How do we fight back against the influx of cuck threads Sup Forums?
>only practical suggestions welcomed
>jewish perverts will be ignored
How do we fight back against the influx of cuck threads Sup Forums?
>only practical suggestions welcomed
>jewish perverts will be ignored
You cut out the good bit
Which part is good?
Idk but any and every cuck is NOT A real man. do not like other men fucking their wife. You sad, sad, sad boys.
by not replying to them and hiding them
if they get no bites then people would stop posting them so often
Are these cock threads challenging you? Are you threatened? Triggered?
How about YOU make threads that YOU like with content YOU like then people like YOU will have fun. Then you can spend time in your fun thread and not get upset over the amount of fun some other threads might be having.
Jew detected. I wish Hitler had gotten all of your cockroach amcestors.
give cummies
>why are you coming to Sup Forums for practical solutions you fucking moron
Yeah, we Jews are all about mutual respect and helping each other survive.
Oj vey holocaust believer. Sorry to spoil the history but it never happened.
scroll past threads you don't like
Fuck off and die worm.
batman mask of course
anyone ever tried naked biking?
it looks like it would be very uncomfortable
wouldn't want to pinch any nutsacks or pussyflaps
Reddit is forcing them.
The Jews want cucks to be more common.
Nah it's cool
you can't when that's all there is
you dont fight it
cucks are cucks because they havent been exposed to enough t in the womb and their teenage years
that lead them to be beta fags
and being cuck is only natural forthem
if youre so sure about not being a cuck you should be fucking their wives, since your genetics are supposedly better
Any time you see a post about the king of cucks, aka TRUMP, you gotta sage that shit. Bunch of cucks supporting him.
>How do we fight back against the influx of cuck threads Sup Forums?
We make duck threads.
Very good idea.
White bois will never be able to compete.
Then just get off Sup Forums. You waste too much time here anyway.
How can anyone actually enjoy the idea of being a cuck? It's literally the most pathetic thing I've ever heard of in my life.
If you are a cuck, or want to be one, just fucking kill yourself now because you're a fucking waste of human life.
I wonder if these dudes ever feel regret.
Chill out bro. It's just fantasy. Also there is nothing better than pushing some other men's sperm with your dick inside your girl's sloppy womb.
Post more threads with hetero topics
I could think of a few things better, like the ebola virus or the holocaust - all situations mildly better than watching a man ejaculate in a woman im attached to. Each to their own, eh Steinberg?
Whatever, bro.
The holocaust wasn't that bad anyway.
Honestly it will fix itself. It's just a trend, it came fast and will be gone fast. They're all living off this dream that everybody will be amazed by their girls and share them everywhere but in reality nobody cares about anybody but themselves, have you visited the threads? The posts are many, the repleis are few, it's very self defeating.
Thats not being manly thats just inconsiderate when I live with my fiancee.
Edgy, aint you?
how did that work out for you?
Trump 2020
post the reverse, cuckquean threads are way more appealing.
>Taking image boards this seriously
Stop posting in them.
Really fucking simple solution to most things in life.
Don't like a business? Stop buying. Don't like a friend? Stop contact. Don't like your life? Stop doing the same shit.
You gotta put that pussy on the chainwax
fucking cucks
Wow #7 is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Is that serious?
Because maybe they didn't want the largest atrocity in history to be recorded in any way, shape, or form??????
Holy fuck so stupid
It's amazing how seriously plebbit can take us....
I'm interested to know how these guys do this shit without at least getting a raging boner, and at most cumming everywhere in front of everyone.
Ignore threads you dont like instead of making threads bitching about them. there is literally a button that hides threads you dont like instead of making a thread drawing more attention to it and shouting "HOW DO I STOP PEOPLE FROM LIKING THINGS I DONT LIKE"
Real suggesting, we all make a code word like "cucked thread" if 3 people or more come to the conclusion that its a "cucked thread" we spam the thread with gay pictures
Hubby got in close with the camera.
occam's razor dude
not only with respect to the fact that it's immeasurably more likely there was a holocaust than the possibility it was a conspiracy, but also that it's more likely that a bunch of resentful, ideologically-motivated pseudo-academics found enough material to piece together a plausible-sounding theory than the possibility you've cracked the great code of the 20th century and uncovered the deceitful jew for what he is
well thats not the only piece of evidence that the holocaust didnt happen, look around maybe, faggot?
> but also that it's more likely that a bunch of resentful, ideologically-motivated pseudo-academics found enough material to piece together a plausible-sounding theory
I hope you understand the irony here.
It's not just reddit.
A lot of tards here think they're wasting their life on the "cool site" and look down on anything posted on another site.
and the ugly people losers smell like poop and there very unattrative and has to know what the attrative people do all the time like the ugly bitch or the ugly scpio ugly bitch guy that smell like poop and ugly bitch and the ugly people and ugly people losers and they say there attrative but smell like poop and always want to know what the attrative people is doing like me cause is attrative to me but i think there ugly and the ugly people losers and ugly people smell like poop and cant get girls without forcing people to like them by puting fear to people saying going to give them bad services and god knows it but people dont cause the ugly bitch hurt everybody with corn rolls so can forget or cant think about it or stack them with more lies
and the ugly guys losers and the ugly people losers smell like poop
>when even the Asian has a bigger dick than you
How embarrassing
>this much damage control
by ignoring them. you ignore that bullshit until it goes away. or gain mod rights and ban them.
Naked bike ride girls. nao.