Average Russian breakfast

Average Russian breakfast

>having money for salam

nice propaganda there, Vaniushka

Жиpyeшь, cyкa. Cтo лeт вapeнoй кoлбacы нe eл

>no based Boyaryshnique

id eat it

average finnish breakfast

Average Bulgarian breakfast

Why is the cup not full? You are gay?

What's the percentage of meat in that?

depends if ears and hoofs count as meat

Should say on the package %

the slice is too thick
it should be very thin



>being able to afford such a thick slice on bread

>Not a sandwich with mayonnaise
Go fuck yourself, oligarch.

Men du äter ju allt jävla fetto

That's an oligarch's breakfast. Average russian breakfast is a piece of bread made from sawdust.

please send me that 2% meat my daughter is sick

Looks delicious. Not even joking.

average "Russian" user on Sup Forums

No, Ivan, at least thou might have a omelette with a frankfurter, of thou blew thy last money on Arabian vodka?