Green Room thread inc
Green Room Thread
No torrent, No discussion.
Get lost wage cuck
Loved it. Freaked the fuck out at the guys poor wrist.
First time I've been uncomfortable in a theatre without my step-uncle sitting next to me
i wanna lick that girl from arrested developments feet
It was great. The violence was always so shocking and right when you think there's hope they shotgun it to the face.
I feel like people got killed off too quickly. In this sense it was like an inferior version of wolf creek.
i don't know what they meant by desert island or meat grinder
Who is that whore?
jesse pinkman's fuck girl
>That feel when not playing anywhere near me, and there's no way to buy it online
I wanna watch this movie, dammit.
>being this much of a NEET poorfag
I do agree with that though. wish the buff guy and chubbmiester got better deaths
I bet you find money to pay for shitty franchise films you pleb.
One of my favorite movies of this year
Is that MEW? She was hot in 10 Cloverfield Lane.
no, it's jesse pinkman's fuck girl from Need For Speed.
I'd grill this grill
i usually don't enjoy these thriller/gore kinda movies, they're always predictable or simply doing shit for the shock.
This movie handled all that very well, so it's got my approval.
also imogen poots is hot as fuck and alia shawkwat should've got some clevage going on
i'd huff her poots
loved it
went to see it twice
too bad patrick stewart didn't have much to do though
what the hell was he and his thugs talking about during most of their screentime anyways??
i didn't understand shit
you had to pay a lot of attention but there was a plot about one of the henchmen running off with the chick, and a bunch of other stuff about their dogs, and the red lace me it all made sense but if you blinked you could miss it
How to kill them legally and cover up the crime, do you have a peanut brain?
he's referring to how they figured out that one of the guys changed teams
>Blatantly shows Stewart opening the guys trunk, going through his things, finding the packed bags, and picture of the murdered girl and him.
What the fuck did you need a 15 minute CSI montage of them going through the trunk and discussing what the things were before coming to the lightbulb conclusion?
how else would they figure it out? by getting shot and then being like o shi'. you the bad guy now