The Hedge Knight edition
/got/+/asoiaf/ general
Azor Jon
>he's back
Bradamante's gonna get triggered
I see Dunk spent a winter in Eleum Loyce
I like how she looks around all "look at these bitch ass niggas"
don't do this to me user thats too much nostalgia
>season 6 ends with a parallel shot of arya and dany sailing to westeros
First for Ser Duncan greatest knight in Westeros
well that's almost how season 4 ended with Tyrion and Arya heading to Essos
wouldn't put it past them
but i believe season 6 ends on a destructive note- the destruction of king's landing, and the falling of the Wall.
>the cast of Deadwood are at camp, showering Sandor with gifts and the songs of their people
>The Hound smiles, enjoying this valuable cultural experience
>a cry is heard in the distance
>suddenly, the camera pans to the thundering stampede of a thousand men on horses
>we see Lady Stoneheart driving the men to fight by cracking a flaming whip
>in the distance, peasant women and children are burning, the soundtrack a high screaming wail
>"Yes," cries Thoros, "R'hllor hungers!"
>Sandor looks on, his burned face grief-stricken
>"Many Faced God save us," the Hound whispers, "she's even making the women and children pay the Iron price!"
>and who, are you...
That's a frog helmet.
this fucking meme always gets me laffing for some reason
Can they please just put GOT on hold for a few years, and give us DnE, by the time their done at least the TWOW would be out
Dunk the Lunk is no knight, he's a fraud who is responsible for Baelor Breakspear's death and the fall of the Targaryen Dynasty.
>tee hee hee hee
we're not done discussing this.....
Jack black?
Reminder that Preston is our boi, and if you don't like him you need to get back to or /r/gameofthrones, or tumblr, or wherever.
who 2cool4/got/ and post exclusively in non general threads?
benjen is going to make a paste out of her and feed it to Bran
And the "most reddit post of the day" award goes to...
Meaker killed Bealor and it was almost def, Bran or BR fault,
Dunk did nothing wrong!!'
I think she was just faking a laugh ftom being nervous.
only showfags do this
Only redditor normie fags like preston
Reddit hates Preston
Hedge knight in borrowed armor unsetting the king.... ring any bells frogfu lover?
Reminder that the Red Widow totally ditched her Lannister husband to track down Dunk and fuck him. I can see where Tywin/Tyrion/Jaime/Cersei got the cuckness from.
I think the shot in the trailer of him screaming with his sword out isn't during the battle at all but him running at Melly after finding out about Shireen
anyone else?
The things Preston has made up about this series are honestly sometimes more interesting than whats in the books.
reminder that Preston is literally Larry 2.0, in terms of what he is to /got/ as a youtuber cult icon
how many of you here post on freefolk and westeros
Dunk the BASED first of his name
The fuck's he gonna do though, really?
We know he's at the battle, so then what? Assuming he lives, he's going to kill Mel?
I mean I know the books aren't much of a guide anymore, but presumably she's able to detect that? The books say she always checks for threats to herself and is good at it.
Reminder that 85+% of /got/ doesn't know who larry is.
I hope we see The Mountain splitting some skulls in the next ep. I don't even care whose skulls at this point but it's a huge cocktease.
He's going to cry and report this to jon like the pathetic faggot he's
otaaaakuuu assssemble
He's practically writing a 'perpendicular' novel. A parallel novel is a novel featuring usually minor characters from an extant novel, following events either only alluded to or not featured at all in that novel, eg Peter Carey's Jack Maggs and Dickens' Great Expectations.
But Preston is writing a novel featuring all the same characters and events, but radically different meanings and motivations. At some point they'd diverge, but they're perfectly 'perpendicular' through books 1-5.
He should really just re-skin the characters and placenames and use his own ideas.
Reminder Stannis is both alive and the Rightful King of Westeros
This faggot's youtube channel is neither insightful nor entertaining. I'll never understand the appeal.
thought that was a unicorn for a second
I want some Skagos shit already
we can have /asoiaf/ general around the year right?
except larry was actually based and preston is an autistic faggot
The war was lost. The treaty signed. I was not cucked ...
we'll likely move to /lit/ or /tg/
I thought we are all showfags at this point
k don't watch then
>10 minutes with Ros
>1 hour with Mira
>1 day with Sansa actress
>1 week with Melisandre
>1 month with Margaery
>1 year with Missandei
>1 winter with Dany
which do you pick?
I see
no, mods delete that shit
How? Does the universe have a board game?
Who is Duncan?
prestonfags are quickly becoming more obnoxious than jonautists and stannisfags, hell you're even more obnoxious than the jonsa autist
showfag, pls
my whole life with Walda Frey
1 winter with Dany
>frog helm
Why would he wear a jousting helmet while traveling?
>move to /lit/
I do not foresee this working out.
she'll eat your supplies in the first hour
go to /lit/
oh wait
Dany she is forever horney af in her POV, no chance of unwanted kids
don't tell me what to do
1 week with melisandre
1 second with Stannis
m8 please I'm the one who makes those.
1 year with Missandei easily. I'd tour the Free Cities with her. She may be a slave, but she's educated, she's pretty and I'd get to be with her a long time.
>tfw no Cersei option
and outside of the universe, there are campaign and roleplay games.
But mostly /tg/ because /tg/ is the place for nerdy pop cultural niches, they have a Star Wars general and an Elder Scrolls general where they mostly discuss lore autistically
s m h
A whole winter breeding Dany, what more could be asked?
I don't mind some qt little khalesie gut
does least amount of time signify desirability? cus you got your shit all mixed up
Really? Thanks their usually pretty funny
come on now
Whole winter with season 1/2 Dany.
/lit/ does have some pretty good ASOIAF related threads occasionally, but every time an eternal general has tried to go there it hasn't worked
basically we'd need a slow transition and not be too obvious that we're settling a general, and it would work
>implying I'm not a dragon
found the preston fag
Nth for this
margaery is the objectively correct answer
1 summer with jojo
El topo?
What kind of fucking stupid question is this? Either a year with Missandei or a Winter with Dany.
she's too busy reading her bible to get into bed with you
retard she's not actually brainwashed, didn't you watch the episode with the rose drawing?
What a pretentious peice of shit that was
Desire isn't necessary, only patience.
>he fell for something the audience isn't supposed to fall for
Preston is awesome. Only Chad Summerfags think otherwise.
1 day with sophie