Name a black and white film that is actually as immersive, engaging and as thrilling as color films.
Protip: You can't.
Black and White films are boring, outdated, and laughable in comparison to color films.
Name a black and white film that is actually as immersive, engaging and as thrilling as color films.
Protip: You can't.
Black and White films are boring, outdated, and laughable in comparison to color films.
12 Angry Men
Night of the living dead.
Dr Strangelove
>Night of the living dead.
The 1990 version was better.
I agree. but it still is better than alot of color films
hey thats what i came to say
Schindler's list
Young frankenstein
Paths of glory
ummm The Artist checkmate geek
>Schindler's list
These don't count. They are stylistic modern films.
My negroes.
Also honorable mention to Dr. Strangelove
Battle of the Ice.
Seventh Seal
This is me, Marco talking. Fifty-two red Queens and me are telling you - you know what we're telling you? - it's over. The links, the beautifully-conditioned links are smashed. They're smashed as of now because we say so, because we say they ought to be smashed. We're bustin' up the joint, we're tearin' out all the wires, we're bustin' it up so good all the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men will never put ol' Raymond back together again. You don't work anymore. That's an order. Anybody invites you to a game of solitaire - you tell 'em: "Sorry, buster, the ball-game is over!"
clerks was due to budgetary reasons.
paths of glory
12 angry man
>12 angry man
Seven Samurai
The anvil hoarder (1930).
Beau Geste.
[Its not French]
A film being immersive, thrilling or engaging doesn't hinge on whether it's in colour or black & white. The fact that you think a film will be boring simply by virtue of the fact that it's in black and white shows how few of them you've seen. In short, you're a pleb and you shouldn't share your opinion because it's not worth shit
>What is your view of colour?
>At the moment, I don't think colour film is anything more than a commercial gimmick. I don't know a single film that uses colour well. In any colour film the graphics impinge on one's perception of the events. In everyday life we seldom pay any special attention to colour. When we watch something going on we don't notice colour. A black-and-white film immediately creates the impression that your attention is concentrated on what is most important. On the screen colour imposes itself on you, whereas in real life that only happens at odd moments, so it's not right for the audience to be constantly aware of colour. Isolated details can be in colour if that is what corresponds to the state of the character on the screen. In real life the line that separates unawareness of colour from the moment when you start to notice it is quite imperceptible. Our unbroken, evenly paced flow of attention will suddenly be concentrated on some specific detail. A similar effect is achieved in a film when coloured shots are inserted into black-and-white.
>Colour film as a concept uses the aesthetic principles of painting, or colour photography. As soon as you have a coloured picture in the frame it becomes a moving painting. It's all too beautiful, and unlike life. What you see in cinema is a coloured, painted plane, a composition on a plane. In a black-and-white film there is no feeling of something extraneous going on, the audience can watch the film without being distracted from the action by colour. From the moment it was born, cinema has been developing not according to its vocation, but according to purely commercial ideas. That started when they began making endless film versions of classics.
hi quads
Black and white samurai films are based.
The elephant man
u wot
Impressive. Very nice
Last time someone made a post like this they got publicly banned. I wish that would happen again
hi trips
400 blows
La Haine
the only movies I watch are black on white, what's this black and white you're blabbering about?
For whatever reason this film hit perfectly on all cylinders, at least for me.
There was so much that was "real" about the characters, and how broken all their individual lives had become. A few very minor plot elements didn't make sense, but the execution of the film was marvelous.
hard to be a god
Watch Treasure of The Sierra Madre
Absolute bullshit.