Are you guys familiar with American inventor, Nathaniel Tesler, famous for having invented the Internet?

Are you guys familiar with American inventor, Nathaniel Tesler, famous for having invented the Internet?

Excuse me, that's Nicolas Tesletti, famous Argentinean biologist who invented refrigeration.

are you retarded? He's Liberian

>american education

His name is Nicolas Tesselat, a famous french scientist

Honestly think you've got him confused with his close friend Nick Tressel.

Oh you mean Nick Le'Tess, Quebec native, and inventor of maple syrup?

Lel, why did you post a pic of Nicolau Tesliveira? Famous Brazilian physicist?

That's Mikołaj Teslacki, a famous Polish astronomer

>Nick Le'Tess

I'm done
Fucking leaf

this stopped being funny in 2012

You mean Nicolás Teslez, the most famous spanish inventor of all time?

Why can he be American meanwhile he is actually named Niikura Teishirou, a famous Japanese scholar of acorn

Famous transgender inventor of the cucumber

This is clearly a picture of

Nickolas "Riesenschwanz" Titzkrieg

famous German Pornstar

>Croatians are this mad that they don't have a world-famous inventor

pretty sure thats Nicholas Tesslington, a british man who invented the revolving door

He was an imigrant. America just gave him a chance. He could be killed.

You're all sadly mistaken, this man is, just like Columbus, Norwegian.

His name is Niklas Tellefsen, famous for inventing the electric seat warmer.

That is actually Nikulu Tagbajumi, famous Nigerian inventor and prince.

surely you meant Niilo Tossavainen, a finnish drunkard who invented mosquito repellent

>Not Tesledal
>Famed for cheese slicer

That's Nikolaus von Tesslewitz, the famous Prussian aristocrat and entrepreneur who invented scat porn.

> Columbus
I though Kryštof Kolumbović was a Serb.

That's Nikolaas van Tesselhoven, famous Belgian and inventor of the electronic saxophone

Doc "Big Nick" Tesler was the faster gun west of the Mississippi, and inventory of the Soft Drink as well.

Cristóbal Colon was the Argentinean explorer who discovered Antartica and Australia


No, Kristoffer Kolumbsen was Norwegian actually, but a lot of people get that wrong, so I can't blame you for thinking that.

You all knew this was coming.

no this is tesli niko (თესლი ნიკო) founder father of georgian mafia

Stop lying, Gogi. he was born in Tbilisi, but it was during Russian Empire before Revolution and his family was Malorussian cossack. His real mane is Mykola Teslenko


I kek so hard every time

Funniest thing for me about this pic are Stalin's eyes.

>not knowing your own history
Chris Colmes was the American sailor who discovered Spain

Please, don't appropriate this great Dutch man, Nikolaas Tesselaar



Stop whitewashing history, "Nicola Tesla" is actually "Nicks Old Tee Slabs", the native american inventor of the tomahawk.

Stop spreading lies, he was ordinary russian lad Kolya Teslov.

Nikolai Poweronoff, the inventor of the electrical switch.

I told this here yesterday already.

You're all gravely mistaken i'm afraid. That's Nikolas Teström, native of Gothenburg Sweden and the inventor of electronic dynamite.

Oh, my sweet summer child... You're obviously thinking of Alf Edelsen, Norwegian inventor and peace prize winner

Didn't even notice before I read your comment. Thanks for making me kek

That is Donald Trump, POTUS.

>Nick Le'Tess

I think you have confused this gentleman with Nicolas de Teslada, prominent Mexican revolutionary and Military genius in American-Mexican War.

No dude...
That's David Bowie

I think you mean African revolutionary and inventor Prince Nikobombu Tesmobumbo of the Kundu Kingdom. After being sold into slavery, he escaped and became a legendary freedom-fighter and physics pioneer.

But the white man's media won't tell you the real truth.

Nico La Tesla

Sorry lads, I think you are getting confused about the identity of famous Australian inventor Nicky "Dickhead" Tessa, known for his invention of electric windows in cars.

But why do you post a picture of Juan Jose Nicoberto Tesla Martinez Mesa del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, inventor of color television, chimichangas and crippling depression?

That's an honest mistake. His real name is Nikhil Tesalkar.

killed by the cia......

A great American who invented digital communications.

Did he invent shitting streets?

That's Nicolás Teslineu, the brazilian inventor of the airplane.

That's Nick (Little Dick) Tesman.
I bullied him in grade school.

Why are all westerner are so mean? First they conquer us and stole all our historical artifacts and now they try to steal our Nik Tes Nik Lat, the inventor of Teh Tarik, Shadow Puppet, Batik, Songkok and father of Malaysian Independent?

>people don't about Nikki T, hood prince and electrorap pioneer

you mean lee tesling chung? the famous canadian scientist?

That doesn't sound Wright to me. Are you sure you're not confusing him with Nicola Tesla, inventor of the death ray?

Thats niklas tessela, inventor of electric sauna tho

hahah fucking leaf

You should look up where Teszlás Miklós went to university and see which country has actually given him the blessing of modern higher education. Also he discovered Earth, Sun and the Moon like no one before him and you guys are wrong.

that is actually nikolas tesselberg, famous swedish inventor of immigration

Everyone knows that he went to the UNAM in México, you silly.
It's a fact that he invented the full color TV and could fire death rays from his hands.

He was born in Oaxaca, under the "arbol del tule" when an electric storm was at it's peak.

His friends called him "el Nico"

That's Mikuláš Teslař you inbred burger

almost took the bait, good one, friend

Hey! You owe me 100,000 bucks!

That's famed American inventor Nickie Tessie, inventor and progenitor of the wireless breadknife.

Nicolaas van Texel was a Dutch engineer who invented the bicycle.

Mother of Kek, I just spit my food on the screen laughing

Thats obviously Miguel Tejas, the Chicano responsible for inventing body tattoos and Spanglish.

>Croa croa croa
They ar muslim

That's Nick Teskunt, proud Australian inventor of vegemite

Nicholas Tessington-on-Sea, famous for inventing Protestantism and chimney smoke