ITT: Movies that Americans are too stupid to understand.
ITT: Movies that Americans are too stupid to understand
they dont like it, thats all
for me, i just dont get No country for old man
it must an American thing
More like "movies chinks are too stupid to pay for"
MoS and BvS
I think you need to rephrase that one my friend. The chinks literally payed for the movie.
it's good for them that the chinks litterally saved the movie from bombing.Can you imagine if this movie was banned in china like deadpool.Would have been the biggest flop and failure in decades.
What is there to understand exactly?
Allegory for the Israel Palestine conflict
Allgory for the European migrant crisis and the conflict between liberal and conservative immigration policies.
I'm russian and can understand them. This movie is shit.
ur mom is shit xD
hayaas reddit
You have to go back
so .. issues America doesnt give a flying fuck about then
It's true that I've seen some absolutely retarded posts about it on here, but I think that's more Sup Forums being Sup Forums than the US necessarily. After all, for all we know, those posters could've been from the UK
consider it rephrased
its just painfully bad. it makes the Hobbit look good.
the only thing I dont understand about it is "how the fuck did this pass quality assurance?"
American critics don't like it because Legendary got bought by the Chinese recently and Hollywood Jews don't want the chinks invading on their turf
Also a lot of young American viewers dont like Warcraft anymore because they feel like they are "over" it
in all honestly it's not even close to as bad as the critics are making it out to be.
this is coming from a person who absolutely hates neo-blizzard
the movie as a whole WAS rushed, especially the ending. the movies ends within like 5 minutes of the final battle, but i'd be interested to see what's in the 40 minutes they cut out
it's not LOTR, but it's really not a bad film. 6.5/10
The Orc arc was awesome. The Human arc was shit. Guldan/Duratan was great.
>i just dont get No country for old man
>it must an American thing
No Country For Old Men was written by the most American of American writers, Tortilla YeCarthy. It's not American to not understand shit, just simply laziness.
In short NCFOM is a Catholic parable of the consequence of sin and selfishness.
Post YFW when you realize Chigurh isn't the's Llewellyn.
So the same people who like BvS like this too? Contrarian baiters?
My same exact thoughts with my same exact score.
It'll be interesting to see if we get a sequel, because I feel like they would be much better considering we have some based shit coming if we do get them like
>Uther the mutha fuckin Lightbringer
>Thrall going Orc-Moses
>Orgrim going hard and annihilating Gul'Dan
>Ner'Zhul (hopefully)
>Trolls joining the Horde
>Huge fucking battle and Blackrock Mountain.
Hopefully based chinks have saved this series for the future.
the blizzcuck neckbeard meltdown feels like a cheap knockoff of the DCuck meltdown from a month ago
Marvel trolls at it again I see.