I can't wait to stimulate that clitoris. Thank you Sup Forums, I'm in your debt
Hello Sup Forumsrothers. Autismo back from a 404 and she responded
Ryan Rivera
Andrew Peterson
Dont send this, but how the fuck is wuthering hights anyones favorite book, I read that shit and it was the most boring, dry, god forsaken book ive ever had the misfortune of being forced to read.
Nicholas Reed
send her a penis picture and ask for a picture of her vaginer and share to us
Jonathan Edwards
Owen Smith
not op, talking to girl on tinder, need a good pun for doing it doggy style
Aaron Nguyen
Almost butt fucking.
Sebastian Lopez
Not a pun, but the phrase raw dogging the chocolate starfish always gets them
Ian Sanders
post more pics of her op
Sebastian Taylor
Just text her and ask if she wants to go for a drink, or go do something corny like bowling,
Ayden Smith
ok because of this ima post my chat, cuz it was super close