How did this faggot know what earwax tastes like?
Alas, earwax! ¯_(ツ)_/¯
>he's never easlten his earwax
It tastes sour
Yes well done Harry, well done. You have defeated the dark lord, saved the philosopher's stone and the school from certain jeopardy while I left the castle to attend my wizard bingo tournament. I am glad that an 11 year old had the courage to slay this great evil. Please take these jelly beans and a whiff of my decrepit old man farts as a token of my gratitude.
Everybody knows this because everybody used to be a kid poking around in its orifices.
Earwax has a very distinct sour taste, ill never forget it.
the same reason i know how cum tastes. curiosity
Damn, you weren't lying
What the fuck is earwax anyways?
I love Dumbleposting
It cleans your ears
>Be Slytherin
>Want my house to have the most points
>Work as hard as I can on homework and tests
>Never get into trouble
>Take part in extra ciricular activities to get more house points
>Encourage other members of Slytherin to do as well as me
>Finally comes to the end of term
>Been working hard for these house points
>House gets first place
>All our dedication has paid off
>"Yes, yes well done Slytherin. However..."
Fuck you Dumbledore
>Gryffindor and Slytherin now tied for House Cup
>but wait, there's more!
>Let me give this snivelling faggot 10 points for trying to stop the trio of 11-year-old kids from defeating the most powerful dark wizard of all time and getting himself patrificus totalused like an idiot
>Gryffindor wins the House Cup!
Fuck Dumbledore T. B. H.
> And all exams are cancelled!
What the fuck Dumbledore, how am i supposed to get into Wizard college now you fairy faggot?
In spite of recent events, is it really appropriate to be just throwing around that word?
You need to go back.
>tfw you realize Slytherin is really just delusional Sup Forumstards
I like to think Sup Forums is better than all that edge...I guess not
Why does nothing in the magic world actually work for people?
They can bitch about muggles all the like but when we design something using science and technology we make it to fucking work for us.
We don't have stairs that only work half the time, lollies that can literally taste like shit and a message service from the fucking dark ages.
Wizards are such faggots.
Look bro, the shootings sucked but saying faggot is fun and if I'm going to use it, it will be on an anonymous image sharing board. Quit your bitching.
>Getting baited this hard.
Sup Forumstards sure are retarded
Fuck off, faggot. Dumbledore was a faggot. Been confirmed by J.K, you dumb faggot. Faggot.
Uh, doyouknowhwereyouarerightnow.jog? This is Sup Forums bud. Home of anonymous. If this site was around on 9/11 we'd be celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans. You can't handle it, you're in the wrong neighborhood.
> Yes well done students on a successful orientation... and a quick reminder to the new 11 year old students that if you go to the third floor you will be mauled to death by a huge fucking three headed dog and be left in a bloody pile of flesh and bones.
Let the feast... begin.
>If this site was around on 9/11 we'd be celebrating the deaths of thousands of Americans.
Nah, faggot. As much of a faggot as that guy is you're a bigger faggot. Whilst most Americans are dumb faggots no one revelled in 9/11 except evil or edgy faggots. There's a reason America, fuck yeah, played for fucking weeks for those without adblocker after Osama was killed. This is still a predominantly American site. Faggot.
He rimmed Grindelwald's earhole obviously.
Nope, tehre would be so much edge
>ywn get a hogwarts letter at 11 before you irreparably fuck yourself over with the Internet and become a normie wizard who gets to do dank magic shit
maybe he had one before?
did you know its called america deserved it day in Australia
Do you know I'm Australian and it's really not?
Sour? The fuck is wrong with your ears. Earwax is bitter.
m8 you are not my cobber and you are not my mate
>9/11 was bad
So, if their photos can move, would that mean that if I took a picture of my ass while shittig, in the frame it's going to evacuate shit for all eternity?
i can't belive how much of a faggot this poster is
>t. berniecuck
whatever, cunt
Sup Forums does though.
Sup Forums and other boards have yearly 'happy 9/11 day' threads
You are so new. SO new.
I've actually been here for like 9 years.
>being proud of that fact
Who said I was proud? I'm wasting my life.
I know that's a lie based on your replies, so why are you lying?
I'm not. I have no reason to lie.
>in spite of
Learn English, faggot.
>Harry, did I ever tell you about the time I left you to live with your abusive aunt and uncle when you were a wee babe instead of raising you myself, because I was too busy buggering and getting buggered by my fuckbuddy Grindilwad?
Learn to timeline
>predominantly American site
so why doesn't everyone speak spanish then Manuel?!
I was giddy as fuck when it happened. No one cares about some suits dying.
Oh fuck off with this. Snape gives them an unfair advantage. It is made crystal clear in the books that slytherin win every fucking year because they get an extra 500 something points from snape for doing the most banal shit.
heh, this's unlike anywhere you've been before
What recent events?
Orlando, faggot.