/heem/ - JUST Edition

>Speaking in Portuguese

thank you, good sir

Stop bullying Chick Magnet Punk! Pls guys he's just a humble guy.

>I'd bet most adults males would willingly get their ass kicked for the amount of money punk got

This 2bh. I don't understand why people are propping it up as such an achievement.

For sure, he's making way more than current UFC champs.

this is true. he botches at least once per wwe match.

Im still annoyed that Brooks corner threw in the towel earlier. I wanted GGG to shadow realm him and skys shitty hype

He was whispering in Punk's ear to rush forward and throw the right hand straight away, which is what Punk did.

Not buying any excuses from Ruofusport. That's not the best gameplan for anybody.

I need someone to tell me that CM punk is absolutely shit

Anyone who watched him on that show for 5s could tell he was uncoordinated and had no athletic talent.

His punches had no snap, no explosiveness, and he cant stop any takedowns. He's awkward.

>hes thinks training makes you a killer

I train with low level glory guys and even I would murder him

Andrade is actaully quite cute if it wasn't for all that mass.