/hor/ - recommendations/new-releases/discussion - She Likes You Edition

Welcome to /hor/: A weekly horror discussion and recommendation thread with a focus on informing Sup Forums of lesser known yet well-regarded horror gems and potentially good new releases available via torrents.

For upcoming releases, check out: upcominghorrormovies.com/

For new horror-only trailers, both indie and mainstream, these are good channels to bookmark:

Weekly horror release and festival reviews can be found at aintitcool.com. Search for "AICN Horror"

Sites devoted to horror news that would be a good addition to your RSS feed:

This week, we have a few upcoming films that might be of interest:

>DEAD WITHIN: Six months after the outbreak, a man and woman have survived by isolating themselves in a remote cabin. Starved for resources, they must confront the horrors that threaten them from outside and from within.


>AT THE DEVIL'S DOOR: Leigh (Catalina Sandino Moreno) is a real estate agent struggling to rise to the top of her profession. She's asked to sell a house that happens to have a sinister past, only for her to run into the runaway daughter of the home owners. Leigh wants to help her, but in so doing she gets entangled in a series of supernatural occurrences that put Leigh's immortal soul at risk.


We have early news of a new high-profile found footage film coming up

>The film is said to be in the vein of I Know What You Did Last Summer but with a found-footage element.


Finally, this week saw the VOD release of BENEATH, a horror film about miners. However, there is no torrent of this as of yet. Here's the trailer to remind readers:


Other urls found in this thread:


What are you watching senpai?

Currently watching Sinister. It's pretty fucking creepy

Shit movie senpai. Nice trips though

Same to you.

Did you really not like it?? I'm fucking spooked. Had to take a break on Sup Forums for a bit

>tfw get scared easily

>Had to take a break on Sup Forums for a bit
Me and my gf tried to watch it while stoned and the scene with the car being set on fire sent us into a really big bad trip, we stopped watching there. Fucking creepy shit

I'll watch it with you and we can perhaps cuddle like bros if you get nervous.

this genre sucks as a whole because of how fucking stupid the characters are

name ONE fucking horror film in which the characters don't die from being fucking retarded

The Thing comes to mind.