Why is she so darn mean to everyone?

Why is she so darn mean to everyone?

I thought women were nice back then.

Also I just started season 2, so no spoilers please.

>I thought women were nice back then.


Because this was filmed in now times where women are entitled cunts because of societies' promises to them, which will never, ever come to light because those same promises were made at a different time where men behaved differently.

were girls actually this mean in 1961?

Women are only nice when you have full control of them.

They're like dogs, you must train them or they will run wild.

My wife was much poorer than me and we moved to another country, she has no way of returning home if she wants and she relies on me for sustenance. She has no friends and tends to the house. It is the way of the man.

No women were just as cunty as they are now.

What about your wife's children?

We have no children, I fear they will grow to rebel my ways later on in life.

This. You're bigger than her and if she talks back you can grab her shoulders and push her under the ground.

>My wife was much poorer than me and we moved to another country, she has no way of returning home if she wants and she relies on me for sustenance. She has no friends and tends to the house. It is the way of the man.
Sounds like a prisoner.