Oh it would be so sweet to see him once again Edition
/got/ general
Azor Jon!
I've decided I'm going to start namefagging in /got/ I really feel like I could blossom with this community. I hope you all welcome me
2bh i'll post in this thread for a bit since everything is slow
He's dead accept it.
And look into your heart, would you really want Stannis to still be in this sloppily written show?
>stabbed in the stomach
>falls in a river
>crawls all the way to somebodys house
>lies in bed for a day
>everything is fine
i heard jon was a manlet but holy fuck the height difference lmao
Yeah, Kit's a small guy
checked on the first post
>meanwhile in Dorne
Or Sansa is a giant Chav.
First for Mace the Ace, the one true King of Westeros.
The single light against the oncoming long night.
omg stop with this
this is a show with magic, dragons and ice zombies in it
would you prefer it if arya stark stayed bed-ridden and (still) not doing a fucking thing throughout the remainder of the season?
suspend your autism for a second ffs
i think that revealing that Stannis is actually Azor Ahai would be a great twist. Nobody ever belived that he was and he killed a loved one after all, like in the prophesy
Kit's like 5'7, he's a manlet. True Sophie's 5'10 which is tall for a chick, but not so tall that the average man , in American anyway not sure about UK, would be shorter than her or at least that much shorter than her
God I hate you Mace posters.
I've never understood the obsession. Are people just drawn to the appeal of an average looking girl because in some depth of their soul they think they would, in some possibility, have a chance with the actor?
Post >yfw
>jon snow getting destroyed by ramsay's impeccable archery skills
>wildlings start to falter and hesitate to retreat
>petyr baelish sends the knights of the vale in to kill all of the boltons and karstarks
>immediately cut to mereen
>daenerys' dragons are too hungry to fight all the slavers
>daenerys breaks down and starts crying
>lashes out at tyrion for attempting to make a deal with the slavers
>makes a bunch of ugly faces with her lips and eyes
>orders him to be executed by grey wurm
>suddenly 1000 ironborn ships come from behind
>the slavers stop attacking mereen and try to defend themselves
>it's too late euron kills them all
>daenerys is happy again and happily agrees to having sex with euron
>daenerys also orders daario to join in because she is the queen
Mace of my mace.
>posting from cellphone after being banned trying to Mace the Eight
nth for volcano cock
wow that is unsettling
>one double double please
Yes Mrs. Tarly I'd love some milk
She's cute. Cute!
Except Brienne had no reason not to kill him, and to be honest, Stannis makes a poor leader.
He's willing to do his duty, but he's too much of a sticklier to do what needs to be done sometimes. Like not killing Mance cause he wouldn't bend the knee when he could've just done a Jon at Hardhome type deal instead and had 100,000 dudes who'd fight alongside him when the time came
>dying instantly from stab wounds
You're seeing way too much meaning in waifu posting.
Bruh, you got no idea how based Mace is.
>tfw file name
I believe Preston said it best
Sam is going to go pro in league or something, screenshot this
This is now a NICE thread, and I suggest all rude posters LEAVE
>daenerys is happy again and happily agrees to having sex with euron
>daenerys also orders daario to join in because she is the queen
But user, they're the same person
why do people post the same retarded shit from thread to thread?
i'm actually wondering this cuz it seems like a major reason for mods banning /got/ gens in the off season
is there anything comfier than Brienne chapters?
>Podrick Payne
>Ser Hyle Hunt
>Septon Meribald
>The Elder Brother
>Ser Creighton Longbough
>Ser Illifer
>Nimble Dick Crabb
>Lord Randyll Tarly
>Ser Shadrich the Mad Mouse
>Lem Lemoncloak
>Thoros of Myr
>Lady Stoneheart
>themes of war and the aftermath of war
>poverty and peasants, among the smallfolk
>feels like a folk tale
Welcome newfriend.
Now get out.
is this his real dick?
Feel free to amaze us with your brilliant insights into the show or books at anytime.
Breaks my heart every time, too bad Jon didn't learn the master kissing technique.
nah, i've been here for a while
seems like a lot of autism posting the same shit over and over again
>same pictures
>same retarded FOR MY WAIFU garbage
Brienne chapters are good but they are far from comfy.
What did D&D mean by this?
Based! Jon bros are the best posters, and Jon will carry the best episode of the season AGAIN!
thank you
everyone i talk to hates them with a passion
but there's so much good stuff
it's the only time you see what it's like for the peasantry
Sure, why not
>madness has had its day
>proceeds to be an absolute madman
Why is he so perfect, Macelyte bros?
>nah, i've been here for a while
>a month
You mean like every general that has its own memes on this site do?
A month is not a "while" newfag.
Seriously, get out, you're cancer.
Based Jon reunion thread, thanks OP. And thank you, Jonbro.
they often feel quiet and peaceful despite all the corpses all over the place.
the only tense moments are the duel at the whispers, the duel at the inn, and the whole lady stoneheart hanging thing
the rest feels like a slow and easy fantasy quest through the countryside, all about stuff like honour and duty and chivalry
It's almost as beauty is subjective
Fuck you
consistency in story and lore is different than fantasy elements faggot
can't wait until the season ends and you faggots have nowhere to go (again)
I love the Brienne stuff, incredibly underrated IMO. Shit all over Sansa or Sam chapters
I don't believe it is
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
We see you
Spotted the newfag
There's a blooper reel, Rory McCann pulls it out and yells as it plops into the water. Heard the whole crew lost their shit for hours and couldn't work for the rest of the day.
>Dabid, you remember when you taught me how to master kiss Dabid? Remember when you stuck your middle finger Dabid, that was hot Dabid, we gotta do it on the show Dabid.
Should have just rolled over into some shit filled canal and swam to safety. Would have survived no problem.
>can't even spell his name correctly
hi showfag redditor!
your post doesn't even make sense.
Tfw no rascal friend to make sneaky attempts at my boipussy
I've had enough of your snide insinuations newfag, you have to go back
>He doesn't love Jewish women
legitimately kill yourself
>Stannis autists sperging out again
No it's
"Beholding is in the eye of the beauty"
Don't be mad, uglyfriend.
Not everyone can be pretty like this beautiful bastard.
not again
Based Stannisbro, I hold no ill will against you.
Carry on.
Jon is so cool all my friends on Reddit like him unlike that gay stannis faggot!
I feels your pain.
Honour and duty in the face of hopeless quests for sometimes questionable aims. Surrounded by war, horror, suffering, death.
She gets a firsthand look at how society is falling apart. Its not comfy, in fact it parallels Jaime's early experiences that turned him from a honest and true knight into what he eventually became. Especially with that last chapter or two.
this is too funny.
poor little guy.
>Dany goes to Westeros to conquer it
>lands in the North because it's an easy target after the battle for Winterfell
>just in time to fight the White Walkers
Stannisautist falseflagging as a Jonautist falseflagging as a stannisautist?
I am at a loss for words.
/got/ is STANNIS territory!!! Gay Jon fags leave
Don't be upset, Stannisbro. There's enough room in this general for all of us.
i am really looking forward jon meeting his auntie bro. you excited too?
likely just Jonautist falseflagging as a stannisautist.
Yep, it was always a stannisfag sperging out. His level of autism will never be matched
I know. There's only so many ways you can say disgusting.
You can tell those guys are tiny by their big ass heads.
Best couple!