How do we solve the Sup Forums issue?

How do we solve the Sup Forums issue?

with finality

Stop bringing it up. No one cares.

I hated them too, but after seeing the pics of their meeting I think I feel pity for them now, I mean, look at them

Like some canuck said, if you post on Sup Forums you can't post on any other board for 3 days.

With what's happening to Trump's administration atm in mind, all we have to do is wait.

This has to be fake.
And what's up with that jug of milk and that Lain in the bear costume?

wtf is this

Wait and they'll burn themselves out.

Pic itself might be fake, I wouldn't know. But the demographics of Sup Forums are far from the white majority you'd expect. They are, ironically enough, a very diverse group.


it's not, it was posted on Sup Forums yesterday

their meeting

and lets not forget their wonderful stream in NYC

so Sup Forums really consists of self-hating meme-loving non-whites

Even far left boards are more left wing than Sup Forums

Keep making threads about pol

That will help lol

That's not from yesterday.

8/10 kek'd

Ignore them and report the obvious Sup Forums threads.


Tbh they seem normal folks from any uni, and by normal i mean the kind of guys that play starcraft and board games. Not normies but not neckbeard outcasts

it sems so

no, the first pic was posted yesterday, the second one is from their streaming, it was posted here as well



It wasn't, mate. I've seen that picture like two weeks ago.
The meeting one.


Funny reminder: Sup Forumstards went crying to Hiroyuki on Twitter calling for a mod to be fired for handing out a warning for spamming one of their previous activism project threads on a board outside of Sup Forums.
The mod was fired while at the same time the headmod (rapeape) made a thread explaining that the related threads are not welcome on Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is like an even more retarded form of Chanolgy that keeps morphing into something even more cancerous as the months go by. Not much you can do but sit back and watch the board continue to erupt and spew over the rest of the site, really. Like a shit volcano.

I mean, yeah, it could've been posted yesterday, but it wasn't the first time is what I mean.

good one

I don't know when the first pic was taken, I saw it yesterday, but apparently it was taken this year according to what OP saidas the OP says

Moot should never have brought Sup Forums back.

according to what OP says*

All the Master race migrated to Ironmarch years ago


that place is nuts


Wonder if they realise that Adolf Senpai will never notice them.


Forcefully conscript all Sup Forumstards, give each something primitive or outdated like FAL or 7.62 AK and send them to fight ISIS for the sake of oil companies.

We're continuing the battle where he left off

>all those latinos
It's like russian nationalism - led by jews and tatars in denial

We can't do anything /pol is a containment board

Ignoring them is working for me. I refuse to waste more energy arguing with Sup Forums idiots.

Race supremacists are so fucking funny, because it's literally impossible to keep any of their organizations from being filled with mestizos.


I recognise some of these people from the HWNDU stream. I think it's real.

Anything I don't like is Sup Forums

Well, aren't you a supreme being.

You have to go back

The rake day is coming.

I'm there in my other browser tabs.

There is a Canadian Sup Forumstard who has recently been sperging out in random threads on Sup Forums, so maybe this is the same user or someone roleplaying as him.

half of these look like they're not even allowed to vote. Either by age or law.

The Canadian Sup Forums guy was arrested after killing Muslims.

We freed him

He out now nigga


We busted him out last night. Samuel Hydenburg helped us out

I can't find anything on the news about it.

fucking kek

>they unironically think they decided the outcome of american presidential elections

The shooter didn't browse Sup Forums, it was just a coincidence that some retarded leaf made a threat threatening Moslims

>He doesn't know

it never stops being funny

Sup Forums only triggers you faggots because 9 times out of 10 they are right

Contain yourself there.

What the fuck why are they all Latinos or Asian?

How about no

return to reddit

This. The Sup Forums cucks are afraid.

good question, because every time you interact with them they always say they're +1.80 blond haired and blue eyed

and join even more cancerous Sup Forumsish intellectuals?

Containment has failed. Delete the board. They'll go elsewhere. There are other places for them to go now. This isn't a free speech issue anymore. They're shitting up the rest of their site with their autism.

Stop talking about them outside their board

Jogging the noggin 2bh


if you say so you liberal cuck

You can't cuck a virgin

>b-but we'll flood other boards!!!111

LOL yeah really blocking out the great Sup Forums memes. Hilarious ones like SHART IN MART. Or my personal favorite - flooding the board with "Easter?". That was a funny one

Every time something becomes popular among kids this happens.

Why don't FUCKING LEAVES watch football?


Just as the Argentines do here?


Why contain it? Let Sup Forums spill over to the blue boards, let the shitposts pile up in the archives.

post your spiciest Sup Forumsballs

these aren't funny

Sup Forumstards are basically a digital form of Islamic migrants flooding into the more wealthier sites online, wherein digital wealth is actual history and culture. They're parasites which leech onto anything that they feel will boost their image while shitting up everything around them. Their MAGA Momiji propaganda was a good example of this.

Can anybody redpill me on these Bogdanoff guys?


>his sports team is literally called the LEAFS

>no 'cuck'
That image is shit.

are you asking for a quick rundown?



real Sup Forums has left to 8 chin long ago, it's really just rebbit kids and cancer at this point

>0 moderation

What are you even talking about. There's more mods than on Sup Forums where porn and Jorge threads stay up for hours.

They're hilarious because they're true

>15 second reply timer

that is definitely a big problem with Sup Forums

it's already the biggest board on here and the insane speed doesn't help

Dankest one tbqh

>it's an Sup Forums acts tsundere to Sup Forums episode