if you want to keep up you should check out the Intercept, run by Glen Greenwald, the Snowden Leaks guy..
this is just one story, check the whole site out, it really is great.
if you want to keep up you should check out the Intercept, run by Glen Greenwald, the Snowden Leaks guy..
this is just one story, check the whole site out, it really is great.
Why were the burial grounds not part of the reservation? Who owns them currently?
Prob fuck all, but that wasn't the point I was arguing. Most Natives are racist af and only care about their own tribes.
You've got to prove that it's got historical significance, according to one of these criteria
This guy knows what's up!!!
>why can I not find any info on the Indians refusing a deal and the government re engineering the pipeline around their "sacred" land
Please post link!!!!!!!
>ps "sacred" land is a fucking stupid concept, as if to say a mound of dirt has significance over another hunk of mud.
Because the burial grounds are from before the reservation was created. I still haven't been able to find out who owns the land the pipeline is being built on, but for Historical Preservation it doesn't matter
I'm not sure about the specifics but I think the pipeline runs through a corner of the reservation. the company asked for a map with the sites on it so they could avoid them but instead used the information to go and specifically bulldoze every one of them the next day.
Ironic racism is difficult to do properly in the present year or it sounds like you're an alt-right fag that's angry and butthurt about life. I don't even do it anymore. I started pretending to be a sjw though, since the majority here now actually are racist newfags so it pisses them off. Racism is not shocking after a decade on Sup Forums. I advise trolling the newfags as a sjw, there's more anons who will get butthurt over it than there are non-whites who will get butthurt over racism. You can cast the net wider by trolling as an extremist anti-racist sjw. Sup Forums has always been about going against the grain so doing that today means the opposite of what Sup Forums was a decade ago.
>why can I not find any info on the Indians refusing a deal and the government re engineering the pipeline around their "sacred" land
Because that didn't happen