Given the right armour and weapons, how many Boltons could Wun Wun take on?

Given the right armour and weapons, how many Boltons could Wun Wun take on?

Why don't they just give him a massive bow and set him hundreds of meters back, and let him snipe the Bolton army with branch-sized arrows?

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He'll either die instantly or take out like fifty of them, the writers will decide.

Why not just give him an armored mammoth and dress him in full chainmail making him a Cataphract?

Pretty sure 20 good men could take him down.

he'll die due to expensive cg

giants are half blind and hodor or victarion levels of intelligence.

But how will they spend the saved budget? A "cock" Tyrion Scene, or another 5 second shot of Drogon?

Yeah, they could have him do that. They could even have him single out Ramsay and snipe him. Then again I don't know if Wun Wun is a skilled archer like the ones we saw attacking the Wall.

It's all moot because D&D will want him to swat a bunch of horsemen with a big log again before tragically dying to a billion spears thrown at him at once.

:(. There must be something about Winterfell that just makes the attackers plan like retards (Stannis, Jon)

Give him full chain and plate armour, with a Trident and weighted net, gladiator style. He could just bladestorm and fuck everyone up