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International #711
When people in your country say 'white', what do they mean?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Sverigetråden - Ensamhetsupplagan
Things you should NOT put on your flag:
Fucking sudacas haha we north america and shiet
The 4 largest military budgets in the world
ITT we pretend to be Americans
Are you guys familiar with American inventor, Nathaniel Tesler, famous for having invented the Internet?
Wh*te subhuman replies to my thread
Faces of Sup Forums
/balt/ + /ausnz/
In this thread only regional flags can comment!
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Why are Russian men ugly and Russian women pretty?
Be dutch
How do you guys celebrate carnival?
Itt: countries you both hate and love
/fr/ - Fil de la France
White people like this
Be american
This thread is for the discussion of the language, culture, travel, daily life, etc. of Japan
You wake up in Finland
Why are there so many non-white neo-nazis in America?
Let's make Poles uncomfortable
Ehhh I tried to make my first pizza and I failed
Which western country has the most ignorant and stupid population?
Daily reminder that if you're German and you see a French you must call him "daddy"
Slav #1 participates in a thread
Is it true southern European women love northern European men for their wealth and fair skin?
How do you say "I love you" in your language?
Serious question, Sup Forums, who's this guys?, he's a BR troll or a foreigner living in Brazil/using a proxy?...
Why do chinese people like this shit, pic related ? I know a chinese girl quite wealthy who often eat this shit...
*Blocks your path*
Kurva anyátok
What is the best country to live as a foot fetishist?
What does Sup Forums think about the EU?
I've never met an Italian irl
The idea of creating a “CANZUK” zone of free trade and free movement of labour is catching on
Why are italians such subhumans?
America wants to destroy Europe
Why is Brazil such an unbelievable shithole?
Are Patriotic Germans a thing?
/ita/ - il filo
No nukes, no outsiders, who would win at total war; Finland or Sweden?
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?
WTF i hate yuro food now
Why do Australians think it's "just fine" to live on a desert island as a white man?
I'm a turkish girl you can ask me anything
Sverige tråden - Anons ru
Have you ever shot a gun, Sup Forums?
/MENA/= /NA/ + /ME/
Thank you everyone who ever mixed
ITT we written a letter for her
You count
So what's wrong with an EU army?
What's going on in the head of the white woman who goes for asian man?
Why do Europeans and Australians play on American servers?
Does your country have any great sportsmen?
What does ISIS even fucking want?
Good night white pride
Sup Forums Official Butthurt 2017
Help me to understand
I LOVE this country. I ADULATE this country. Why is it so perfect, Sup Forums?
53rd state of America when?
I'm greek
The non-average Sup Forums users
Maghreb united when ?
Why Korea is so beautiful and smart people and why jap is so ugly??
Guess the country by picture thread
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Enter a bus leaving paris for my shitty suburb
Post average family from your cunt
Tell me about your experience with koreans. They all seem very obnoxious to me but maybe I just had bad luck
Why haven't you become an expat?
So?.... Are you?
/deutsch/ - Flens-Ausgabe
Sverigetråden - Brinnande Kärleksupplagan
The most famous russian poet, Puskin was black. Explain this, Russia
Dear Russia
Tfw foreigner gives me (You)
Kim jongnam, brother of kim jongun, got killed at Malaysia
When did you realize that the Japanese are actually black...
From what country would your ideal dream waifu be from?
Mexico, Brazil, India and China
Rightism BTFO
Wait, you're actually ALONE on valentines day?
A Finnish gentleman gives his honest opinion on Norwegian values
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/:
Would you step on Jesus like the Japanese?
Thank you America, you're our greatest ally
Tfw celebrating valentines is banned in your cuntry
European culture is called ''Western'' culture
Italian girls are best EU girls
Someone says he likes Korea
Does your country have that one car that ALWAYS has reckless drivers...
Which is more likely to happen
Subhumans in blue
Stop being white
Spend a month in Europe
What do you think about Greece from streetview
Brother sick
Which national hero do you respect ?
How do you feel about Japanese people overworking to death?
Tell me about Belgium, what do they do?
How racist is your cunt?
I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished
How do countries like Colombia and Libya post? Isn't there war going on there?
Why are Germans so rude and gruff?
1. Your country
I strongly dislike Australian people
How do I get involved in the catholic church in brisbane...
This is a reason why Nip lost in WW2
No one believed me when I said Trudeau is a sociopath
/cum/ - Canada United States of America Mexico
Why are whites so racist?
*stares pensively in your direction*
What does Sup Forums think about Sup Forums?
Canada? More like CanaDURRRR
Why are African American girls so magical?
Tfw you live in shithole
Thank you for inventing tortillas, Mexico
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
Who /ricefield/ here
Why are Russians so mean?
Kurva anyátok
Tfw no Japanese gf
/Nachtschicht/, ehemals und bald wieder /deutsch/
1. Country
In this thread we only speak american. """""""""""""""english""""""""""""" speakers need not apply
Britons think they played an important role in World War 2
What's he thinking about?
Is there a cure for jungle fever ?
Hey foreigner fags, which one our states do you think has the best flag?
Want to rebel against my liberal parents but alt-right seems too mean
Why are White MEN so much stronger than pathetic little bl*ckbois?
/ME+NA/ = iraqi mashreqi pussy belongs to maghrebi dick
Why are Russian men ugly and Russian women pretty?
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Why doesn't a world super power invade North Korea and liberate the citizens?
Awkward moment when Chinese realize Japan is better
Who would win in a non nuclear war?
The white kid in my class today started talking about how immigration should be limited after the black kids pushed him...
You're cuntry
How would you rectify this situation
ITT:Overrated Countries
Finland is building underwater tunnels to Sweden and Estonia
How do you say "I love you" in your language?
Who is the real president of America?
Why are non-Anglos so bad at colonisation?
Why are they rich?
What is your favorite U.S. region and why? Include pics if you want, or ask questions about other regions...
Anyone ever have experiences with Chinese people? Please tell me about them
Why does every criminal come here?
Be wh*te
/sino/ 中文
Could i pass as a local in your country, Sup Forums...?
The average Sup Forums user
Indians are the best immigrants
The acne is coming back
Would you impregnate a Thai girl?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Would (You) racemix with a Colombian girl?
/ita/ - IL FILO
I wish I was a white male in the 1950's
Tfw one shot of life and you end up being born in the Eastern Europe of America
What's the first thing that comes to your mind if I say ''Brazil''?
Why are the French so debauched?
Italians put they're heads on meatball pillows and use blankets made from Spaghetti
Trump has to learn his place
/nachtschicht/, ehemals und zukünftig /deutsch/
/ex-yu/ sixth most powerful army in Europe
New update as of February 2017
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How do you say CRAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIN in your language?
/cp/ Succ addition
Do you know the japanese game Ni-Oh ? The main protagonist is european in Japan...
/lang/ - Language Learning Thread
What makes you angry about your country?
What is his endgame?
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/
Leader of a country
A virtual friend blocked me. Even online people dont like me. I discussed with a girl...
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
/balt/ + /ausnz/
His country doesn't have an age old rival
Why aren't Europeans having children?
Sverigetråden - sidf måste dödas för att rädda trådenupplagan
Why don't Netherlands give this clay to Belgium?
1. you're country
/ita/ - il filo della penisola italica e le sue isole
Say good night in your language to Poland!
Sverigetråden - Valundersökningsupplagan
/MeNa/ : Middle East North Africa
Kurva anyátok
Trudeau's power handshake
What do you think she is listening to?
Hello, int
What are some things tourists get surprised of when they visit your country?
Where's area in your country that is the most weird?
Tell me about the Swedish Royal Family
Why is Donald Duck so popular in Europe?
/ex-yu/ - indie bozice
I've decided on Dubrovnik in Croatia for my first ever European vacation...
Does California need our help?
Is the EU finished?
/deutsch/ - mossad ausgabe
/éire/ + /celt/
Master race thread
/ita/ - IL FILO
What happens here?
What do you think of this place?
Nordic thread
One of these girls is Chinese (Taiwan), the rest are Japanese. Can you tell chinks from japs Sup Forums?
Who's your favorite writer lads ? ? ?
Sverigetråden - Tråd- och raskrigsupplagan
Experience with foreigners
/ita/ - IL FILO
ITT: shitpost in your native language
Do you agree that bestiality should be legalized in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How could Mexican invent the greatest cuisine?
Can we get a rare flag thread going?
Why are they such bros all the sudden...
That was banner of Constantinople in Eastern Rome...
Why are so many European flags so lame and uninspired? Why not have a symbol of your country instead of a few lines?
What do we do about more and more idiots coming on Sup Forums from Sup Forums?
Myth of East Asian girls being into Caucasian Guys busted
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Is your country's leader severely autistic?
Why do white people carry these autistically huge backpacks when they travel to other countries?
ITT We post cool shit your country did but no one remembers
/deutsch/ - Weltfriedensausgabe
Post your favorite meal that originates from your cunt
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone:
What are the first three things that come to mind when you see this flag
Do not fall for the sheitan's trick, so NO ! to valentine's day
Senegal and Ghana are now available on Google Streetview
Now that the dust has settled, what's Sup Forums's opinion on Trump?
/iber/ - /espugal/
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1811
Why are slavs and many other asians so cruel?
How can we Finns fight against the threat of the fennoswedes and nordicists?
Around the world, euro girls have a reputation for being VERY sexually liberated
What is Sup Forumss thoughts about this
What's the best language in the world and why is it italian?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Trådstartar-tan-upplagan
How do you use English here?
Sverigetråden - Alternativ upplaga
Feels of Sup Forums
You wake up in Finland
China is future. Russia is shit
People should be forced to all live in cities unless they can take care of themselves without government subsidies...
Hey anons, how do you say X in your language?
I thought the french were an honest folk
I'll go to Greece from Munich. I'm thinking, should I take the Romanian route or the Serbian route...
Nationalism will be stopped for one reason and one reason alone...
/asean/ edisi neutral edition
How do I stop wanting to be a girl Sup Forums?
You wake up in Europe at the year 814
/balk/ Balkan Thread
European music > murican "music"
/deutsch/ - Solidarität mit Bernd Höcke
Turkmenistan president got reelected with 98% of the votes, and a 97% participiation rate
In which country was that?
Trump: I'm going to be tough on China!
How is race mixing viewed in your country?
Why do so many people hate these countries? They are pretty cool
His country isn't entirely blue
If you had the chance to move to any other country in the world where would it be?
You find this guy while walking in the streets and he gives you this look
"Great" Britain
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Countries you dislike
This picture just won the world press photo award
At university
Why do other Commonwealth countries have the Queen as their head of state, but Ireland doesn't?
/Kinderkrippe/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is your country obsessed with promoting black culture?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone:
/ita/ - il filo
How to kill/rape/torture a Finn
Can we reverse Westernisation?
TFW you wasted thousands of hours on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
American Racism against Japanese
Why don't Europeans drink orange juice in the morning?
Ask a Tunisian who's too lazy to leave his bed anything
American engineering
Do Americans really believe they are the good guys?
Russian Thread
Can you stop bullying americans please? Thanks
ANOTHER day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
What would happen if they get elected?
ITT: Things Polish never say
Americans wipe their asses standing up
Your cunt
Why are germans so lazy?
Globalism = no borders and peace
/cum/ - Canada United States of America Mexico
How often do you say "nigga" anglos?
Arabs are the Master race and whites are our slaves! Bow down to us you meek pathetic Cumskins!
What is the best asian language?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This land is mine. God gave this land to me
Why are most aussies on 4chans bogans instead of normal people?
Best known place in my city is a giant statue of a jewish hippie on a mountain
Why is Estonia superior to rest of the Balts?
Is it hard to find black girls in your country?
Go to Vietnam
Why is this allowed?
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
/v4/ + friends
What U.S. region is your favorite and why? Post pictures if you want
Kurva anyátok
Greentext your cunt's history
Visit Panamá
Do people laugh at fat people in your country?
Top 10 things Americans store in the fridge
/cum/ Canadumb, United Dumb, and Mexidumb
How do people laugh in your country instead of hahahaha
You wake up in Alexandria
Do law-abiding motorists in your country live in fear of Two Wheeled Terrorists...
Does your country have a national intelligence agency?
What are some misconceptions about your country?
Why don't Japanese protect their women from foreign rapists and murderers?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Any black people want to confirm/deny this post?
ITT: Your country's rival
Name a better cigarette: protip you can't
Does your country have a video like this mocking trump?
I just learned that GREENWICH is pronounced as GREHNICH
ITT : post your life in one pic
Post ITT if your cunt has aggressive clay-stealing neighbors
Which of these regions of Asia is the best? Why?
Italians drink espresso, Balkans drink Turkish coffee, what about the rest of Europe? Drip coffee?
Say something nice to Korea
Canadian of Italian ancestry here
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The last hope of white race
Top bantz
So, the stereotypical name for an Indian is Pajeet and for a Paki it's Ahmed
G36 => top tier
Can we get a political compass thread going?
At least you live in Europe
What's it like being a lonely single man in your cunt
This is the average finnish """"man""""
Let's all take a moment to laugh at the fucking state of my former cunt, """"""Great"""""" Britain
/éire/ + /celt
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
ITT: Post maps that get the old noggin joggin
Which country/civilization was conquered the hardest?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1810
/ITA/ il filo
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Government of Sweden visiting Iran
Step by step, heart to heart
Is netflix popular in your country ?
Visit Canada
Weather thread lads
Does /asianmasculinity/ actually exist?
Culture Pals /cp/
Say something nice about Hungary
Tfw you grew up constantly reading Grimm fairy tales
How to get pine cones from Vietnam to Norway?
In which country can I kill a faggot without getting a punishment?
Independent Kurdistan, when?
Is this the JUST of all ideologies...
ITT we write in our local dialect
My father(by blood) is English. So therefore this country(England) is my country yes? Am I wrong?
Faces of Sup Forums
I'm going to run around my city!
In a perfect world
International jokes
Women are more attractive when they speak almost any language other than English
Ottoman empire was the best thing to ever happen
What is your country doing to help the poor refugees?
Fucking chinks stop stealing our car designs
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Tinder in your country
Post slags from various countries and rate them
Sup Forums CUP IS LIVE
Need your stereotypes
This triggers the gulag fetishist
/balk/ Balkan Thread
You wake up in the Roman Empire
Poles are retards
Which country has prettiest girls?
This is a picture of my frontyard and house
Do americans really do this?
Manlet of the world, unite and take over
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
1. Your country
/éire/ + /celt
Kurva anyátok
Chile's independence day!
Why is Poland so shit?
Post bydlos/rednecks from your country
/deutsch/ - untergang
Countries you've visited
Who here lives in a rural area and how many people live there?
/mena/ - Zeilmeisje edition
Finns put butter in their coffee
What kill the EU?
How do I condition myself to inherit his qualities Sup Forums?
Take this survey
Canadians literally use the comic sans font on their coins with a cartoon moose
Most based names?
Wall needs to be built now!
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What white nations have the most hairy men?
/ita/ il filo
I am Russian
How can wh*te "men" even compete?
/fr/ Fil de la francophonie
How many of you live in different countries from where you were born?
Do you guys really hate people of different skin color and religion?
1. cunt
Switzerland hate thread
Who was in the wrong here?
Why cant white people identify their own kin?
Is southern france the most comfy place in the world?
/hell/ /gr/ second coming
What's your answer to this Russkies?
Will we ever solve the G*rman problem?
People from tropical countries, tell me what your countryside/wilderness is like
Europe or America?
If your country is under 100k square kilometres, you're not white
They should be an only country
Population of Denmark + Sweden + Norway + Finland + Iceland + Groenland + Faroe Islands = 27 million
I've had enough of southerner's laziness. We should kick them out of Europe. They belong to arabs
Slavs are subhuman scum
You wake up in Veneto, in the white part of Italy
You may only post ITT if your country has NEVER committed a war crime
only Portugal, Greece and Italy remain old beautiful city
Im white
So, like, how come she's white?
Dzien dobry. Can you advise me which IT University better in the Poland
Guys how do we stop the alt right meme? I don't want another Holocaust to happen
Sverigetråden - Söndagsmys-upplagan
Rest of the world thinks they are having "breakfast"
What are you planning on doing for valentines day?
What does Sup Forums think the average American looks like?
1. your cunt
1. Your cunt
*blocks your path*
Kurva anyátok
Australian """"women""""
British women are sexual queens
Mfw i get more benefits by attending university than most eastern euro with a full time job
Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners...
Why do so many people hate Turks?
What causes someone to sell out their people and nation?
How do we solve this?
/deutsch/ - Mittagsausgabe
Is French cuisine overrated?
How do we stop the Islamification of Europe?
Australia has no cultur-
Alright Europeans, it's time to put your money where your mouth is
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Scandinavians eat this shite
What country has the prettiest women
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Are finns nords?
Isn't the world just one big family? Who cares about borders...
English cuisine is shi-
Post typical streets from your city
Would you like to have a Poonisian GF?
Slavs are subhuman scum
What nationalities have you fought against?
1. Your cunt
Can any reach foreigner adopt me? Im redpilled 18 yo russian sissy boy
What are the historical reasons for Spain being kind of "meh" when compared to other western countries like France, UK...
Have you ever experienced racism directed toward you? What happened and who did it?
Please help me!!!
Reminder that SE Asia the second worst region in the world, after Sub-Sahara Africa
Why is the world so prejudiced against the UK?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...