Islam is literally religion for edgy kids:

Islam is literally religion for edgy kids:
>pshhh nothing personel infidel
prove me wrong

My friend Poland knows what's up

Islam is masculine,conservative,millitaristic

islam christianity, judaism...

all this shits born in middle east by middle eastern people


And what are you?

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. are replete with edgy tribalistic bullshit.

i am irreligious but tengrism pretty sempathic for cultural.

No i mean you are middle eastern

A cockroach following Tengriism is the dumbest thing ever.

but the crusades are pretty much edgier than any form of islamic hijad

Crussades were a fucking defense mechanism. DEFENSE. I hate it when people compare it to Muslim invasions.

Al-Hayat Media Centre's productions prove otherwise

you are more close middle eastern compared us, indo iranian mena people share same heritage and language with you. we speak altaic language.
now gtfo
"for cultural"
autistic anglo

>Islam is literally religion for edgy ki

Without us Muslims the entire world would by conquered by the christian animals.

Christians are scum.

I mean geneticaly mehmet

He's a Muslim practicing taqiyya. The goal is to delegitimaize self-defense attitudes from kuffar.

Edgy kids are anti-authority. They rebel for the sake of rebelling.
Islam is as authoritarian as a religion gets.



That proves how stupid neo-fascists are. Under Sharia:
> gays must hide deep in the closet
> "degenerate" behaviour (promiscuity, sexual deviations, etc) is not only frowned upon but even legally punished
> man rules, woman obeys
> even if you're a failure of a man, the ummah will take care of you and listen to your problems
Political Islam is exactly what edgy reactionaries want and they're too dumb to realise it. That said, Daesh is basically the beta uprising.


Defense doesnt go into enemy terrotory

>not even 15%


yeah defense buy attacking all kind of non catholic land . only the iberian Reconquista was defense and it was pretty edgy too

Muslims have never contributed anything to the world other than creating the representation for the number zero. After all, they needed a way to depict their non-value.

But the betas are fighting for Assad

Crussades would have never started if Muslims hadn't started invading

>not even 15%
oh what a ignorant, do you think turkic people %100 mongoloid ? even kazakh max 50-60
uzbeks %30-40
Turkmens %20-30

Reactionaries don't deny that, dumbass; they freely admit that Islam is "redpilled" about women.

they contributed half your genes

dumbass mudslim

Bad muslims exterminated most of native North Americans and a lot of South. They killed all Tasmanian people and were treating australlian Aborigens as hunting animals. They collonised nearly all Africa and some of South and South-Eastern Asia.

Also, they praise the book that approve children rape, extermination, theft, murder and "crushing childrens on rocks". This book also discriminates womans, lgbt and approves national hatred.

Oh wait, I thought about christianity

so what ? do you know what edgy even means

Lol, says the spanish, the gayest country in Europe.
>man rules, woman obeys
Of course, how could you rule a woman, if you're gay, kek

Btw, it's totally normal to be gay, and i'm against sharia.

No, they didn't. Only 3% of our genetic code is Arab, at most (and I'm being nice since it's far less).

By that logic i could say that the land wouldnt even be important for you in the first place if you didnt become christian

Don't waste your time much, Spainbro. Idiots will defend Muslims even when they're the biggest criminals on Earth.

>they're the biggest criminals on Earth.
thats wrong tho

if all of mena and the balkans was still christian, catholic chimps would have still attacked them for being 'heretics'

martin luther talked about this, the catholics didn't even believe orthodox christians could get into heaven lmao

and most crusade battles were lost and saladin effectively used them as a buffer state

>ever seriously quoting Martin Luther, the criminal heretic

You are a fucking shithole, the worst country in Europe, the asshole of Europa, all protestant countries in Europe are better than the shithole Portugal, the shame and embarrassment of Europe.

quote me, i'm pagan.

>being a protestant unironically
How is that edge going?

Someone is visibly upset. Are you concerned about Geert winning, Abdul?

fuck all religion, you mong

but that poortuguese animal think he is superior because he is catholic, while his country is the fucking shithole of europe (I've been in portugal, it's literally worse than many african countries) while all protestant in europe are the best, and even your shitty country is protestant dominated

>being atheist
so edgy that he is willing to go to hell just for that


> actually being a Pro*estant

Why do we have it? Mongol empire didn't reach us

slave trade?

and its very less.

>Implying Eueope dont invades other continent


Face it, Turkey is one of the most JUSTed countries when it comes to ethnicities.
You have Anatolian roots, you people have Balkan blood, some mongol influence, some Turkic genes from Central Asia, Arab blood from Middle-East.
You are unholy mixture of everything. Explains why some of you look like northern Italians, some are brown as bean with inch thick eyebrows and bodyhair all over and why few of you look like Kazakhs.
Turkey should be The Melting Pot, not USA.

Its very normal, we dont have problem with our heritages.
we are settled in anatolian peninsula thereforce asia europe middle east effect.
its not just us, like russian, like italians, like spaniard with north africa effect, and a lot of samples
but important thing which one dominant. in our society its turkic. you face it. we are Turks and Turkic.

Just out of interest how much common does Turkish language have with other Turkic languages say Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan?

>Political Islam is exactly what edgy reactionaries want and they're too dumb to realise it.
Almost every traditional society has laws like this.

And with "traditional" I mean non-feminist.

>not being agnostic

> and why few of you look like Kazakhs.
literally doesnt happen lad.