Have video games surpassed film as a powerful medium for artistic expression?

Have video games surpassed film as a powerful medium for artistic expression?

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When you buy a washing machine it should come with a laundry basket that indicates how much can fit into the washing machine.

yes. not as recently as e3 2016 though

It's literally some fucking obscure scene that doesn't mean anything.

Seems like kojima-drones will force his shit anyway.

It's quite obviously a jab at Konami and mourning over his lost franchises

No. God that's fucking stupid. That whole theory.
>hurr le 5 men are le 5 games
There are way more than 5 games shitcunt.

>mfw trying yet again to get into video games
>mfw the story is always fucking dogshit
>mfw the dialogue is always embarrassingly bad

Death Strands trailer was actually GOAT as a extremely short film, which it is meant to be. Who knows what the rest will entail, but it was literally the best trailer at E3.

>leftover assets from silent hills
too bad del toro isnt working on it anymore thanks to konami

>but it was literally the best trailer at E3.
It was good, but that ain't saying much.