Tfw Alex is the better Marine

>tfw Alex is the better Marine
>tfw he'll get sent home because he is a manlet
Walk tall, short legs

is this the actors shirtless on a balcony thread?

why are women so..simplistic?

is there a single other male bodytype that they're attracted to other than HURR DURR MUSCLES ABS AND BICEPS?

men even find women's FEET attractive. FEET.
they can find the smallest details about women attractive.

do women like anything about guys that isn't just dude muscles lmao?

How tall is he anyways?

>men even find women's FEET attractive. FEET.

we find mens eyes extremly attractive, given that they are attractive.

Like 5'7"

>Chad is always trying to measure his service dick

A lot of my female friends likes forearms, I've heard some say that back were sexy too.

Eyes, legs, back especially for me. Not particularly muscular either. I also am really into a nice set of lips.

And body type is kinda over mentioned. I'd let Billy Bob Thornton, Chris Evans & Craig Robinson take a crack at me.

Oh gosh, Fassbender is not anything special. Tom Hardy is where it's at.

would you let me take your crack?