Has anyone else noticed the mountain of Warcraft and Xmen shills on this board...

Has anyone else noticed the mountain of Warcraft and Xmen shills on this board? They fucking flood topics and claim that those shitty, bottom of the barrel movies were good

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GoT need to stick to their own general as well.

Don't forget the BvS spam.

It sucks that Sup Forums became so mainstream at around the same time shilling is hitting it's peak.

I'm starting to think more and more that we should've supported Gamergate more. That was the main movement against fraudulent "reviews" being sold and posted online. Just like OWS, it got taken down by a few implications of racism and misogyny until half the internet was crying that they were a victim of the evil disgusting Gamergators and nobody wanted to take part any more.

Now we get this. I'd love to see an unapologetic harrassment campaign against these shills, just slamming them for selling their public opinions like whores. They know that what they're doing is unjustifiable and unethical, they should have their faces rubbed in their shit like a dog that shat on the kitchen floor.

they made me realize that sometimes critics and rotten tomatoes make unfair ratings, they also taught me the joys of watching films on the big screen so they are not that bad


>muh gamergate
Kill yourself

What's your problem with Gamergate?

Retards overblowing irrelevant non-issue

Video gaming is a bigger industry than film. A widely publicised review of a game can influence the movement of tens of millions of dollars. It can make or break entire video games companies, thousands of people's careers can hang in the balance when a popular online gaming site reviews a game.

Blatant and unapologetic corruption in this field is not a non-issue for people who's livelihoods are at stake, or for gamers who want unbiased advice on which $60 game to buy. Or for people who see a wider issue here and are concerned that this corruption, if tolerated, might lead to widespread covert advertisement in forums like Sup Forums's Sup Forums board.

But those complaining about it have to shut up because a female games reviewer got some nasty tweets, right? Who cares about impartiality in reviews that affect the $91 billion video games industry when a woman's feelings have been hurt?

You're either a scumbag liar trying to deflect criticism of your shilling, or a complete moron who believes whatever bullshit is shoved down your throat.

Has anyone else noticed the mountain of pedo and black dick shills on this board? They fucking flood topics and claim that those shitty, bottom of the barrel fetishes are good