What went wrong?
What went wrong?
tried to cram in way too many protagonists
also plot was needlessly complicated for a 10 episode season
Not enough memes
Shit plot, shit characters, shit pacing.
I miss Vinceposting...
It was half anaconda, half great white
The writing was absolutely garbage but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy more than the first, once I started watching in anticipation of the next ridiculous Frank-monologue.
It didn't have non-existent references to those old supernatural stories you read about on the internet so you couldn't project a more interesting story onto it.
this is pretty much it I think. nobody was as relateable as woody or as charismatic/interesting as ol rust
people would have liked it a lot more if it had a different name.
Can we all agree that the final death knell of the season was that ridiculous shootout?
Just fucking terrible storytelling. It was impossible to follow just by watching each episode once. There's nothing wrong with going back and rewatching episodes for subtle clues but the main story was so all over the place that no one knew what the fuck was going on.
I was so bored out of my mind by the time it happened that I was just glad the screen was flashing and there was bang bang sounds. At least something was finally happening, even if it made no sense and ultimately didn't mean push the story forward significantly.
I liked it more than season 1. The second half of season 1 was just awful.
>The writing was absolutely garbage
How so?
What was wrong with the shootout?
>It was impossible to follow just by watching each episode once.
Maybe if you're an imbecile.
I loved it but had to pause it sometimes just to catch who the hell half the characters were. They brought back a few towards the end that had only been seen once before and only for a few seconds. Hell how the fuck was I supposed to recognise the soldiers that had a firefight in the dark in the second last episode. I felt like I had to go to the true detective sub reddit to do supplementary reading after every ep after the third one. For normie viewers that isn't an option. Det velcoro is still by far and away Colin farrells best part and vince is actually likeable for once. The slow had some of the best writing and character psychology of any tv show period. It's a flawed master piece
season one is perfect. a masterpiece.
maybe my favorite season of any series ever.
so you can imagine how excited I was for season 2.
I watched 3 episodes, maybe.
literally stopped watching due to them not getting into any plot points yet.
they were on character development on 10 fucking people without any overall idea to why
>It's like blue balls...for my heart
>I never go the dentist...never even had a fucking cavity
>so the season's crime is about a murder, but he was a bad guy because he knew some crooked cops in the 90s, who killed this family to steal some diamond, whose kids went on to kill the guy for revenge, but the crooked cops are still doing bad stuff in the present, because sex parties involving politicians, and one of the kids was part of the sex parties, oh and shady land deals involving toxic runoff, something mexicans and russian gangsters, something mercenary company in iraq, something dad was part of a commune that became the sex parties?
The story and writing were absolute fucking dog shit. You can cut 50% of it and it would still be loaded to the gills with superfluous garbage.
First reply best reply. Also, too much edginess.
Not enough amazing big firm tits
M8 I've got bad news for you, it's about your IQ. also you're being diagnosed as a full blown normie. 1st season was perfect, nope but close. The ending was a huge cop out, and half the build up of previous episodes went nowhere. Season 2 was ballsier didn't take shortcuts and treated the viewers as intelligent adults
Exactly this. Thread is over
too many women got involved, and women ruin everything they have any semblance of creative control over
Vince Vaughn went wrong
>It's like blue balls...for my heart
I always took this particular line as Frank pretending to be someone he isn't.
That line isn't actually in the show I don't think.
>so the season's crime is about a murder, but he was a bad guy because he knew some crooked cops in the 90s, who killed this family to steal some diamond, whose kids went on to kill the guy for revenge, but the crooked cops are still doing bad stuff in the present, because sex parties involving politicians, and one of the kids was part of the sex parties, oh and shady land deals involving toxic runoff, something mexicans and russian gangsters, something mercenary company in iraq, something dad was part of a commune that became the sex parties?
What's wrong with any of this?
What went wrong? Hell. What went right? I swear I was born with two left hands, Ray. Its the only explanation as to why everything in my life is wrong.
>What's wrong with any of this?
Rather than being a compelling mystery that unravels naturally it just feels like a bloated, contrived mess of shit.
Honestly so many things went wrong immediately in S2 that's it's seriously difficult to pin down, but the acting was the biggest downgrade from S1. S1 had super memorable extras and one off characters that stuck with you because the actor nailed his scene. In S2 even most of the leads are really bad.
Implying Colin Farrell wasn't GOAT
>too many main characters
>main plot doesn't get started fast enough
>all of the characters are maximum edgy with no levity at all
>seriously the characters are borderline parodies of edgy character types with how over the top they are
>plot is almost incoherent and really boring
Season 1 was great because Pizzaman spent years writing it and had a lot of time to plagiarize good stuff. He still fumbled the ending but it was fucking great. The other bonus was Cary Joji Fuckunigga directed every episode and he is a great director with a great eye and probably changed parts of the story for the better.
He was okay. Nothing close to as good as the S1 leads, and literally every other actor was awful.
>10 episodes
>all these congratulatory replies
season 2 was 8 episodes, all these shills are shitting on a show they didnt even watch
Implying vince Vaughan didn't command screen presence
that just reinforces the point though
He was such a clown and so completely out of his depth that he's barely worth talking about.
i watched it a year ago or whatever, sorry i didn't recall how many episodes were in it. however saying it was 8 rather than 10 actually makes that point stronger.
I hated vv before this. Couldn't stand the guy. He was good, face it.
>Rather than being a compelling mystery that unravels naturally it just feels like a bloated, contrived mess of shit.
I'll give you that it's convoluted, because it's evident that the protagonists were meant to drive this season but it didn't gel with a lot of people because the protagonists for season 2 are very down in the dumps in the worst ways.
they tell you in the fucking song
>the war was lost
Cut gay cop, he did nothing but find the body.
Focus more on Frank's past and his rise without stupid monologues. More weird sex stuff.
Nothing went wrong.
It was too redpilled for pussies and they cried so hard they tried to get it cancelled BEFORE it premiered.
>He was good, face it.
He really, really wasn't. He was so miscast and unconvincing that I don't think there was a single scene he was in that didn't pull me out of the story.
Literally nothing
We get the world we deserve.
And with the reception of the second season, we will be getting the television we deserve. Fuck plebs.
>make an acclaimed, popular tv show meant to spawn an anthology series based on detectives
>second season is so bad the whole thing goes tits up
Is there a show that went from 100 to 0 faster?
What's your fucking problem? Can't stand to see another man succeed so you have to pull him down? Well if a man doesn't fancy being pulled down, that just leaves you to put up.
Casper knew this.
i'd actually say you're doing damage control
>I like it because memes
he who denied it supplied it
Frankposting temporarily elevated Sup Forums memeing to a level that will never be seen again.
HBO will be announcing at the TCA's in late July or early August that Pizzolatto is out and they are ordering a third season of TD which will air in 2017. They have another singular writer doing all 8 episodes. I can't say who it is and don't expect anyone to believe me but it's the truth. Also they are currently searching for a director. No one attached yet but I've heard they are hoping for a woman.
Screenshot this post.
>a vague, media breakdown of Season 1 followed by a vague reference to typical Season 2 criticisms posted on Plebbit
Try watching a show or movie before commenting, Junior.
>Hoping for a woman.
Unless it's Andrea Arnold or Jane Campion (who is currently working on Top of the Lake with Akapaw), I'm not fucking interested.
Meritocracy. Don't fuck up my TD. Anymore tidbits about the development? Who pushed for it?
Old head of programming got pushed out. New guy has no loyalty to Pizzolatto and no reason to keep his toxic name around. They will eat the rest of his deal and let him walk in 2018.
Are any prestigious directors/writers interested? They need someone like Pizzalato or Noah Hawley.
I really fucking hope they don't get some sort of a mash of the usual HBO staff directors. Are they looking at film directors?
That's such a shame that people view Pizza as toxic now.
Katheryn Winnick and Stephen Dillane would get me hype without knowing anything about the story, the director or the writer.
>Kicking Pizza man off his own show
That's pretty brutal, but he deserves it after S2.
Not saying anything about the writer, sorry.
No clue if they're looking at film or tv directors but they do want all episodes directed by same person (thought I made that clear in my first post desu)
I think Katheryn plays a great Viking, but I can't see her in the TD universe.
Dillane, yes. I see it.
I just hope it's Mendelsohn and then I don't care who else.
Assuming you know the writer attached, is it possible to give us their initials? An first initial and the last letter of their last name? Or anything to prove you right in a month or two?
Have they written anything acclaimed in television or cinema? Any word of what the season will center round? I'm milking you senpai. I'm dying for some news.
Its all bullshit man
He's pulling your leg
I have a screenshot folder of about 200 things that never came to pass
good scenes
1- ???
2- Ray gets shot
3- Ray's dream
4- ???
5- tokyo drift getaway
6- Ray does a shitload of coke
7- ???
8- ???
that's like, 10 minutes total screentime
Pic related is a good reason for not liking S2. Los Angeles is the most boring, unoriginal setting outside of New York or San Francisco.
Kind of wish it was New Orleans or Texas or something.
>its boring
>its "bloated"
>its "contrived"
>the le pacing was bad
not an argument.
plebs uses these meme criticisms against things they simply can not understand. just like Apocalypse Now Redux version. (embryos just cant handle that cinema)
A whole true detective thread with no frank posting?
motorcycle scene at the end of 1st episode
literally absolutely nothing
it gave us vinceposting
all the minor/one-off characters in S1 had mostly fantastic actors
the ones in S2 were god fucking awful
nothing, gave us the best girl
Nothing went wrong, it was an absolute masterpiece and it's a great pleb filter.
S2 is better than S1
this is my least favorite waifu
any setting is better then fucking new york
>season 2
>two okay actors plus 2 shit
>season 1
>two great actors
hahahaha.. oh wow.
Sometimes you fuck the script and sometimes the script fucks you, Ray.
Caspre understood this.
in a survey of redditors, 93.9% preferred season 1
season 2 is the patrician, Sup Forums choice
>I always took this particular line as Frank pretending to be someone he isn't.
a good actor?
So much this
I read this in vaugn's voice, it fits.
>birdman shooting velcoro
>gay cop dies
>velcoro's speech about fucking some kid's parent's corpse
People who don't like S2 demonstrate they were never intelligent enough to realize what made S1 actually good and are simply retards who were entertained and gave it no more thought.
S2 was a greek tragedy. Too smart for plebs.
S1 had a good beginning and middle
S2 had a good end
S2 was a good friend
I would like to see some of those
They killed off characters at the last moment purely to make people talk about it.
It was far to pessimistic and suffered from having different directors.
That being said, even though I don't like how it end's, I still think its kind genius.
Season 2 was a fucking mess. A lot of shit going on but at the same time nothing ever fucking happens and then all of a sudden everyone is fucking dead. Rachel McAddams was cute though, so there's that
They killed them off because it was a greek tragedy you fucking plebs. They died due to hubris and refusal to let go of the past. Notice how the women survived, because they let their loved ones go and moved on.
is the director thing a meme? It sounds like people just repeat it to sound educated. It's not like S2 had bad direction. Directors don't even have the power in TV, the showrunners do.
They fucked up and the only way out was killing everyone because they didnt know what to do with such fucking mess.
>i guess your not smart enuff XD
The first half was perfect, I likes it more than season 1
It was a greek tragedy from the very beginning, one of the main characters is literally named Antigone.
Sup Forums is completely infested with uneducated plebs, this thread proves it.