What did the terminator mean by this?
What did the terminator mean by this?
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Needs potential
>the tried and true character redemption story arc
it has never failed since the shakespeare days
It was accounting for niggers and other shitskins.
probably for manlets
So the terminator sees everything with a HUD? Why wouldn't the computer just feed "0.0 casualties" directly to his CPU? Why does he need to read it?
no bonus situation
How do you know that's direct feed from his eyes?
He was recreating the Dean Wormer scene from Animal House
did the t-1000 see like this? we never saw his point of view.
me? I think he did.
because thats his display how else would he know what his stats are
you fucking retarded
why did he wear glasses if he doesn't need eyes to see?
a computer doesn't need its own display moron
The HUD at least makes sense in that it allows the viewer limited access to the machines thoughts.
Much more forgiveable than Skynet having humanoid robots drive trucks for it.
How else would he know what he's doing you fucking mongoloid
he only needs the feed from the cameras in his eyes you cock sucking piece of shit
How else do you know what you're doing?
Do you have something you read to tell you to put one foot in front of the other or move your hand?
came to make this joke
listen you fuckface
he needs to know his status
lets say the terminator is like a computer
for it to see 0.0 casualties it needs the input from its eyes or camera
then it needs to go to the processor through the ram
then in order to see the output it needs a display that says 0.0
so his eyes need to see 0.0 before he understands how much casualties he has
What this idiot can't articulate is that the HUD is the only way to convey to the audience what's going on inside the Terminator. But yeah, you're right that if there ever was anything like the Terminator, it wouldn't need a HUD like that to display information it already knows.
printf("Human\n Casualties: %.1f", humanCasualties);
but he already knows the status before it's displayed because he is the computer, you worthless faggot
yes the computer calculates it but how would the terminator see the results if it iisnt displayed?
jesus christ ur dense
how do you not understand that the computer and the terminator are one? there is no duality, you uncultured swine
The terminator is a robot, there is a difference.
Because it's a movie and movies are a visual medium you fucking idiot.
The terminator literally is the computer you moron. If the system calculates 0 casualties it knows this already to display it in a HUD is redundant.
there's no difference. he is a computer, he doesn't need a fucking hud, you inbred pedophile
the terminator is a robot you dumb fuck, it uses a computer but if the computer outputs 0.0 how is the terminator gonna read it? its because it is displayed in his eyes
USB bro, USB
Niggers are only worth 0.3
I always thought it meant to include wounded. Like if a wound was severe enough that they could die from it, it would included in the .0 part.
The higher the number, the greater the chance the wound would result in death.
Literally no way this isn't bait at this point but I'll take it anyway
Imagine you put your hand on a hot stove and burn it, you don't need a readout to pop up in front of your eyes telling you the temperature of the stove and the safe temperature for human skin and a flashing sign telling you your hand is burning, you get an electrical signal sent to your brain (read: computer) that tells you to move your hand
he was wondering wether or not to be an islamist robot
5 star post
The readout is for debugging.