Hello Sup Forumsrothers. Autismo back from a 404 and she responded.
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Hello Sup Forumsrothers. Autismo back from a 404 and she responded.
Help Sup Forums
lets see it faggot, you posted that a one a while ago
Jesus christ, you again?
just send this:
"You seem cool, want to continue this convo over drinks?"
you're welcome
Mission halfway accomplished. Next comes the orgasm inside of her body.
well done user, now get her back to yours and fuck her without a condom. then leave with the kid and make her pay child support for the next 18 years
You should text her
text her now op.. set up a date for later this week. i'm proud of you :)
ye text, ask her for her fav coffee shop, then go there. ez
also if u dont wanna wait, ask her to come over tonight and chill. u can literally chill if fu want to get to know her or u can try to be bold during "chill"
Happy for you OP.
Now go get dat pucci
I can't wait to stimulate that clitoris. Thank you Sup Forums, I'm in your debt
Dont send this, but how the fuck is wuthering hights anyones favorite book, I read that shit and it was the most boring, dry, god forsaken book ive ever had the misfortune of being forced to read.
send her a penis picture and ask for a picture of her vaginer and share to us
not op, talking to girl on tinder, need a good pun for doing it doggy style
Almost butt fucking.
Not a pun, but the phrase raw dogging the chocolate starfish always gets them
post more pics of her op
Just text her and ask if she wants to go for a drink, or go do something corny like bowling,
ok because of this ima post my chat, cuz it was super close
Give Sup Forums her number
Doing good boy
was lying bout 1st btw
Smash this one.
Date this one.
Aurora is a stupid name.
sick cunt nw u ar ye
she replies "oh" with that stupid monkey with eyes over face emoji, what do i say
100 to 0 just like that
I usually give head to guys, but I'm willing to experiment.
isnt that the city in colorado where the cinema was shot up
666 for the deathblow. GG op.
lol you prolly blew it bruh. why not just say lets talk about dogs over a drink??
Nailed it
I practice on guys, I promise bitches eat bi shit up
>the current situation
Confidence got the pussy wet. You can actually salvage this.
like the fuck. yall need to realize that that dumb ass pick up game shit does not work most of the time. you were doing well, set a date to chill thats all ya got to do.
Smash that!
winner winner chicken and fish dinner
Way to be the first 4channer to crush Purdy in one of these threads
Personally I find Shih-Tzu delicious.
50 60 70
Why does a dead dog keep going in circles? Because you nailed it to a baby, pinned to the floor with one foot
you ruined it again you cuck
im sending pics on phone, and typing on laptop, but for the sake of good humor ill sacrifice chance of smashing
>Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)20:22:54 No.7134
the bronte girls were freaks though, def the kind thatd be into choking and shit
lol well ill be damned. props user. you in
god damnit
u want to actually see a win or a good laugh? make up ur mind
God damn lmao
You watch to many movies
Potential winning shot
waiting for reply on the guy sucking thing
Jesus christ you ruined it . This is like the chocolate milk thread all over again
If this hits it's a grand fucking slam! This bitch will be down for ANYTHING!
yea i know, its too bad, but honestly shes a cow, not sure if worth and shes 18...
Anyone new? This shit got boring.
you glorious son of a bitch
Well fucking played OP
im getting tired of waiting
Dude when you're desperate every hole is worth it
oh my meme. keep em comin' OP.
im not op... im the guy that took over after op won
fuck off.
phone numbers are just the first part of the battle, i'd use won lightly.
how's your head game going, (not)OP?
OP here. How in the frick
fucking hell mate, IT"S FUCKING RAW
Can I get some sauce with that?
just gotta act like ur above them notop here
>just act like you're above them
this is the secret behind the negging bullshit and the whole PUA lifestyle.
if they think you're better than them you get laid. simple as that
Salvage this shit. Admit it's a bad joke or some shit and get it going. I wanna see this get dragged out
enjoy trapfurs/furtraps faggots
Fucking hell, sometimes people are insane.
Good job OP. Now say it wasn't you texting that giving head shit.
But appreciate you being a good sport OP.
This is sad I really liked this thread.