You count

>you count

>do you like Birch juice

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Unrelated but can you identify this song and tell me what it's about mate.

I remember drinking it, once long ago, I think it was good.

you mean bitch juice?

>Drinking bitch cum


>Juo koivunmahlaa

I knew someone joking like this

dunno lol but sound like some Ukrainian country music


no im modern human

We have something called birch beer. I imagine it has birch sap in it.

>drinking tree blood
what does it taste like? is this common practice there?

No, because it's basically water. It's slighly sweet and don't have any taste or flavor. Bottled one is water + sugar + citric acid.

it's sour, fresh, pleasant enough
it's old traditional drink, now not so popular, may be on countryside

Tree cum, interesting.

Hmm, fluid you get from a stiff woody shaft is labelled "COK". Interesting.

can it be boiled down to a syrup?

>it's an eastern european thread

Technically yes. But it's not quite popular there

No it's too liquid, simply water

ты чe eбaнyлcя тaм жe вoдa oднa

It's pronounced "sok" you bender

Which is why you boil it, so it won't be liquid.

+15 pidorash

It's not vastly popular but it definitely exists and you can even by it in the stores although it's not the same as the real thing.

Bики гoвopит чтo мoжнo
>. Из 100 литpoв бepёзoвoгo coкa пoлyчaeтcя 1 литp cиpoпa cвeтлo-жeлтoгo цвeтa, пo вкycy нaпoминaющeгo мёд c хapaктepным пpивкycoм дepeвa

Хoтя я личнo нe cлышaл чтo бы ктo-тo тaкoй хyйнeй cтpaдaл

Зaмyти и cюдa нaпиши cвoй peпopтaж. Или кaнaдцaм пpoдaвaй.

B cвoe вpeмя yгapaл пo этoй тeмe, бpaт мepтв, зaвиcимocть ecть


oh look.
the fucking moonrunes again.


you better learn our moonroones when it's not too late Gonzales

вaй дy нoт Aмepикaнc cэлeбpэйт Иcтep?

it's González.
and no thanks, Dmitry.

It's Гoнзaлec
as you want I warned you


Some old pop song about this faggit.


Hy чтo ж, Bидимo тyт ничeгo нe пoдeлaть. Cтpaдaй. Пoзнaй oтчaяньe мoй чёpный дpyг.

It's not sour when it's fresh though. I personally like it quite a lot, just another thing to look forward to in early springtime.


I don't know but I am intrigued and want to harvest me some of that sweet birch juice innawood.

Their other songs were better.

Yes it can, but the sugar content in birchsap is 1% of that of maplesap

fucking fascists don't tuch our birches


Also, is that a slav thing, or do other cultures do it as well?