Big Canadian

Big Canadian



That's fucking funny.

Wtf?! I hate Drumpf now!



That's it...


This one actually got me grinning.


Holy shit, nice one. Fag-lord. REALLY makes you think.


Koksal Trump


Between the Drumph thing and this bullshit now, it's clear that leftists really do have the minds of children with no actual arguments



Protip: these were made by the same anti-Putin guy who made the Putin ones.

He hates Trump because he's buddy buddy with Putin.

>"cuck cuck cuck nigger (((jews))) cuck libtard cuck cuck cuck"
>"'drumpf'? wow how mature of you you stupid libtard cuck"

This. Slightly smirked

>implying you're any better


North American Union between Queen Ivanka 'The Magnificent' Trumpius of United States and Judea and King Justinus 'The Cuck' Trudeau II of Canadá.
