On a mission, in a village.
Secrets thread
What colour were they? Every think you'd get caught?
Timor 06
Shit skin of course. Never worried about getting caught.
I can only cum from jerking off to girls on chaturbate. How do I fix myself Sup Forums? I wanna be able to cum from sex D:
Dont jerk it for awhile. Then have sex
how did you do that? how old is she?
I think I'm evil. Dubs proof
Tricked her with fake webcam the first time with chat software that requires no account (utox or something) and told her everyone do that with link on vid sites to prove it and told her about omegle and made sure she bookmarked omegle ...
She waited quite a few weeks before going on omegle and she got herself naked on the first time ... She even fell on some fake webcam, so i expected to see her on ML ...
tried that, no dice. maybe the condom is the issue...