How do you fix this?

How do you fix this?

Other urls found in this thread: 2005

Bring back Full Frontal, pray for the best

End competitive reality tv. Done.

More seasons of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.

Bring back Shark Bay

More renovation shows
More cooking shows
More consumer watch shows

>bland drama
>reruns of BBC crap
>some occasionally funny comedy
>some OK-ish science and foreign reportage

Best show by a country mile is Gardening Australia.

10 and its digital cousins
>US reality and crime crap
>The Project

7 and 9
not worth mentioning

overall it's complete rubbish except for gardening Australia.

Its beyond repair, just get foxtell and accept that on a holiday you only have 80s and 90s vhs quality movies to watch on FTA tv

reality show where you renovate a kitchen then cook in it

>tfw we'll never have the GOAT SBS Monday night line up of Top Gear, Pizza, South Park, Lee Lin Chin, and sneaky Euro nudity film again