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International #712
/polska/ aka /anime/
Your country
I really hate Japanese people how do I stop hating them?
Russia is dirt poor
/deutsch/ - schweizer raus
500 more rapefugees crossed last night EU border in spanish enclave Ceuta
Toronto is objectively better than New York Shitty
Do you want to free Palestine from Israel?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Who was your countries worst leader?
ITT: Confess to the country you love
Help me. My parents are forcing me to go to China. I'm feeling sad and scared as fuck right now...
Is Germany Going Left Wing
Your country
Ask a wavering Tunisian anything
ITT we make fun of the country above us
Sverigetråden: En dålig upplaga
Fact of the day: if we exclude the entire 21st century, Sweden would be the greatest country on earth
1. Your country
What do you guys think about The Italy?
Love or lack thereof
/openStronghold/ ehemals /deutsch/
Reminder that you little Mediterranean boys can't satisfy a woman and they need big germanic men such as myself
Kang hate thread
What country has the best shitposters?
Why are there so many Scandinavians on Sup Forums?
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
A crucified carpenter who by his own death, saved humanity?
Tell me about good rock music from your country, int. And yes, Brits and Yankees...
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
America gets (sometimes rightfully) critizied here a lot, but we mustn't forget the good deeds of the USA
Can you speak English?
Who's Next?
How can I impress Serbian girls?
Shouldn't we be allies, Brazil?
9 terror attacks this week in pakistan and cucks in the west think they have it worse with the refugees
TFW 22 years old loser
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Germans are occupying Bavaria
Ate snails for the first time pretty good felt French
Why did Japan become so rich while the rest of Asia stayed poor? It can't be a race thing...
Meanwhile, on Aztec Sup Forums
Why are brits youtubers clearly way better than americans youtubers? i mean marina joyce, w2s, ksi, joe weller, etc
Why can't non Muslim men marry Muslim women?
Why do some West Europeans look down on Eastern Europeans?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw you're Russian
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Who was in the wrong here?
Google street view coverage of Africa has been expanding this year. I saw they added Uganda, Senegal and Ghana...
1. flag
Kurva anyátok
Who /high/ here?
Rank the area you live in 1-10 and why you think that way
What's the good era for your country?
Hey Brits, remember when India was your colony and not the other way around?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
Why do Australians get triggered when they're called ''Bruce''?
What fish do your countrymen eat?
What makes Latina women so beautiful? Literally the most beautiful women on earth
This is the ideal world
Your country
How is this sitting position called in your country?
What is your favorite region and why? Include pictures if you want
Marry, Fuck, Kill. Go
Who was worse?
I asked my family to fill out a blank map of Europe and compiled the results
Is this correct?
What went wrong?
Is Mexico in fact whiter than the US?
Where did it all go so wrong?
21% of Mexicans are blonde, study finds
1.Ur a cunt-tree
Do people in your country like girls with no clit?
Post legendary weapons from your country's mythology or past or whatever. Unfortunately America has none...
America fixed
Japanese politics
/asean/ - chink bunker edition
/ita/ - il filo
What about Germany has led it throughout history to be the most autistic country?
Chinese people are incapable of demo----
What do poor people eat in your country? This is what poor people eat in my country
North America should be one country
You may post in this thread if your country has no allies
1. your country
Am I white?
What do you think of Latinas? They have shit personalities and garbage attitudes...
Is there any country in the world that in general is full of genuinely terrible people?
/Polska/ - edycja spania daleko od routera bo raczy
"The Economist named Uruguay "country of the year" in 2013...
How to move to finland and live there forever?
What's the most prestigious citizenships?
Daily reminder that this is the average Sup Forumsbabby
Why only central europe love beer? what the fuck is wrong with rest of you people?
Do you love Canadians?
American Appreciation Thread
1. your vagina
Tfw no Québécoise gf (male)
/nachtschicht/, ehemals /deutsch/
Bravo Germany, as usual
Why do Americans put their homes in the desert?
Impregnated by White Seed
ITT: Metro Systems
When will the Slavs surpass westerners?
Name 5 things unique to your culture
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Only people in full democracies can post in this thread
Sverigetråden - 2DCIA-upplagan
Who is this pic guy???
Is this racism?
Americans BTFO
So Sup Forums you're the board I come more too and I just woke up, I have to get this story of my chest first thing...
Haha long boy
Daily reminder
When exactly did the "dumb American" stereotype appear?
1. Can't
/ita/ - il filo
Began the industrial revolution which brought the world into the modern age
I just found out Estonians pronounce Mexico with a /x/ instead of /ks/
/fr/ - Le francofil blagueur
I'm a very white 19 years old girl and I want a black monster cock pounding inside my pinky pussy
Why white people doesn't have any eyebrows?
Did someone give these jews their spit?
Do genes partially play role in intelligence (most reliably measured with IQ score) among populations...
Do Latin countries consider themselves to be Western?
Walk into you're room
How do you get a virgin girlfriend in your country?
Sup losers, what's your favorite movie?
Sverigetråden - Lungcancerupplagan
Tfw good guys lost
Why aren't you marring and breeding with a Jewish girl Sup Forums?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Poland is a first world country and you can do nothing about it
Ask a Russian anything
Post school classes from your country
Surprise! Another Korean edition
Theres an ugly blonde blemish on a beautiful black world
Damn really makes you think
We will protect ukraine
What are some countries with tall buildings...?
/Aryan master race thread/
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
At least you live in Europe
Your country in 1 picture
Sverigetråden - Unionsupplagan
/ISR/ /ישר/
Kurva anyátok
Islam is literally religion for edgy kids:
/fr/ - Le fil franco-socialo-facho
Live in a stone age hunter gatherer society
Pervert, 33...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Argentines pronounce 'John' and 'Sean' the same
Chicanos: Mexican-Americans
1. You're cunt
"Thank you for offering to show me around town, user. Where are we going first?"
Are blacks intrinsically ugly or is this just racism?
What went wrong?
Salo vs Rare Steak
You all have inferior willies than me
Transylvania actually exists
Very concerning observation on American/Australian born Chinese
What are the women in your country like?
Insult the country above you
/lang/ - Language Learning
Why do Americans like this so much?
Nuclear Power Plants
Thoughts on american cuisine...?
What's up with these two nations...
This thread is for international (You)s. Hop in this thread to receive and give (You)s from all over the world!
When will you finns stop oppressing fennoswedes?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Ywn have badass animals in your country
If your country's lowest recorded temperature is over -50C it's literally not a real country
Afrikaans Draad
I just got my blood levels checked
What do you think abou it?
Stop appropriating our culture
Can I pass as a local in your cunt?
/deutsch/ - scheiße user
Wake up
Are the phenotype of these girls in my school considered white in any country?
TFW can't improve at chess
Is there hope for Europe?
Does your country have an aircraft carrier?
Why do they make so much porn?
/ita/ il filo
Who are the worst immigrants in your country?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you love Japan?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddag upplagan
Be british
The United Nations has asked every country to pair up
50% white
All cute countries please give me attention
Scandinavian """civilization"""
Hilo latino /lat/
/bunte Toleranz/ ehemals /deutsch/
/carib/ - Act 14: Mental Health
Post cringe videos from your country
Be honest, Americans, are you embarassed of your president?
Made a friend in Buenos Aires. What goes on here? What is life like...
/brit/ - Australian Culture
Latinas - what does Sup Forums think about them?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1812
Average Russian breakfast
If Scandinavians wanted to immigrate to your country, your country would accept them?
How big is your diaspora in Japan and vice versa?
I am a Jew and I really hate Poles
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/fr/ - Le fil francophone mes couilles
Give me ONE, just ONE reason not to join the Canadian Forces
1. You're country
Can Sup Forums guess my ancestry?
Ukraine is the living proof that white people are not inheritly superior to blacks
Be blond
Agentina isnt whi-
Is this the best country in the world?
His language isn't effeminate
What are your thoughts on German women? Especially pic related?
Do you experience teenage love?
I'm worried about the future
American fridges have shoes on
Survey time! In your opinion, which country has the most beautiful:
Began the industrial revolution which brought the world into the modern age
Smartest person from your country
How did Canada and USA turn out so well but Australia so shit?
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
Today its lithuania's independence day
Fuck off hirojew
Your next gf will be from the country below yours
The year of our lord 2000 + 17
Spanish gibberish?
Let's be serious here. Why are Anglo empires much nicer than the empires of everyone else in the West...
Has the UK ever apologized to Ireland?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Does objective morality exist without Christ?
The Brown Pill
Tfw your dying wish is to visit Tokyo Disney
Give me a reason to learn Norwegian
You wake up in Byzantine Empire
Fellow christians, new Crusades when?
/desi/ /देसी/ /دیسی/ /ދެސި/ /দেশি/ /દેશી/ /ದೇಶಿ/ /ദേശി/...
Why is there such strong correlation between depigmentation and being first world?
Does Sweden just hate Denmark because Denmark gets all the Eskimo qts while Sweden is stuck with Somali orcs?
China has over 20 million Muslims, how the hell do they keep those fuckers in check
We've had Europe-tier heavy rain for nearly a week now, it's insane
TFW you wasted THOUSANDS of hours on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
Hilo latino ~- /lat/ -~
Sverigetråden - Emo upplagan
What is your cunt's Trianon?
Kurva anyátok
Saudi user ask me anything
Dutch user killed himself @wizchan
Be at ship cruise
American Racism against Japanese
Do you regret studying a language?
The neighbours are blasting reggaeton again
Is your cunt in a transitioning stage?
What went wrong?
Why are Japanese people so smart?
Mfw Americans have to keep their poop in special containers for a year in case of a federal poop inspection
You wake up during the Black Plauge
My mom wants me to get a job again
1. Cunt
Another day wasted on Sup Forums instead of doing anything productive
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
Why the FUCK do americans wear shoes inside?
Want to live in NYC
How do you guys think the Chinese are going to lead the world in the next 20 year...
Daily reminder that Brazil has ZERO (0) Nobel prizes!
People that watch anime are mentally limited and intellectually set back from their peers
Why are brits so scared of trees?
Why are germanic women so manly?
What do Italians mean by this?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Glory to Ukraine
/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico
What is your favorite U.S. region and why? Include pics if you want, or ask questions about other regions...
Tfw Poles and Europeans will go to bed soon
Why isn't baseball popular in europe?
Visit Paris
Daily smokers of cigarettes
Why are African Americans so cool?
Hair used to be blonde
/deutsch/ - uezs
Do Americans ever feel like they're living in a television programme because they speak in the television accent?
Is this guy seriously the son of Fidel Castro? They look really alike and every woman wants to have sex with him
Sverigetråden - nattupplagan
/Brown master race thread/
/éire/ + /gael/ + /celt/
Literally every part of this pic is correct
Aussies and Leafs
Today is Flag Day in Canada
The most loved country on Sup Forums
Are Muslims now more hated than Gypsies in Europe?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Educate me on the history of France, Sup Forums
Why are social democracies the most successful, happy and best countries in the world...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
His """"""country"""""" has never had a single pope
White people in the world
Individualism map of Europe
Is you're country a doggo or kot country?
Really makes
/ita/ il filo
How do you feel about the dark past of their country?
How many of you have alcoholic parents?
Why do Poles not get butthurt these days?
Why is west trying to kill Ivans?
White people in the world
Be blond
You wake up in Ireland
Asian girls are so feminine, they look like angels
I wish I lived somewhere colder. I wasn't built to sustain hot weather
Hilo Latino /lat/
Explain yourself non-contributing leeches
When will Arabs, Maghrebis and europeans return to their rightful masters?
You wake up in Eastern Poland
What makes Asians Asian coloured?
How do you feel about Scandinavia?
What's it like living in Russia?
Get on our level you backward plebs
Sverigetråden - Mysig kvällstråd upplaggan
More white people are dying than being born in most European countries
Hot grills
/deutsch/ - semesterferienaugabe
Norway, Denmark and Finland don't take it too hard. But Sweden has always been the star of the show
/fr/ - Le fil /fr/
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Be Canadian
I am OSMANLI TORUNU. Through my veins the blood of the mighty turkish people flows. My anchestors...
Live in Ireland
Women can't resist the BCC (big canadian cock), not even the presidents daughter
Ask a canadian born korean anything
What are these called in your cunt?
Post your life in one image
How do we solve the Sup Forums issue?
What went wrong?
Umm.. burger bro here, sorry about calling you leafs, cucks and mudslimes...
/cp/ - Culture Pals
Culture Pals /cp/
/ita/ il filo
Turkey and Cyprus are more European than Finland and Russia
ITT: Pagan rituals from your region/cunt
Kurva anyátok
Japan in the 1980s must have been heaven on earth
Handwriting thread?
1- Count to three
/Polska/ - Edycja Majówkowa dla Normalnych Ludzi
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do Americans give (You) to a stranger?
Explain this Finland
Say hello to America's top dog. This years 'best in show', Rumor
Normie thread
/MENA/ - This general is dead edition
Show me the thing called breakfast in your country
Sup Forumsernational couples
Most polluted cities around the world today ;--D we da best polan
Sverigetråden - Nazistiska 2dupplagan
You can only post here if your country is superior to every single neighbour country
Be me
Is South Brazil first world?
Words can not describe how much i love these countries!
Is Kamen Rider popular in your country?
1. Your nationality, age and sexuality
What's the most pleasant language in your opinion?
Unfortunately, Xenophobia is rampant, and violence towards foreigners is not uncommon...
I have to go to europe to fuck white piggs
ITT: We say thanks to the Greeks for giving us order and civilization
Daily reminder that Tunisians are white and European
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Japanese cover up the fact that Buddhism was founded by black people?
1. age of consent in your country
This is why japs should die
1. your cawntry
Soon, my brothers
How's the default squat depth in your country?
Does they understand each others? (Like a brazilian with an argie) or they languages are very differents?
I am a Greek, are you?
How will you prepare for the Russian Invasion Sup Forums?
I want to make love to a sweaty egyptian
/éire/ + /gael/ + /celt/
How do we stop Buddhist Islamophobia?
Nordic Union
Be White European
Why can't Australians make threads?
Talking to a cool German guy
"Hey user you're cute, what's your ethnicity ?"
My uncle just lost his hands and fee to frostbite. He might lose his legs below the knee too
Why Spain just doesn't take Portugal?
What a fucking cancer country to exist
Chilean rapists!
/deutsch/ Schulzfaden uezs
1. Post your country
I heard that Ireland has its own language and ethnic group
Why does he keep doing it?
Would I pass for a native in your country?
I swear guys Finn's are as white as all of us!
Your head of state's daughter
In Russia the state provides you with a free qt gf unless you're a faggot or a weeb
Wake up
Why did they refuse to defend England in WWII?
Yesterday I shaved my balls and it feels so good. I will do this regularly now. Is it a regular thing in your country?
Europe ? heh.. that continent is done for...
One chance at life
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
1. You're cunt
Be Italy
/v4/ + friends
Sverigetråden - Korståg-upplagan
Did Italy win the culture war?
How come Russians and Chinese are so close to each other yet their people look so different?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
My friend's wife is half Finnish half Thai but looks 100% Thai...
/rus/ /belarus/ /ukr/
Xalima dump thread for brazilian bro
When will Japan open up borders to accept more immigrants? There are many foreign men willing to help repopulate Japan
I'd like to ask Sup Forums
Is it true that americans sleep with shoes on?
Hey, germanmench. Heard a news about pakistani pedophile getting 20 months on probation for raping girl...
Why are London, Paris and Berlin accepting many blacks and Muslims?
Post more of these country related memes. I'll post the template next
Who's the greatest leader in the history of your Country?
What's your excuse for not owning a pair of Finnish shoes yet?
Languages still a major barrier to global science, new research finds
/mena/ + /خيبر/
How comes western rightists hate leftists and love antiglobalism simultaneously while the latter is predominantly...
Netherlandish women are unironically the best women
Most retarded things you've seen
Risk Fast Edition
You saw this, then what do?
Kurva anyátok
Green Card Marriages
Weird leader choices
What are you reading Sup Forums
/fr/ - francofil francophole
What was school in your country like?
Be honest French Bros, how close are you to full scale race war...
*circumcises you*
What happens here?
ITT: Give the city you live in and a fact or two about it
Racist against Asians
Poles are asleep, what do?
Why does this region hate breakfast so much?
Mfw the world still doesn't know the power of the leaf
42 years old
2 hours and 30 minutes until the stores open
Americans, how is Boston like?
What race, age, nationality, and ethnicity would your ideal girlfriend be?
This Map Reveals the Top 2017 Brands for each Country
/Somalia/ : smug Farmaajo edition
/ita/ - IL FILO
Raise your hand if you believe fapping feels better than sex
Not even a word? lol
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/canzuk/ Canada Australia New Zealand UK
What is your favorite U.S. region and why? Include pics if you want, or ask questions about other regions...
Ask a Tunisian who fucked his new gf for the first time anything
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Wake up
Ask a white Hispanic anything
Life is so sad
I want to go to Dubai and die in a Chinese flying taxi
Sacked Rome thus sending Europe into a thousand-year long dark age
What do you smoke Sup Forums?
your cunt
ITT: We discuss English
From Medival Times to 1940s, Europeans were barbaric and were always at war
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What's the weirdest feature your language has? Whether rare, atypical or hard for foreigners to understand
Will Spain and especially Portugal be the phoenixes raising out of the ashes of a collapsing western Europe which will...
Why do people like asian girls so much?
/Brown master race thread/
/deutsch/ - dicke ausgabe
White American thread
Pick one (1) country that you would pick to spend valentines day with
/ita/ - il filo senza cattobigotti
Swedes should be exterminated as per karma and for their own good. Prove me wrong
/cum/ - Canada, United States, and Mexico
If I learn Polish how easily could I learn Russian
What's going on in Japan?
How can other countries even compete?
Please come to Paraguay
There are people browsing this board RIGHT NOW who stay up later than 22:00...
Vancouver vs Toronto
Why DON'T you want to live in Japan?
Culture Pals /cp/
Does your country have degenerate shows like The Jerry Springer Show? What do they discuss on it?
This is the absolute state of Sup Forums
Thank you Nippon, you're our greatest ally
Why do some Latin Americans believe they're white?
/ex-yu/ ja nisam kurva edition
Is this the perfect world?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...