Pain & Gain

>43% RT score


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I was surprised I liked this movie. It was like Goodfellas except with Meatheads instead of Italian gangsters.

Pain & Gain and 13 Hours are both legit good. Newfound respect for The Bay.

Critics felt like being generous it seems.


Critics are braindead and will shit on a director just because they don't like him, instead of actually watching the movie.

I recall people being incredibly buttblasted that the movie plays up the abuse and attempted murder of Tony Shaloub's character as a comedy bit... AND that the movie is based on a true story. That is to say, three guys really did try to kill that person and failed.

Like, taken on its own its a kinetic dumpster fire, with added fireworks. And that is how I took it; Fun. That being said, when it was new, people in the critical-world were upset that it was offensive.

Nice one.

I was drunk but I seem to remember laughing like a fucking child during a scene where some nigger was fucking a fat chick, the Rock was doing some push ups and shouting about 'a pump' while Marky was killing someone with dumbells.

Is this accurate? I should watch it again.

You should grow up.