Welcome to /hor/: A weekly horror discussion and recommendation thread with a focus on informing Sup Forums of lesser known yet well-regarded horror gems and potentially good new releases available via torrents.
For upcoming releases, check out: upcominghorrormovies.com
For new horror-only trailers, both indie and mainstream, these are good channels to bookmark:
Weekly horror release and festival reviews can be found at aintitcool.com. Search for "AICN Horror"
Sites devoted to horror news that would be a good addition to your RSS feed:
This week, we have a few upcoming films that might be of interest:
>DEAD WITHIN: Six months after the outbreak, a man and woman have survived by isolating themselves in a remote cabin. Starved for resources, they must confront the horrors that threaten them from outside and from within.
>AT THE DEVIL'S DOOR: Leigh (Catalina Sandino Moreno) is a real estate agent struggling to rise to the top of her profession. She's asked to sell a house that happens to have a sinister past, only for her to run into the runaway daughter of the home owners. Leigh wants to help her, but in so doing she gets entangled in a series of supernatural occurrences that put Leigh's immortal soul at risk.
We have early news of a new high-profile found footage film coming up
>The film is said to be in the vein of I Know What You Did Last Summer but with a found-footage element.
Finally, this week saw the VOD release of BENEATH, a horror film about miners. However, there is no torrent of this as of yet. Here's the trailer to remind readers: