Does Sup Forums like Fassbinder? I find Veronika Voss quite an underrated film.
German cinema general I guess.
Pic unrelated.
Does Sup Forums like Fassbinder? I find Veronika Voss quite an underrated film.
German cinema general I guess.
Pic unrelated.
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i do OP, what do you think of his earliest works?
like Love is colder than death?
>you will never go behind her and just start pounding away
Was thinking about blind buying World on a Wire from Criterion, haven't seen anything else he's done. What do you guys think?
>all these thinly veiled high test threads
I love it.
only came for the pic OP
Humuna humuna gimme that bumbuna!
>high test
pick 1
weak work from him, good work from the genre itself
a lot of people love it so you should look into it
i'm not too fond of it to be honest
is that sasha grey?
>ywn trip and fall facefirst into that crack
>ywn feel true bliss in that fraction of a section before she realises you have your face right in between her cheeks
>ywn take the biggest whiff of your life during this time
is that really her ?she doesnt have this much meat on her
who's this insemination specimen
recently discovered Alice in the Cities by Wim Wenders. Really good movie but I guess it was a bit overlooked because Bogdanovich covered the whole guy on a road trip with a tough little girl plot one year earlier with Paper Moon. Very different movies though and maybe a good starting point to discover Wenders
>the image filename is not to trigger Sup Forums autists and shitposting but so when you do a reverse image search you get either no source or generic shit based on the picture like fucking ''undergarment''
I want to bury my face in that ass and die
Fassbinder is an overrated hack. Veronika Voss is his best movie, but that doesn't mean much.
Best German directors: Murnau, Lang, Sirk, Wenders, based Herzog
stop crying kid.
I like that german movie where they split into two groups. One a prisoners the other are guards.
pls sauce on image
this be the movie
Also this movie has the best set of tits I ever saw on a mature woman
Free (You)s to all these gentlemen with the right spirit. Mein niggers
World On A Wire is terrific and very straightforward. Doesn't represent his style very well but is a terrific film. If you want to get into Fassbinder I'd start with Angst Essen Seele Auf for his melodrama's or Die Ehe Der Maria Braun for his later drama's. His early stuff is terrific too though, Warnung Vor Einer Heiligen Nutte is one of his best