and the ugly people losers smell like poop and there very unattrative and has to know what the attrative people do all the time like the ugly bitch or the ugly scpio ugly bitch guy that smell like poop and ugly bitch and the ugly people and ugly people losers and they say there attrative but smell like poop and always want to know what the attrative people is doing like me cause is attrative to me but i think there ugly and the ugly people losers and ugly people smell like poop and cant get girls without forcing people to like them by puting fear to people saying going to give them bad services and god knows it but people dont cause the ugly bitch hurt everybody with corn rolls so can forget or cant think about it or stack them with more lies
and the ugly guys losers and the ugly people losers smell like poop
How do we fight back against the influx of cuck threads Sup Forums?
Ethan Bennett
Kevin Cox
>when even the Asian has a bigger dick than you
How embarrassing
Samuel Moore
William Barnes
Ryder Williams
>this much damage control
Justin Martinez
Jaxon Allen
by ignoring them. you ignore that bullshit until it goes away. or gain mod rights and ban them.
Dominic Edwards
Naked bike ride girls. nao.
Evan Morris