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Who doesn't find condescending preachers hilarious?
You think future historians will quote anonymous users on Sup Forums to give readers a sense of what it was like to live during this time?
Yes. I hope I'll be able to witness it when I'm a ghost.
not in "ha ha" way
>Liberals twisting the words of the Bible to try to shame Christians into following their narrative.
This is always hilarious.
The Bible says to give voluntarily.
It doesn't say to pull out a gun and put it to someone else's head until they have given an amount you deem "adequate".
>It's a bible-hating leftist using the bible to justify socialism episode.
That thought makes me feel happy.
Yes, hypocrisy is funny
>"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
Nice try, you pharisee.
>The Bible says to give voluntarily.
Actually it says to give unconditionally. You can pull your head out of ayn rand's ass now.
Will our descendants even want to learn from the mistakes we made?
He is a devout catholic.
Catholics have long been twisting orthodox Christianity around.
He literally teaches Sunday school.
pick one
Colbert is a Catholic. And he's right there.
Not that I agree, but Jesus did have a hardon for the poor and downtrodden. I say fuck 'em, but I'm not a Christian. You can't really claim to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and NOT want to help the poor.
>Leftists saying we should make laws based on the Bible.
OK then.
Creationist textbooks in every school, and fags are going to get the shit kicked out of them at every roadside.
Nice job, Liberals. This is what you wanted.
How do you interpret that passage? Genuinely curious.
>le Colbert is le Christian meme
It's a bullshit label he uses to make his dumbass Leftist message sound more valid.
And apparently it has worked on you idiots.
And I'm STILL not hearing anywhere where God is commanding us to force others to give up an amount I deem appropriate or throw them in jail.
>Not bible-hating.
Just look who's in charge of the church.
He teaches Sunday School, dipshit.
He's a Catholic. You might be thinking of Baptists.
>i don't understand how a reductio works
He's pointing to the hypocrisy of those who favour eg creationism in school, while also favouring regressive taxation policies etc. It's often referred to as 'cafeteria Christianity'.
And nobody would be getting the shit kicked out of them in any case.
Oh you'll be going somewhere much worse.
It says give to the needy, not fuckfaces who just don't feel like working like shaniqua in her nine kids. I'm not just going to be a slave because the bible says I should be nice.
The quote is simply referring to device. A man who finds satisfaction through his own end, the material, will never have desire for the immaterial. If one rejects the physical, he can then set his heart on the immaterial.
That's the point. Conservatives would love do those things but when it comes to the poor fuck them.
Reminder that all Abrahamic texts are structured around the notion that man lives in a minarchist world.
tell me more
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, bitch.
In any case, you won't be liable for much in the way of tax if you sell all your possessions and give of them to the poor, which Jesus repeatedly urges his followers to do. Mad deductibles, yo. And you'll be giving the excess away in any case, so it's all good.
> “No one can serve two masters. The person will hate one master and love the other, or will follow one master and refuse to follow the other. You cannot serve both God and worldly riches.
>“So I tell you, don’t worry about the food or drink you need to live, or about the clothes you need for your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. Look at the birds in the air. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds. You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it."
he's right you know.
why is Colbert so based bros?
I find no fault in not loving the poor or serving the needy.
There is more wealth in this country than any other on Earth.
>the needy can help themselves
>the poor will learn to be loved
Wait didn't Jesus said that you should love your neighbour or something like that? Your retarded I HATE EVERYONE WHO ISN'T WHITE! FAGS AND NIGGERS SHOULD BE SHOT ON SIGHT AMIRITE edgy bullshit doesn't really fit
The people who wrote this and fed it to this soulless money grubbing piece of shit...
They don't remotely care about even the notion of god and neither does he.
This site is littered with self-loathing atheists pretending to be Christian just for the memes.
But this thread is full of cucks and Berniefaggots, so logic won't matter much here.
>taking the bible literally
>Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, bitch.
I live in a democracy.
I and the other voters get to decide "what is Caesar's".
Different books lend to different methods of reading. Some are meant to be reflective, some as historical. The passage user quoted is clearly meant to be instructional
>It says give to the needy
So agitate for additional foreign aid. Join the peace corps. Get right with the Lord.
You could give to people you personally know are needy, if you did some research you could do this on a large scale
But you won't do that
Nice try hypocrite
we already decided
try and change it retard
He is a Liberal cuckold through and through.
Has been since Day 1.
>I and the other voters get to decide "what is Caesar's".
Exactly? So you should, in line with Jesus' commands, be voting for significant redistribution of wealth.
>try and change it retard
We have and we will.
Enjoy losing you welfare.
>implying high school summerfag NEETs have anything to give
I pray a lot, and Jesus told me that he actually hated niggers, and didn't even consider them people, so any taxes that go towards "mo money fo dem pograms" are not just in the eyes of the Lord.
I cant wait to take everything from you can give it to someone more deserving
you are so weak and scared that you cower in a ball screaming at the world top not take things from you while other people starve and die
It's going to be so fun to watch you wither and fade away
>Jesus said to "redistribute the wealth"
Fucking Commies trying to rewrite the Bible.
Jesus isn't commanding anyone to do anything, but he says constantly that seeking happiness in material wealth is useless. To me, any person with a good understanding of that would care little for possessions, i.e. would care little for having more/giving away what's not needed in order to help others.
I am a Catholic, like Colbert, and I say FUCK this country.
It was founded by atheists; deists were basically atheists back in the day. It was founded by atheists, and it was also founded by slave-owners. Who could own another human being as property and still claim to be a Christian? All 'Christian' slave-owners are the Devil's own soldiers.
Time and time again the United States has acted against the interests of Christianity. It has thwarted the Church of Rome, the one true Church. It has actively persecuted those fighting for the oppressed, whom Christ loves. Its economic system, unrestrained capitalism, hates the poor and the lowly, the treasures of the Church.
So fuck the United States. God curse the United States. May Christ break the United States like Bane breaking Batman. May Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is God, bring this whole rotten country low, and may all who serve it suffer in his name. Amen.
A gay Marxist understood more than any American conservative ever could.
you haven't changed shit and I'm not the one on govt neetbux here
nice projection tho
Reminder that the average american retard thinks that poor people are poor because they're lazy. He also thinks the pathetic amount of money he has was earned without any help from anybody at all ever. He also thinks that by spreading his ass wide open for his millionaires masters they will make him one too.
jesus said help the poor, not give your income to the government to help them for you
Catholics are almost as bad as the jews with all the self-hate and cuck shit. The pope is also a dirty commie wetback.
>Sup Forums
>a board containing a lot of legitimate actual NEET's that are on welfare or autismbux, and unironically call people "wagies" and "wagecucks" for having a job
>a board that also just so happens to be very pro-taxes and pro-wealth-redistribution
What a shock. I'm sure the two are TOTALLY unrelated though.
Church is the enemy of Christ, fuck off Vaticantard
>you haven't changed shit
I hope your ass is ready for the next time a non-Leftist gets into the Whitehouse.
Your free ride ends once taxes go down.
Oh wow, look at this power-fantasy.
You sound like some faggot stormfronter talking about how he can't wait for "the day of the rope".
Please inform me how you are going to take all his possessions away.
I'm genuinely interested.
>helping the poor and needy means giving all your money to the government to fuel wars,and times and times again proven inept government bureaucracy
Liberals actually believe this too
For example, atonement for sins in the book of sandnigger may include freeing a slave. Many traditions in the Quran are influenced by the code of Hammurabi, so a lot of it has to do with paying a certain amount in legal court or to the person you transgressed to make up for being shitty.
i want a long hair kitty
Class warfare was fabricated to keep people under control.
>Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’
>And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
>And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. “Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. “Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh. “Blessed are you when people hate you and when they exclude you and revile you and spurn your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man! Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets. “But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.
>And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”
>He said also to the man who had invited him, “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.”
I encourage you to rehearse your speech about the technical exemptions you believe a statutory tax system provides. Maybe Jesus will buy it.
So you're ADMITTING that the Bible and its commands have no bearing on taxes and that people like Colbert are idiots for saying it does?
Glad we're on the same page.
They are a bitch to keep groomed, and they hairball all the fucking time.
Fiscal conservatives believe in charity over government welfare. I don't see what the conflict is here.
Angry socialist spotted.
How's that 50% taxation working out for ya'?
>is a Catholic
>somehow still liberal
>somehow still super wealthy and famous
So, why hasnt he sold all his shit, given away his money and followed Jesus? I mean, were taking the bible literally, right?
You first Mr. Colbert.
>inb4 excuses as to why its "different" for him
I find it counter-factual.
Americans give more than anyone on the face of the fucking planet. Ten times more than a lot of "generous" European nations.
I'm a Canadian. Don't fuck with my brother.
Yes, I believe the more limited the US government, the better
Are you really this new to politics? They're all butt buddies, every last one.
>you haven't changed shit and I'm not the one on govt neetbux here
>nice projection tho
You are literally a disease that kills empires. You have zero worth.
I'm still not getting in your text where it says to FORCE other people to give money to the government and put them in jail if they don't.
Keep trying, though.
I'm sure you'll get it eventually.
Well, they keep getting voted in, don't they? Maybe stop voting for those people. Or maybe stop not voting?
In any case, the issue isn't about whether you should be taxed 100% of your wealth above subsistence level. It's about why, given that you aren't, you're not giving the rest away to the poor and needy. Like Jesus keeps telling you to do.
For all the whinging Europeans do about how "greedy" Americans are, funny how we can flex that charity muscle better than they ever have or ever will.
>50% taxation
>US citizens are literally getting taxed 35% already
I pay more than 15% of my income for health insurance already.
Tax me 15% for programs like health insurance and college tuition.
Itll save me money and everyone will be better off.
Check out Stefan Molyneux's video on that. God fearing Republicans give WAY more to charity than atheist Democrats. Think the video was called "athiests are edgelord faggots".
>So you're ADMITTING that the Bible and its commands have no bearing on taxes
Actually, one of your own boys made the point: it's a democracy and the electorate can influence both the rate of taxation and what those taxes go toward funding. So you should really get on that, get out there and start agitating for higher taxes and expanded welfare programs.
Hello canada
>christian charities
>spreading the word of god instead of actually helping people
What a waste
by voting
Jesus said give to the needy.
Not give to heroin addicts and idiots that had 3 kids by the age of 20.
>US citizens are literally getting taxed 35% already
Where the fuck do you get that information?
Most Americans ($9,226 to $37,450) get taxed at 15% federally.
>mentally ill arent needy
Everyone deserves a second chance, its your job to show them the light and have them born again. You cant pick and choose faggot.
>projecting again
>being this big of a faggot
congrats dude keep postin
fight that good fight lol
>It's about why, given that you aren't, you're not giving the rest away to the poor and needy
If someone believes himself a good Christian it's up to him how much he helps the community and the less fortunate.
What Colbert wants to do is tax you 60% or 70% to fuel inept government bureaucracy. Obamacare for example is a disaster from start to finish, and you don't know how your money gets spent to topple governments and create chaos around the world
According to who? Probably just whenever you agree with a passage it's meant to be taken literally and whenever you disagree you 'read between the lines'
>I mean, were taking the bible literally, right?
Or are we? If Colbert doesn't take it literally, and takes no part of it literally, then he's not being hypocritical. If certain reactionary Christians cleave to literal interpretations of eg Leviticus (though really only certain verses of it) but get all airy-fairy metaphorical when it comes around to their wallets, then they are arguably being hypocritical.
Besides which:
>federal taxes are the only taxes
>not realizing that every good you buy is taxed several times
Every dollar you spend on a good has been taxed to about 35%
You actually believes that Christian charities don't help people? Seriously consider suicide
Guess it depends on what you consider "helping" is.
>Actually, one of your own boys made the point: it's a democracy and the electorate can influence both the rate of taxation and what those taxes go toward funding. So you should really get on that, get out there and start agitating for higher taxes and expanded welfare programs.
Depends on what you're fucking buying. Taxes for liquor and tobacco in some states are that high, others have lower taxes on those types of goods.