Have we even gotten close to getting a reaction from the man himself about bane posting...

Have we even gotten close to getting a reaction from the man himself about bane posting? He's done how many panels for GoT and not a single on of you decided to do it. is he even aware of us

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> thinking whatever we say, do, or cringely post over and over has any effect, even merely tangential on the real world

Yeah you fucking newfag, an user met him in Dublin and told him about it, posted proof too, it was a big deal for a few weeks


not many people who go on this site leave their house much, that's why you always see bitter opinions on movies only after dvd/camrips come out

I don't have it, he posted a pic of himself with cia and timestamped a pic of himself



>having that much to say about a character with 2 minutes of screen time