*tips fedora*

*tips fedora*

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>hating on NDT
sure is Reddit in here, they've turned against him because they're suddenly above him as well. God forbid someone has passion about something.

>everything that has to do with science and is popular is fedora
It was pretty good desu.

*tips bible

H> the TV show

"science" + NDT= reddit
religion + trump= Sup Forums

>God's not dead

I won't immediately rule out a show just because the people involved are opinionated and biased. I can filter bullshit like that easily, but what got me about this show was how dumb it thinks its audience is. It feels the need to explain everything with a cartoon story. I don't know why, but Neil's voice narrating just pisses me off. It's like he's saying them with the diction of someone reading a children's story.

I partially blame Seth Macfarlane for being a pretentious faggot. You know the cartoon's being half the episode was his idea. He's definitely the sort of person who does understand that you can explain something to people without talking down to them.

>liking le reddit science nigger
Hello, reddit!

Trump is going to enforce mankind's senseless borders which somehow violate NATURE.

>but what got me about this show was how dumb it thinks its audience is
It's aimed at 10 year old kids dude.

The original was for all ages, if they didn't market this as a remake but them make it less entertaining and informative it wouldn't have got such hate.

It was alright honestly. Not very fedora unless you're offended by literally any criticism ever, hell there wasn't even criticism really just... discussion? idk, it wasn't pro religion but he didn't go out of his way to shit on it either.

>but what got me about this show was how dumb it thinks its audience is

I think you're underestimating how ignorant modern americans are about science, I'd say worse than when the original aired.

>No Vangelis
No sale

You're right, it's a shame nobody has thought of making some kind of educational serialised audiovisual presentation to make people smarter

I need to migrate to reddit then

Too much shitting on religion not enough space
We get it shit was held back back in the days because of religion you don't need to parrot that shit every fucking episode Seth.


>have a chance to make a show about the wonders of science
>instead make it a petty revenge-project against religion, dedicate an entire episode to le women scientists who didn't need no man and were kept down by the patriarchy, and TWO fucking episodes to "global warming"

Way to miss an opportunity.
Shooting themselves in the foot like this was why this shit didn't get a second season.

don't come back

Entertaining show with a nice way to introduce some science concepts /history to kids

It's a children's show yes

>the universe 14 billion years old
>evolution is real
>the big bang created the universe
>I believe all this because a scientist told me and that makes me enlightened

>No show about Economics

Would the Liberals even give it a chance?

I remember redditors turning on science nigger when he said people should listen to each other opinions and have free speech after a Donald Trump meeting was hijacked by some Mexican/SJW trash.

Wait a minute, do you actually unironically believe in religion because you don't want to be accommodated with a meme? how insecure do you have to be?

You think other people make decisions based on memes
It's just you bud

This is getting ridiculous; which has its advantages. When bullshit is that obvious it goes under the automatic filter. I remember The Ascent of Man BBC documentary from around 1970. It was solid. Focused, tight, precise, but with all the exposure necessary for people that dropped technological subjects at age 18. And it was even told by some G-d chosen.

I think even this one got trashed because he only made a passing reference to muh great oriental islamic golden age, but when you drop memetics, the whole thing only warrants less than five minutes in a 10-hour exposition of the history of technology. .

>know what Reddit thinks
Hmmm really makes you think.

What does God have to do with science or religion?

>NDT is agnostic
>labeled a fedora tipper
I understand that you worthless NEETs will never so much as get a basic Bachelor's degree, but there is no need to hate on an irl scientist simply because he's objectively smarter and far more successful than you. Let go of your nonexistent pride, weebs.

Well considering that "religion held back science" is a lie, they DO need to keep parroting it, otherwise the lie won't stick.

remember these shows are not really about factualities and more about kindling the imagination

*tips bible*

>Get mad at being called a fedora tipped
>Proceeds to tip fedora


economic is a social science and therefore bullshit

Such a show would show how socialism is a cancer on humanity, so no.

>economic is a social science and therefore bullshit

>here are all these equations
>but actually if the sheep market panics throw those away and start selling

have fun with that degree

holy kek

Economics is a bullshit field pieced together hundreds of years ago by people who wanted to jew the masses out of money. One only needs to take an accounting course to realize this. The logic used in accounting is absolutely asinine and the regulation of financial reporting is a joke. Firms literally pay their auditors to audit their books. This means that if the auditor wants to stay in business that they have to sign off on whatever ridiculous bullshit company X puts in their books.

He's dark sided.

As hard as you're shitting on it, you're still giving it too much credit.

Its basically just observation and extrapolation based in the assumption that how shit worked before is how shit will work later.

>market equations
>tax evasion

You're arguing against Economics with subjects that aren't Economics.

explain what economics is in 20 words or less and how my example wasn't a part of it. If you can't you're just baiting for Yous

Economics is the study of the ecosystem.

the market isn't a part of the ecosystem?

markets are a place where you buy vegebles, what does that have to do with eco or systems?

I don't know what vegebles are, is that an illegal drug like marijewana?

It's part of a ecosystem
the economic ecosystem

Economics is the observation of markets which are based on interactions between buyers and sellers. The ability to easily commit tax evasion when playing by the rules is definitely a major part of economics. It's may not heavily discussed in intro courses, and it's not explicitly told to econ or business majors that "this is how you commit tax evasion", but it has a very large effect on capital flows within a nation. You can't just let large sums of cash disappear like that and turn a blind eye to it.



The study of the allocation of scarce resources that have alternative uses to satisfy market wants.

>education is fedora
Eliminate yourself retard we don't need your genes diluting the pool

>market wants
so the market formulas are not economics... how?

Oh America, you so silly.

Of course.

My point was decided to shoehorn an entire broad science into his own angry little rant.

A show about Economics would spend an entire episode on the subject, along with tons of other things.

:^ ( stop that

you europeans do silly stuff too

In my hometown in the Netherlands some guy made a replica of Noah's ark. Inside there were info boards with these type of texts on them. Fundies are everywhere.

Educate yourselves. Over 100 years of experiments and NO new life ever found. Evolution is a hoax.


It is a PART.

A gang is not a spider.
A branch is not a tree.
A wing is not a bird.
Market Equations is not Economics.

The problem is that that one practice can invalidate the entire field. You cant properly track capital flows down to a science when large sums of the shit you're tracking can disappear tomorrow with no evidence left behind to show where it went or why it's gone.
It's a bullshit field. It's not science. It's social science where the big guy wins and tries to buttfuck the little guy blindfolded. Even Sociology has better claims as a science than this.

New bacteria life is found and created almost weekly.

By your logic Dark Matter invalidates Astrophysics.

>A gang is not a spider.
What did he mean by this?

it's gay meetup code. Like when people are selling empty knife holders for $2 on Craigslist

You've never been attacked by a gang of angry spiders?

Guess he's not australian.

I was, they took my wallet and my phone and they called me a twolegger

worst day ever

Not necessarily. Dark matter is still hypothetical, but assuming it's existence we are in theory able to see things such as the gravitational effects of dark matter and can use that to track it and see how it effects the universe.
We can't track missing cash unless the people committing fraud or evasion are idiots. It's meant to be untrackable. If it were trackable, the IRS would seize the cash. Missing cash does not have any explicit physical properties we can use to identify it's effects on the market. To a vender, a dollar and a dark dollar are the same and their differences negligible. To a physicist, a matter is not a dark matter.

Maybe it'd be different if we required people to maintain count of the serial numbers on their money, but that'd be asinine to expect of everyone.

You're starting to get into conspiracy shit here. Nobody doing transactions wants to do so with nonexistent money. Unless you're talking about credit which is an entirely different subject.

Nonetheless start posting sources about this "ghost money".

Dark money is a not a real term. I used it as a comparison for dark matter in the sense that it is something which goes unaccounted for. In this sense, it will refer to capital which is removed from the system, or hidden within it without the IRS accounting for it.
We cannot properly capture capital flow because of this. We can get rough estimates, but nothing which is an explicit science we can use to do something like make accurate estimates of a market's flows for the next 3 years.

>self-censoring the word God

Is it forbidden to use it on reddit?

So because a minute fraction of money is missing compared to quadrillions more that are not, you must therefore dismiss not only market equations that use real money but theories and practices that have been developed for the past 10,000 years?

Is this your stance, yes or no?

>Nobody doing transactions wants to do so with nonexistent money.
Loans and Liabilities for $500, Alex.

Yes, on a global scale those equations are borderline useless for true market analysis and making future predictions. The stuff is useful only in a closed and heavily regulated market, which is something that does not exist on a relevant scale.
Any big company with political presence can really just force their hand on the system and all those equations go out the window.



I really appreciate the passion he has for the subject.

I wish he'd stop trying to sidetrack EVERY issue into astrophysics.

>defending SJW nigger

He can fuck himself for his anti gun parading and typical nigger statism.

>I think you're underestimating how ignorant modern americans are about science

At least we have a smart person like you to tell us that don't we?

Fucking fag

It actually had the opposite problem. Seemed like every episode was about how some deeply religious person forwarded science or preserved science or some shit.

The problem is, they never get to the science. They spend the whole of each episode going "look, we don't hate on religion or people with faith!"

Just tell me about fucking quasars already. I wanna know about that shit, not how some bumblefuck priest preserved some books. That sounds interesting but it's not what I want in Cosmos.

>We get it shit was held back back in the days because of religion

It largely wasn't. At least not with Christianity.

It would either piss all over socialism or be outright fiction, and I doubt they could get away with outright fiction, so no.

Dude, I'm a pretty big fedora tipper but this show was unwatchable because of the animated segments that literally SCREAMED religion sucks every episode. Yeah it held science back, touch on it in the first episode and get back to the science. Luckily I can just watch the original with Sagan's comfy voice.

Why were people so triggered by base level science in this show?

>literally SCREAMED religion sucks every episode.
Don't remember it that way. Maybe I need to watch it again.

Science wouldn't exist without religious thought.

It makes ignorant assertions based off of base science, and it's clear Neil isn't anywhere near as intelligent as he thinks he is. There is a massive, undeserved sense of arrogance that permeates through scientism.

>le pretentious black science man

>Science wouldn't exist without religious thought.
How do you figure? Man has always been curious about his environment, and science at its barest is jut a process of using measurable and systematic principles, rather than intuition, in a problem domain.