What's the legacy of The Daily Show?
What's the legacy of The Daily Show?
Did it ruin a generation?
>initially good and entertaining
>started sucking Obama's dick the second he got into office
>propelled the OWS movement
>OWS evolved into the SJW movement
>SJW movement runs rampant
>Trump capitalizes on subsequent PC insanity
>elected president
good job Jon!
A generation of extra deluded lefties with no idea on how the world really works outside of their safe zones.
it's funny for reasons you'll figure out eventually
a shameful reminder of what it was like to be young stupid and naive.
Learned English watching it.
That's the spirit, user.
Every fucking late night talk show host having to ram their retarded (and exactly same) opinions down our throats to get more of his childish audience.
Fuck Jon Stewart and his political horseshit for ruining late night and introducing the worst audience ever.
I love how it's always the same autist spamming this awful screencap
I'm fascinated by the things of which really desperate adults can persuade themselves. All things considered I'd have to say I'm the better off.
a prime example of how your audience will shrink when all you do is pander to people within your echo chamber
>no u
>projecting this hard
it was literally god tier tv until they lost stewart. now its just awful
Aired in February, fucktard
Spot on desu
Pretty good if you were liberal
OK if you are libertarian or republican
Bad comedy.
John Oliver is the only debatable successor to the Daily Show. That's not my opinion, it's the only option.
The fact that Trevor Noah's show uses the same name is revolting, and I have never been able of even finishing an episode of the Nightly Show.
a generation of liberals who get all their information from extremely biased cuck comedians
I watched the June 13th episode. It was a 22 minutes of lecturing me about why guns are bad. I'm a cucknadian so I don't know what he was hoping to accomplish. I could only take down a handful of homos with my SKS since it is pinned to 5 rounds in the magazine.
Silly immigrant, you can't change the US constitution.
Smug faggotry