What did she mean by this?

what did she mean by this?

This doesn't look like a thread Sup Forums or the game of thrones plebs would like my friend

Please delete it or the janitor is going to have to do it

uncircumcised is cute and comfy

Please tell me ASR didnt make that or retweet it

she posted it on instagram

uncircumcised people have foreskins. Circumcized people do not.

in english, doc

Gently draw a finger across your palm.
Now do the same across the back of your hand.
Feel the difference?

Circumcision removes a shit ton of nerve endings, that allow you to fuck for longer, but the trade off is that you won't feel anywhere near as good as when you're uncircumcised.

mean for

No seriously what the fuck did she mean by this.

I'm getting to my last nerve with this jewish shit

Why are women so heartless?

I was told as a young lad that women were naturally more empathetic than me and weren't meanies, by and large ;_;

>E.T wearing a hood to protect him from evil people who want to cut him up

someone asnwer this right fucking now

wow user
that's a good


SUCK my uncircumcised cock you cunt

gladly ;)

Nazis lost the war. Deal with it.

I'd rather see her tweeting about her fatt butt cheeks than about E.T.

>doctors took over 11 million nerve endings and 15 cm of skin during the first few weeks of my life

>muh 11 gorillian

Nothing, it's fake

Doesn't make it any less true though.

Penis grows and the head comes out of the foreskin
Ofc a woman wont know that

this is more accurate for circumcised