Am I the only one who finds Standing Rock funny?
Am I the only one who finds Standing Rock funny?
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I do only in the sense that if that were blacks instead of native Americans, the media and sheeple would be going ape shit over this. It is delicious when the double standard reveals itself yet only a few will notice.
I find it hilarious that corporations use local law enforcement as their own personal militia and no one is really covering it.
Only politician doing anything is Bernie Sanders.
>Be redskin
>Get ass kicked left and right, disease, etc.
>Get allotted parcel of land because of old-timey SJWs
>"This is our land"
lol every time
They should all be dead and they're lucky that white people like pseudo-slavery.
Whine some more about the land your ancestors did not purchase in blood, but were given.
so edgy, is it recess already?
I donated money to them
I work with Natives because I work at a casino. I am also Native. I do agree with you though, your being a bit edgy but you are right. Almost every time a more advanced civilization shows up at a less advanced civ they get fucking annihilated. That didnt happen in the case of Natives, they were given land to be theirs and even given the ability to have their own laws etc etc. As we have evolved as a culture together, I don't think its very cool for them to now be like we are gonna destroy your sacred ground for a pipeline. When it comes to Native beliefs, certain grounds have great meaning, I feel like most religions are respected, that should be as well.
Where have you been? My social media is filled with shitarded liberals crying about Pilgramcaust 2.0 and how we've been using Native Americans as sex slaves for the past 500 years or whatever.
Fear not, the liberals are hard at work race baiting.
too bad they wont scalp some oil workers and cops. Damn Indians turned into hippies, chanting and singing kumbaya.
Soon no more injuns. Reservations be clean of stray dogs, drunks, brokem down buildems, filth that is remaining inbred gene pool of native
obviously not native. why do right wing cucks always pretend to be a lib or different race when trying to push their agenda online.
>too transparent.
You mean that police are attempting to enforce existing laws?
Wow that's shocking. Yes, we do need a retarded communist to change this right away.
I am a jew and I was in Auswitz, I agree, Hitler did nothing wrong.
I am part of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribe. My grandmother is a Tribal Elder bro.
no they aren't, it is army core of engineer land, the army has refused to go in, it is local law enforcement trespassing illegally..
Do a bit of homework before you say something stupid.
The police should technically be arresting the pipeline workers for trespassing.
Yeah, that is exactly why I don't participate in "social media".
I was referring to our state run media like NBC and cnn. BLM got waaaaaaaaaay more coverage than this. Pathetic.
I find it funny that these people signed a contract, then decided they wanted more money and cried "MUH SACRED LAND!". Fun fact: The company building the pipeline worked to ensure that the pipe wouldn't cross any "sacred lands" (as if there's any such thing), and there's already a fucking pipeline there.
This is just another excuse for liberal college kids to skip class and take a road trip.
They tried to buy the land for 1.6 billion, the Sioux Nation refused, now they are trying to illegally go in to Native land that is not U.S. territory.
nope, wrong again Bob, they refused the money, never signed a contract.
Also, if it isn't indian land then why offer them a billion dollars? you cant be that stupid to support giant corporations that screw you on the daily.
another reason that proves amuricunts are nazis.
You mean besides Operation Paperclip and the two-faced war loans?
>Rework the plans so you avoid any sacred land of the local populace.
>Finally come up with a perfect set up.
>Completely skips around their land.
>Greedy shits find out that because it won't be on their land, they won't be getting any of dat government money.
>They start to "protest" so hard you need a personal militia.
Fuck the greedy redskins.
God you are fucking retarded. Did you skip public school, buddy?
The police at DAPL began by breaking laws and are breaking more laws than any protestor. How seriously ignorant can you be? You are accessing the internet at this very moment you have zero excuses to be so uneducated
sooooo have any of you even looked at the plotted course of the pipeline and how it was rerouted around their "sacred land" when they refused the offer that they made to go through their land.
now just throwing a fit because they didn't get anything and they just decided to go around them instead
and look at all the stupid assholes looking at them like awww the poor indians they are so oppressed and they are fighting to stop evil companies from cutting through their land
no they are greedy fucks who thoughts 50+ million or so wasnt enough to have a metal tube running through their land so the company said fine we will just go around you and avoid the whole problem and now they are throwing a fit because no monies now! should be happy that we tried to be civil after fighting for 400 years with them to seize control of this country and gave them land of their own to do with as they pleased rather than just wiping them from the face of the earth...
they were tribes of people, some of which not even knowing of others existence in the same country or even just miles away because they were basically still living in the fucking stone age...sooner or later they were going to be conquered if not by us then someone else, it's inevitable.
boo hoo cry me a river and then blame the rain gods for the flooding
i know this whole thread is probably bait but i just wanted to rant for a bit on the topic
hahahha, fucking idiot.
it was origionally going to be in a white neighborhood, locals found out, protested and the company then moved it to Indian Land, Indians find out and refuse the billions the company wants to bribe them with, Indians protest, cops and pipeline workers act like barbarians and attack peacefull protesters...
there, I fixed the inaccuracy of your statement for you.
No, the pipeline actively ignored Anthropological data and a Federal Environmental protection law that has been in place for many years.
Instead of pretending to know something, why not just research it? Like seriously how can you lack suck basic logic?
can someone that actually knows what the fuck is going on on share some info with me?
You deserve it for essentially backing a greedy foreign power attempting to halt progress.
Isn't that what you cucks are all about, progress?
This is accurate regardless of poster's ethnicity. In the long history of this earth, American Indians still exist as a culture and people while so many others do not. You don't have to be some sort of denier of wrongdoings against them to make that case, its pretty fucking clear cut. You know who didn't luck out? All that mega-fauna minding its own business when those first American Indians showed up and butchered every fucking ground sloth.
pic > mfw I can't ride a giant ground sloth because of American Indians.
they sold the land for money and now are pissed they are going to run a pipe through it. thier whole basis of this protest is they are saving the water. Its fucking retarded. but I will say the oil company did do some really fucked up shit. Like ask the people where the sacred sites were so they wouldnt destroy them and as soon as they got the information they sent bulldozers over there and destroyed every site they put on the map. They really shouldn't have done that.
>it was rerouted around their "sacred land"
but that one went through their living room, so....
Source on the reroute? All I can see is the original route which went above bismarck, which was then moved south because the city complained
Dude stop trying to learn anything from Sup Forums. This place has more false information than anywhere else I've ever been in my life. Learn how to do credible searches, then /try/ to discuss it here, I guess.
Be prepared for a thread where you and maybe one other user know an ounce of what you're saying, and the other 84 posters will be discussing misinformation and rhetoric with a fiery passion.
It's sad to watch neets fight over the last piece of gravel
>Originally in a white neighborhood
No it wasn't but it helped to get you white guilters on board.
>They refused the money
And so they built around it
>redskins protest, cops beat their ass
They are going out of their way to attack the pipeline, they are getting what they deserve.
This guy is one of the only rational people in this thread. The company squeezed through a loophole by saying that the pipeline is many small construction projects, so they don't have to perform environmental and cultural impact studies
listen to him
From what I understand the pipeline will not cross any tribal lands.
If I am wrong about this I would like a source.
What do I deserve..?
I would say that you deserve your unintelligence but that wouldn't be regressive, and, ya know, ignorance is a choice
It's strange that you've chosen the path of the retarded
Googled dakota access pipeline map. You're welcome.
can't a few thousand armed Americans show up and be like ummmm, cops, you gotta go. They fail to realize we have more guns and more people than they do
I would completely destroy the so called sacred grounds so that they no longer have a legitamate basis for opposing the pipeline.
Sure must be nice to know so little about the world around you...
I was in South Dakota assisting the native people who, many of which are now at the DaPL camp protesting. The only reason I know what I do is because I learned it first hand from those it affects
But this is Sup Forums and credibility comes last
Aren't you anons supposed to be against this Orwellian bullshit? Do you all not care because it hasn't affected you yet? Howd that work for Germany in 1930?
they already did that. they asked where the sites were and the next day buldozed them. It was blatantly a big fuck you. and considering our past with the american indians and them getting fucked over by companies like big oil it was a very bad decision.
Desire to rant is inversely proportional to what you know about the sitch, clearly...
It doesn't cross any tribe-owned lands, but you're also not allowed to build things on archeological or cultural sites. At least not without having an impact study performed first, which is the tribe's case for sueing the company
So they're protesting the use of land that isn't even theirs?
NEPA was fully ignored. It's a federal law.
Corporations are above the law.
Are we above the law?
They're protesting the destruction of cultural and archeological sites, when the proper procedures weren't followed.
You're a honky. Fuck your fake propaganda.
So then these protesters are complaining about nothing. They should be shot.
I bet you would, fatty.
>reading sure is hard
"Cultural and archeological sites" that were not theirs. Gotcha.
Growing up in the Canadian prairies has led to a real dislike of natives. They're literally the niggers of Canada; committing disproportionate amounts of crime and hoovering up welfare and other benefits (they get free education, get huge tax breaks, etc).
Implying that the US army hasn't done so before
Noticing that their gear is still mostly the same while the armies has made vast improvements
Standing Rock?
I like Rolling Stones better.
This isn't the first time the Jews have desecrated someone's sacred land
You got rekt, kid. If you start reading a book you might be able to finish the whole thing by the time you graduate.
That's not how cultural and archeological sites work. It doesn't matter where they are, if they hold significance you have to go through the proper procedures to reduce the impact to those sites, or you can't build there
Just move the pipe north 2 inches and you'll avoid the reds
read a book that isn't the Turner Diaries
Says the nigger. Just because I see things how they actually happened and not a racist bigot doesn't mean that I'm not Native.
Not sure if trolling or if serious.
In real estate we have terms:
NINBYs - "Not In My Backyard"ers
BANANA - "Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything"
If you want to control how land is used, own it. If you don't own it, you have significantly less ground for bitching. There are a lot of sites that are "emotionally important" to me. If they wanted to tear them down I could go ahead and protest because they "hold significance" to me. I sort of doubt I would be taken seriously, though, because generally the standard is if it's not yours, you don't have any say in what happens to the land.
No, no, they realize. Its the American people who, for the most part, fail to realize this.
if you could walk more than 10 paces without a break
you sound so fucking dumb
you sound like the most submissive beta on the planet
look into it you cuck, it was in a different state before, but whitey protested.
The didn't build around it haha, you are a giant corporate cuck, played by the 1 are seriously here lying to benefit a massively corrupt corporation? god dude, you bring cuck to a whole new level.
>calls someone a nigger
>claims he's not a racist bigot
Choose one.
In Federal Law we have something called the National Historic Preservation Act. That protects archeological and cultural sites, no matter who owns the land
This is not the old Sup Forums, user. Old Sup Forums stood for something. They had ideals. This is mostly daycare for edgy teens who don't know what originality is.
>right wing cucks
Liberals are the ones who like licking nigger jizz out of their skank mudshark girlfriends' rancid snatches.
This is Sup Forums, everyone is a nigger and a faggot. c'mon now. I'm not ACTUALLY racist though.
Your nana ain't about shit......
What have the Indian community done to build America and its values in the past 100 years????!
>I'm waiting .............
How are those defined? Honestly what isn't a "cultural site"?
>Howd that work for Germany in 1930?
Nope, just the truth
indian burial grounds for one. and they bulldozed a bunch of them on purpose.
You forget the part where you aren't 400 years old.
if you want to keep up you should check out the Intercept, run by Glen Greenwald, the Snowden Leaks guy..
this is just one story, check the whole site out, it really is great.
Why were the burial grounds not part of the reservation? Who owns them currently?
Prob fuck all, but that wasn't the point I was arguing. Most Natives are racist af and only care about their own tribes.
You've got to prove that it's got historical significance, according to one of these criteria
This guy knows what's up!!!
>why can I not find any info on the Indians refusing a deal and the government re engineering the pipeline around their "sacred" land
Please post link!!!!!!!
>ps "sacred" land is a fucking stupid concept, as if to say a mound of dirt has significance over another hunk of mud.
Because the burial grounds are from before the reservation was created. I still haven't been able to find out who owns the land the pipeline is being built on, but for Historical Preservation it doesn't matter
I'm not sure about the specifics but I think the pipeline runs through a corner of the reservation. the company asked for a map with the sites on it so they could avoid them but instead used the information to go and specifically bulldoze every one of them the next day.
Ironic racism is difficult to do properly in the present year or it sounds like you're an alt-right fag that's angry and butthurt about life. I don't even do it anymore. I started pretending to be a sjw though, since the majority here now actually are racist newfags so it pisses them off. Racism is not shocking after a decade on Sup Forums. I advise trolling the newfags as a sjw, there's more anons who will get butthurt over it than there are non-whites who will get butthurt over racism. You can cast the net wider by trolling as an extremist anti-racist sjw. Sup Forums has always been about going against the grain so doing that today means the opposite of what Sup Forums was a decade ago.
>why can I not find any info on the Indians refusing a deal and the government re engineering the pipeline around their "sacred" land
Because that didn't happen