What is Sup Forumss thoughts about this

What is Sup Forumss thoughts about this

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howdy ya'll eh

More importantly, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_between_U.S._states_and_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)_per_capita

someone explain the chart to me please

the chart shows our states and then puts a countrys gpd similar to the states gdp together and puts that countrys flag over the state

What state is mine?



>north carolina has a similar GDP to Sweden
I'm not sure about that.


it's Kansas

SK is also peninsula in there...

You are the greatest nation on Earth

Lies poortas has lower gdp than canada

Those figures are from the early 2000s


There is literally no fucking way new Jersey has a higher gdp than russia.

wtf! I love georgia now! i imigrate there

I'm glad because Cheynne Mountain is in Colorado and the Stargate is there

wtf I'm a lady boy now?

As I just said, those figures are from the early 2000s when Russia was still completely devastated economically. Of course New Jersey doesn't have a higher gdp than Russia now, but they did in the early 2000s

have you checked how rouble is doing recently?
