Mad Men has the deepest lore

In s2e2 (Flight 1) a plane crashes and kills Pete's dad and the Mohawk Airline account. When Don goes to the Japanese restaurant to break up with Mohawk this song is playing in the background:

The singer of this song, Kyu Sakamoto, died in the deadliest single plane crash in history.


How is a reference even remotely close to lore?

>Japanese restaurant
Wearing Qipao.
Try again fatso.

shittiest "acclaimed" series ever that only fedoras watch

Matthew Weiner's creative control over every aspect of this series is unrivaled. Historical accuracy, design, etc. Amazing.

you're the fedora honestly mate

breaking bad's epic huh?

>its a don feeling like shit and going through existential crisis episode


The only argument he lost I can think of was the decision to switch from 35mm to digital. He was really against it, but fucking AMC wanted to cut production costs wherever they could.

interesting, i was lucky enough to attend a panel last year w. him and the cast and he talked of how The Suitcase was created quickly out of need for a bottle episode re: financial constraints. Lemons to lemonade.

I think switching to digital added to the atmosphere, like its clearly different from the earlier seasons. The 60's ending and more bright 70's on the horizon also times are changing and Don is getting old. It reminds me of The Sopranos Season 5-6 where everything goes bleak and sepia like.

not that user but good point, makes sense

less warm, more vibrant



I think Weiner made the best out of every constraint and complication, like in the example of The Suitcase which that user pointed out.

I'm an autist when it comes to film, but the different look of digital was surprisingly well-integrated in the show and contributed to the shift from the early part of the decade to the late part. Film could have done this too, in my opinion, but to a different degree. Regardless, it all worked out for the best.

Jesus, the 70s looked terrible.


The end of that episode feels like a deflated bag, the first half with Pete is great then it ends like a wet sock


Happy endings for everyone except Betty

Which season is this extra from?

Honestly? Good. Fucking fine. I sympathized with her for the first season or so but then she quickly became trash. TRASH.


too bad the song came out a year after the plane crash on the show

Cry about it, you little bitch.

it came out in 1961 in japan.

I regret spending so much time watching this 5/10 series

