bongcuck shitposting and being weak faggots I still dont like seeing their entire country raped by mudslimes.
British humour is literally the exact same except the bro walks into the room wearing a gorilla mask or silly hat
What British people think is the epitome of British humor:
The Office, Blackadder, Faulty Towers
What British humor really is:
Jimi Carr hosted panel shows, Miss Browns Boys, Last of the Summer Wine
What British people think American humor is:
Saturday Night Live, Family Guy, Big Bang Theory
What American Humor actually is:
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Futurama, Curb Your Enthusiasm
I'm from neither of these countries, but I can say America is the greater contributor to Comedy and media in general.
Your taste is shit and your argument is even worse.
Fact is, British humour and American humour are indistinguishable, because comedy is a universal language shared by every person on Earth except Germans
The only reason this meme exists is because the USA is responsible for pumping out thousands more hours of lowest-common-denominator pleb shit every year than the UK produces in a decade.
*puts on dress* SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
When Britain losts its empire and had its naval capabilities defanged the last thing they could possibly come st Americans with was how they perform an abstract concept such as humour better. You need to be careful and remember that this is literally all that's keeping the frail british ego propped up
we know, their shitposting is harmless, yurocucks think about Amerilords all day every day. I dunno if they rangebanned some ip's cause it used to be worse.
Brits have this weird issue where they mistake sarcasm for being clever. There's this adolescent winking self-awareness to so much of their comedy that I think they assume is going over Americans' heads, but really is just such a low form of humor people don't find it funny.
It's like their obsession with self-deprecation. At a certain point its like "Okay... so?"
The best is when they meld.
Watch Veep, it's basically The Thick of It and created by the same British creator but with American influences on it.
>american humor
you mean jewish humor
do you have no sense of humor?
I must say I agree with this but Simpsons in one of the few funny shows Americans have come up with.
>monty python is the greatest form of British humour
Could you be any more of a dying empire? It's a 40 - 50 year old show, Jesus.
>Jimi Carr hosted panel shows, Miss Browns Boys, Last of the Summer Wine
Just because this stuff is on all the time doesn't make it 'what British humour really is'
and stands the test of time (most of it)
>Mrs. Browns Boy's
>British humor
Sure it does. If they're on all the time, it's clear that Brits prefer/watch them more than the alternative.
Only fools and horses is the best comedy ever put out in television form.
If you can't enjoy any of the following, your soul is dogshit:
Black Books, The IT Crowd, Blackadder, The Office, The Thick of it, Spaced.
>The IT Crowd
Nah, fuck off.
It's the same unfunny and cringeworthy humor as the Big Bang Theory
Inbetweeners vs any american high school/college comedy ever.
It's not an exaggeration to say The Inbetweeners is probably the funniest and most accurate recreation of the cringy teen shit at high school ever seen on screen