Italians put they're heads on meatball pillows and use blankets made from Spaghetti

>Italians put they're heads on meatball pillows and use blankets made from Spaghetti



sono gay

>americans are literally being robbed by their own police

>be French
>get ran over
>get shot

>Americans build dams with spillways that can't handle overflow

>canadians race in their bathtubs

>Be 'Murica
>run over something
> shoot it

>be texas
>lose the alamo


>Canadians eat snow with maple syrup on it

Whats the problem here

Another quality American post.
I'm just overflowing with laughter.

Commiefornians, they don't wanna be Americans anymore, because the President is a big meanie, and that's ok with me.

>Italians cram their entire families into a single compact 2 door and roll it off a mountain when they want to go on vacation
>it lands in France and Renault bases their next car on the aftermath

>Italians have to move their cars by pushing them downhill
>They can't afford gas because they spend all their money on pasta

Meatballs are from sweden. Stop associating us with meatballs, we don't even know how they're done, it's so fucking annoying this stereoptype

What's up with american making up stereotypes.
Stereotypes are far better when they have some element of truth.

They have no culture or education whatsoever and so they need to resort to dumb simplistic generalization that their naive ignorant mind can comprehend. And since they're all ignorant cultureless fat bastards sacks of shit they also get the wrong generalization.
The average unitedstatian is a stinky mass of lard who dies at the age of 38 due to heart attack caused by McDonald's and all the other shit they happily gulp down.

I'm sardinian btw

>They have no culture or education whatsoever
>resort to dumb simplistic generalization

sardinian """intellectuals"""

great thread, op

>Italians put their heads on mozzarella pillows and use blankets made from spaghetti
is that somewhat better?

literally this shit only happens in Texas

You seem really upset about something Mario,want to talk about it?

Burger senpai noticed me

>be italian
>injure hand
>can't find a job because I'm legally mute

we have meatballs, just you filthy sardinians can't afford meat

Ambrogino, I....

>Italians treat politics like pancakes

Be mean to me, daddy.

>Australians unironically piss and shit from their asses


>be American
>make thread late at night
>only get the loony weirdos to reply

lel have fun guys

>Italians literally cannot speak English

Fucking subhumans 2bh

amerisharts btfo

not him but if you're a qt trap I will

>Americans can only speak mexican

I'm from Texas and this kind of shit never happens. I hate this stereotype.

>be sardinian
>eat maggot cheese

>the amount of butthurt in this post



>be high school student
>have sex with mildly attractive teacher
>teacher goes to jail

shit happens all the time

>They have no culture
Italians stole pašticada, bolonjez, karbonara, mortadela, pršut, prošek, kaneloni, fritule and njoki

Trst je naš


that's our name, you Turkmen have bastrma

>Britbongs actually shower with their shoes on

C A N ' T M A K E T H I S ST U F F U P


>I'm sardinian btw
Didn't know fish were allowed to post here lmao

Go eat your žg*njci
Pršut is the thinking Dalmatian man's food

kraški pršut has EU protected geographical status

go put some halal ćevapi on your tanjir in your miserable kula

no? that's americans mate.

speaking of which

>americans microwave their water
unbelievable, unfabricatable

>sLELvene thinks his country's pršut is better than ours
Poppity pop tet

pršut is as Slovenian as polenta, as teran, as know nothing, Begović.

Do I hear the squeak of wet soles?

Americans are subhuman. No idea why I got this shitty flag on

I found this hilarious, thanks user.

>be dutch
>get strangled by sentient seaweed


>Italian cars put the steering wheel in the backseat
Why the fuck do you guys do this lmao how do you see where you're going

>Americans use floppy disks to store interracial porn

All this yank butthurt

Underrated kek.

>be American
>bully someone
>entire world bullies you back, even Americans


holy fuck ive seen this firsthand

nice one


That's a funny way to say faggot


>america is a big dumb poo poo head pee pee country

>Italian babies first words are Mama Mia!



Oh i get it