Dawn of fishkino

Dawn of fishkino

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You mean Andrew Stanton made a good movie? Wow, that's new!

More like dawn of childish, gullible nostalgiafags

>94/100 reviewers gave this movie 7/10.

Fresh only needs 6/10

Why does anyone care where Dory is?

Depending on the standard deviation of scores, the mean of those 94 reviews is probably 9/10 or 8.5/10.

>incoming butthurt dcucks saying this review is paid by disney

Saw it today.

Was actually quite kino.

Easily a solid 8/10.

Can post spoilers if you guys want.



The only review that really matters is here


>he didn't even review it.
>just talks about how it reminds him of wagemurica

This is it, Disney is doomed



>Bloggers love an animated sequel to a known franchise spin off now with more lesbians and progressive themes

Wew who could have guessed

what are other examples of fishkino?


it has the average rating right next to the score nitwits, and it's 7.6

>Caring about kid's movies.

damn that looks tasteful

what kind of bread is that
chili looks great too

You should stop by sometime.

Leviathan from a couple years ago is one of the best documentaries ever made

Good food on ugly plates.

knowing that the movie is pretty much Finding Nemo: again, I can pretty much guess what'll happen.

This post makes me sentimental for those threads.

Disney wins, its over


>nemo cinematic universe incoming

i wonder what those other fish from the tank are up to

Saw a trailer a while back and it looked surprisingly cringy for pixar.

Where's the salt block. I miss them too =[

Can anyone stop the D-Man?