Marry, Fuck, Kill. Go

Marry, Fuck, Kill. Go.

marry germania fuck latina kill slavja

>kill Germania
>convert to Islam and marry both Latina and Slavja

>Not marrying Slav

pleb taste

Kill the artist for his shit drawing. Seriously looks like shit.

That's simple.

Marry Germania, fuck Latina, kill Slavja.

fuck Latina
marry Slavia
kill Germania

>skavia is the red haired one

I didn't draw it

still, i dont think there are a lot of ginger slavs at all.
if anything, prolly Bulgaria has the most gingers from all the slavs because of >muh thracian genes, and even then, they are still prolly like 1% of the population

arent there a lot of ginger germs?

That art is disgusting

I know the Brits have lots of gingers.Also I've met Polish gingers.


It's dyed hair, fucktard.

Ya fucktard

I think it was meant to simplify. Most people (especially on Sup Forums) would know Greeks are Hellenic and Finns are not even Finno Uralic.

Sorry meant not even Indo European** they are Finno Uralic

Brits have lots of gingers cause they used to own their homeland. And judging by how GOOD Ireland's economy is, they still probably should be owned.

Marry Latina
Fuck Germania
Kill Slavja

you should make a Celtia

I want someone to re-make this pic more 2bh. Maybe the balkans should be its own thing too because they are not like the rest of Slavs, they are darker skinned.

Celtia would have ONE country
Even finno-urgics have more nations than them, and celtia's just BARELY better off than basque

>Celtia would have ONE country

Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Brittany in Northwestern France could be distinguishable though

Fuck slav and latina

Marry and make hungarian babies with Germania

Fuck Slavja
Marry Latina
Kill Germania