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International #714
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
How is this man viewed in your country?
Thank us
/deutsch/ - traurige ausgabe
International capital of the world: New York or London?
I am Central European
Korean girls bring back the thread edition
Today is Blini holiday in Russia - Maslenitsa
/fr/ - Le francofil
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
Why is denying the Holocaust considered a crime in most European countries?
How do you say fire in your language?
Do Americans think Europeans are ungrateful towards them?
Take DNA test
/ita/ - il filo
Post traps from your cunt
What's it like to live in Germany?
Come here for le ebin bantz between nations
SLAVIC General
Military commander ranking in world history
Why do so many people dislike the EU?
Citizenship you have:
In what part of Africa would you live?
United Protestant Kingdom of Great Germany, Great Scandinavia, Great Britain, Estonia and Northern Ireland when?
Why are Germanic women so more prettier compared to other white women?
My gf wwwwwwwwwwwwww
Rate my dinner, Sup Forums
Words used for "father" in your language?
Sweden is/was/will soon again be a wonder of a country...
Why Eastern Europe, Spanish America, Italy, Iberian countries and fucking South Africa are so tolerant with gay blood?
Rank the area you live in 1-10 and why you think so
Can not stop the hegemonism of Russia and China?
Post old pictures from your cunt
Seriously, what the fuck Asia?
Why is Estonia not considered Nordic?
I walk like this dressed in your country
Dokdo will forever remain a peaceful island of Korea in the East Sea
Sverigetråden - Nationalsocialistisk 2D-upplaga
/balk/ - death to whites edition
Nordic Union
Why is Poland so xenophobic? :o
/fr/ - Le francofil
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
/rus/ - /bel/ - /ukr/
How much do you drink alcoholic beverage?
Anyone else feel sad for our white brothers is the new world?
Why do people hate the American accent?
/deutsch/ - Infoausgabe
Culture Pals /cp/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How does Sup Forums feel about Judaism and the Jews?
>tfw no /mena/ gf
/v4/ + friends
How do we help feminism take over the middle East?
You now remember when you thought this picture was funny
Fact: The USA has a superior natural landscape to your country
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your country
Am I white? My family has been in America for 100s of years
Exchanging to the US
What is the most popular hot sauce in your country?
What do actual Italians think of Italian-Americans
Why Poland is so catholic and perfect?
Go to western country
Would anyone complain if we do this?
So, Sup Forums, for the rest of my life I will be given $800USD a month just for being alive...
Post music from your country!
How accurate is this to South America?
ITT: Sup Forums in 2000
Reminder that if your country is not in civ 6, it has no culture
What the fuck goes on here?
Is your country a failure?
Weird leader choices
Why did the Australian women want to sleep with the US soldiers during World War 2 again?
How common is mental illness in your country?
Why isn't america /comfy/ like europe?
/Alternative Timeline/
Let's find out which country Sup Forums hates the least
How do I worship it?
Is your president a walking meme?
Is this considered attractive in your cunt?
Meanwhile in Brazil
Go to Thailand
Who's your favorite Scandinavian?
ITT: States of your cunt that need to be nuked
I haven't seen one of these in a while. Post Skylines and interesting architecture from your cunt
Go to streetview then post the home you grew up in as a child
I wish I was American
Ask a dual UK-US citizen who married an American and moved to the States anything
Lets play a game
Indonesians seem to defend Indonesians who assassinated Kim Jong-nam
ITT: Post your cunt compared against Russia
Do white people deserve all the loathing and derision they get?
/nachtschicht/, ehemals /deutsch/
Eastern Russia
Portugal and Spain used to be Islam territory, but somehow they totally recovered it as catholic country
Asian girls don't have tits or ass so they take extra care of their feet and legs
Fuck the european "union", come with us spain!
This land is mine. God gave this land to me
When will Yankee scum stop oppressing the South?
"Homeland is our earthly mother. Poland is special mother. Not easy was her history during the last centuries...
What's the best Mexican state?
The Ottoman Empire needs to return
--------------- Vocaroo thread --------------
You wake up in your own country, but exactly 20 years ago
ITT: post your city's metro map
What do you think of when you see this continent?
Putin's daughter married this man
Netherlands + Belgium + Alsace Lorraine + Switzerland + Jura & Savoie + Northern Italy
There's only 1 (one) country between Norway and North Korea
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Im overseas korean and i dont understand why my race/nationality even exists...
Has Canada ever committed any war crimes?
Americans, apologize to the Japanese
These are Japan's rightful borders
*walks towards you*
Why do Jews eat so much meat?
Half of europe are fucking birds hahahaha
Would Bruce Campbell pass as a local in your country?
/fr/ - Le francofil esthétique
Kill all your gommies
One shot at life
This land is my land, this beautiful, resource rich land is mine, God gave this land to me
/CA&C/ - central america & the caribbean general
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
President of Iceland announces he would ban pineapple as a pizza topping
You're cunt
White map
"European" Union
/deutsch/ - neue ausgabe
Mexico is 63% white
So... this what Finns truly look like
Post the coolest headline your country has provided
Tfw no motivation to do anything with my life and lack the willpower to something about it
Is /brit/ the worst general on Sup Forums?
Holding the hand of your friend is considered gay in america
/ita/ - il filo
How can I escape from this place? Why I am here? It's Somali with snow
Easiest EU countries for an Ameriburger to get permanent residency/citizenship down the road?
Really questions your sexuality
What computer games does Sup Forums play?
Glibness and Superficial >Charm
Is culture in your cunt generally pro or anti beards?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What's the internet speed like in your country?
Why are all British girls such slags? Even the innocent girl next door are such degenerate sluts
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Percentage of population that lives in commie blocks
Tell me about this country
/balt/ & /ausnz/
Sverigetråden - Parneviksupplagan
What do French people think of their overseas territories and the people who inhabit them?
F*nland hate thread
How could a country with over 1 billion inhabitants be so soulless?
What is it like living in the US? It sounds alien to me...
Stop reproducing
You wear t-shirts
What is an interesting fact about your country's leader?
Fuck you mexicans
Kurva anyátok
Are Russia/Poland/Ukraine as depressive as they look?
Why are French people so repulsive and unhygienic?
/Schokoelfen/ ehemals /deutsch/
/fr/ - Le francofil gentil
How do we go about saving Britain and British culture?
How can other religions even compete?
/ex-yu/ + /balk/ unity thread
Ukraine Demographic Devastation
1. you cunt
Why can't Europe into cartoons that are entertaining for all ages? Everything comes out of Canada or the USA...
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
Why can't Americans handle banter?
/deutsch/ - neue ausgabe
France... what are you waiting for?
How do you say fire in your language?
Can anyone from Sweden tell me what's going on over there? Are refugees really as bad as people say?
Do Germans still get angry over this?
/flag/tism - Flag Thread
What are Sup Forums thoughts on this guy?
Press F to pay respects
What are some popular baby names in your vagina
I walk with this on my tshirt through your country
Hilo /brit/ino
Tfw making Sweden vs Finland threads
Australia is now playable in Civ 6
Australia finally makes it into CIVILIZATION
Yes hello I would like to have some serious discussion please
Are you for or against Turkey's EU membership ?
Does anyone else think it's kinda scary how Swedes in the government and media are unanimously covering up sex crimes...
What the fuck is wrong with americans?
PutinTV told me
Legs of Sup Forums
How to irritate Americans with one sentence?
Why the fuck does no one in Germany accept these. I'm an American goddamnit I can suck my own dick if I want to...
/deutsch/ - peronismus qts
What's the scariest animal in your cunt?
Korean anime
Post sweets from your cunt
These are the real faces of Russia
So this... is the power of the Swedish army
Childhood is making fun of Argentine
Hilo /brit/ino
Based Italy
Rate my dinner, Sup Forums
Blue = Good state
Did you grow up religious?
Ancestry thread boys
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
What's the most permanently butthurt posters' flag on Sup Forums?
Post your cunt's train ticket
Hilo /brit/ino
/fr/ - Le francofil artistique
Why are Japs so autistic when it comes to using PC's?
Are Uyghurs white?
Why are Europeans still butthurt over Brexit?
What do you think, Sup Forums?
Poles in charge of building a church
How would people in your country react if Germany and Austria were to unite?
If syrian refugees are so desperate that they rape german women, then how bad it must be in Syria?
/deutsch/ - tolerante ausgabe
What is just plain best city in the world?
クルヴァ~! Weeaboosは来い!
Kurva anyátok
Which is better?
Australia's GDP 1.56 trillion USD (2013)
Hist country is a fucking monarchy
When is it okay to use F word to native speaker of English?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Browsing int I have realized people in Europe and in the West at all know nothing about Russia...
Ignorant weebs "Japan doesn't have any foreigners!!"
What do you Canadians/Australians/Kiwis think of the Queen ?
Ur cunt
Is it true that Sweden civilized Finland and their contributions made it into the great nation we all know and love?
There isn't a SINGLE real Japanese on this board...
Tfw no double eyelid
Post more of these kinds of memes
Do normie frogs know that they're called Frogs?
/Ralf Stegner/ ehemals /deutsch/
Do you create threads? What are the usual threads you create on Sup Forums?
Train in China
What do Americans and Canadians think of each other ?
Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners...
"I am of SPAIN! Dance with me, user! Dance your heart out, mi amor! Dance for LOVE! Dance for LIFE!"
Why are American city boundaries so cluttered and nonsensical
What is the best province? :D
Northern Europe
1. you're country
Oi, how and where can I immigrate (legally)?
Post your city
Whats wrong with Japan
For those who've come across the seas
Post languages you hate and other anons try to convince you to think otherwise
How is you're country (or in the case of new worlders you're muh heritage) portrayed in Age of Empires 2?
Is this considered attractive in your cunt?
/v4/ + friends
What's Sup Forums's favorite Mexican state?
Do men in Britain and Ireland still wear hats like this?
Sverigetråden - God morgon
Born Black male
What specifically has this country accomplished in its history?
How do you deal with this problem Sup Forums?
"Alright user, say again what you said to me last night... only this time, say it in a hot...
How do we deal with the Austrian problem?
Kurva anyátok
Determining the most primitive language
Anyone live in these states? What happens there? What do people do for fun? Is there fishing, hunting, etc...
Hilo latino
/fr/ - Le francofil des réelles heures nègres
Mexico Please
/anti/-general general
Is Argentina the only third world white nation?
Why so many whiitu countries like UK, France, Germany, Sweden, USA, Australia, NZ...
Why are you "people" so obsessed with Mexico?
/sino/ 中文/
The boys from /cum/
Many such cases!
What fast food do people usually eat in your cunt?
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1814
American food isn't goo-
There is a Famine in South Sudan
For school I have to do a project on world countries, and I got stuck with Argentina
White map
Italians don't dip pizza crust in garlic butter
"I'm from Japa-... I mean Poland."
Why do non-Americans struggle with grasping the concept of personal responsibility?
A LITERALLY chinese pirates
Why do Brits hate Americans so much?
Tfw the US has more freedom than the rest of the world combined
Which countries have the most interesting history?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
How do we fix Afgh*nistan?
/ita/ - il filo
Oh no! A million of Mexican refugees are marching towards your country's borders and demand to enter, what do?
Russia is blocking the adoption of Russian children into Finland because Finland legalised gay marriage
Are Mexicans actually that bad?
This is the asian time... I'll take the opportunity to ask to asians
Yes,hello welcome to colombia compadre
Try to convince me to convert to Christianity, Goyim
I'm practicing my scottish accent, but it isn't working laddies
Could I pass as a local in your country?
ITT countries that never get shit on
About 50% of the asylum seekers have to leave Germany
/deutsch/ - antironnieausgabe
The name Ethiopia originated from the Ancient Greek term meaning "Burnt Faces" refering to the natives of East Africa
How will world war three start? What will the factions look like?
Political compass int edition
I'm a dual UK-US citizen who grew up in Britain and later married an American moved to the US. Ask me anything
Stop being mean to Anglos :(
A foreign English lecturer at Kansai Gakuin Univ. (Nishinomiya-shi...
Who /high/ here?
/ibe/ - España & Portugal
/lang/ - Language Learning thread
What the fuck is wrong with the Finnish language?
What race are Brazilians?
The american education system is so fucked up that children that can spell things correctly are considered literal...
What race are Americans?
Why are so many Americans killed by toddlers with guns every year?
Be norway
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Finland give up you have 0 chances
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Which are the most evil between the eternal anglo and krauts?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Literally only general threads
No universal healthcare
California Thread
The largest empire in history, perhaps?
Post things in other countries you'd like to one day visit
The more I read about this country the more I love it. It's good, I'd be happy if I was from there
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Is it true that Amerivan products are a status symbol in foreign countries?
Which countries surprise you the most on Sup Forums...
Is it true that americans
Serious question here: why do some Italians look so brown...
/polska/ - edycja wakacyjna
Pekka painos
Post the languages you don't like, others try to convince your opinion on it
Lol just look at him
Why Americans put fruits on their pizza?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Kurva anyátok
Post popular actresses from your cunt
Why don't we nuke mexico?
A certain celebration in 54 days?
ITT: We take complex national issues and issue judgements on how to solve them based on an uninformed outsider's...
/ita/ - il filo
Thoughts on american sports?
Would you ever date an african girl ?
Post your results from
All these country painted in blue should be part of a new, larger, united nation. Prove me wrong
Be Spain
/deutsch/ - legend of zelad
Tfw my people have literally ruled the fucking world for the last 400 years
What are the best/worst boards and why?
If Sweden declared war on Finland to try to annex them again which side of the upcoming war would you fight for?
How do you feel about the fact
/fr/ - le fil /fr/ancophone:
How will you feel when the EU becomes USA 2.0 and Germany its leader? At this point it's obvious that it will happen...
This is a Finns candidate for this year's municipal elections
What went wrong?
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
Our cute president is almost impeached. What do?
This is what happens when you mix Filipino with Irish
What if a fascist, autocratic President took over the United States? And what if that President lost California...
He doesn't live in an exuberant tropical country filled with tropical paradises with good all year round weather and...
We all know men from the Middle East who lives in Europe are all rapists and murderers
The more I read about this country the more I hate it. It's garbage, I'd be ashamed if I was from there
Paki vs indian thread
NEETs, stop wasting time on Sup Forums and come work to Czech Republic...
ITT We simulate how Sup Forums would react to a Russian invasion of Finland in 2017
What's your country's 9/11?
Finland has always been a part of Sweden, East Sweden
Post middle ages' pictures from your country
What's it like for a white American to go to Japan?
How did a middle eastern country get so rich?
Why don't you have a Mexican girlfriend, Sup Forums?
Does your cunt have a little brother cunt that you constantly bully or vice versa?
Is it true that only shitskins and slavs drives BMW in Europe?
Sverige Tråden - HE MA FU SE upplagan
Swedish cuck media BTFO
Americans need a doctor's prescription to purchase contact lenses
Is it dangerous?
What happens here? Why was it independent from the rest of France for so long?
Your city
Europe will become an Islamic shithole in my lifetime
Kurva anyátok
Why are there threads about Brazil literally all the time on the catalog...
Mfw bunda in portuguese comes from the word mbunda of the language Kimbundu from Angola
Speak well of Poland
/nederdraad/ Joodse editie
ita - il filo
How would the southern "white" states of Brazil do if they seceded and formed their own country...
/deutsch/ - lenerausgabe
What is your opinion on large ass?
Sunnism vs chiism
/fr/ - le fil des /fr/ancophones
Sverigetråden - Trådstartar-tan-upplagan
You wake up in Old York
Nearly 50% of the asylum seekers have to leave Germany
ITT we show our love to norway
Who is the Japan of Europe?
Stabby Finns
1. Cunt
Do Europeans eat much turkey or is it mainly just a new world thing?
If children were not indoctrinated into religion, how quickly would the concept of god die out?
Anti-general threads general
Do you guys think you'll ever get a girlfriend? Me nope
Shit lads, I think I may be coming down with yellow fever
1. Cunt
/deutsch/ - Globaler Faden
Is this the best part of entire Europe?
Why is this not happened in Canada?
Is it safe to say Italians who claim Americans make shitty pizza have never tried Papa Johns?
I'm going to China
/éire/ + /celt/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This woman walks up to you
American food prices are skyrocketing
/brit/ + /ausnz/
Woah... Can she actually do it?
Im going to kyoto for 6 weeks in the summer
What is your honest opinion of White people?
Is it difficult to be autistic in your cunt?
Russians on this board, how do you feel about this?
Do non-Europeans really believe that EU is immigrant infested shithole, with conditions like Brazil...
India in 2060
How does your cuntry deal with losers like me?
1. cunt
When Japanese prided Four seasons
/balk/ Balkan Thread
Will you ever visit my country? Which State/location?
Poland, India of europe
Can you speak Japanese?
What's wrong with Greek alt-right faggots?
The greatest country on earth
God I hate Turkey, if I had a tumor I'd name it Turkey
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Your cunt
Go to Netherlands
Post 3 languages that you like and 3 you consider to be ugly:
Why do Turks lead such miserable lives?
Everyone of west people think Korea and Koran is very developed and cool beautiful and rich country
Do women in your country have short hair, Sup Forums?
/v4 + friends/
Which language sounds better: Portuguese or Spanish?
/mena/ الخيط العربي
1. You're country
Ask Me Anything
Really made me think
What's the easiest way to get into a fight in your country?
Without using google, name me 3 australian cities and 5 australian people
I'm an American and I'm here to answer all your questions about the United States
Sweden has IKEA
"Danes get a lot of shit but at the tend of the day, they're still _____."
Ask an Iraqi-Canadian anything
Big Canadian
Why do black people like Trump so much?
Kurva anyátok
Where should I go to do my doctorate? Korea or Japan?
Why is Europe so third world?
One of these men is French, another is German, one is Italian, and another is British
Name 1 MODERN Greek scientist, inventor, academic, scholar, etc
/fr/ - Le francofil des heures nègres réelles
Do you hate Japan?
Who /stereotype/ here?
Are there many furries in your country?
Be driving around downtown
/brit/ + /ausnz/
Why is America jealous of Sweden?
Kill all your gommies
Is your country richer than Poland?
Explain yourselves, muricans
Do you believe in a higher power?
/cwg/ - Commonwealth General
Why is Americas President trying to defame Sweden by making stuff up?
Can you draw Wojak back Sup Forums?
How does Sweden know that nothing happened last night?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Wtf my country is basically Nazi Germany now
Do you honestly know a single smart person who is not an antisemite?
Crnogorski godposter edicija
Always thought us and the Americans were similar
I wish i had darker skin
I do not support ISIS but this method should be used more often on the fags maybe it will fix them
Latin Americans reply to me without my permission
/deutsch/ - Putinausgabe
Why are Latin American countries so violent?
Do you consider your country is friend with mine ?
What is Uruguay like? Culture, history, society, etc
El hilo sin anime
How long should it take before someone is considered a 'native' of the land?
Reading Wired's interview with a Chinese-American mathematician
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Any rare flag collecters?
Does it matter if Canada becomes asian? Asians are smarter than whites anyway. They can create a better Cananda
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Greatest Empire of all time. Period
Ask a Tunisian with remorse anything
Is Amsterdam, Prague and Copenhagen the Holy Trinity of European cities?
Really makes you think
Dating a German
Do these people want the spanish empire to come back?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...