
"A great ring-wall of stone, like towering cliffs, stood out from the shelter of the mountain-side, from which it ran and then returned again. One entrance only was there made in it, a great arch delved in the southern wall. Here through the black rock a long tunnel had been hewn, closed at either end with mighty doors of iron. They were so wrought and poised upon their huge hinges, posts of steel driven into the living stone, that when unbarred they could be moved with a light thrust of the arms, noiselessly. One who passed in and came at length out of the echoing tunnel, beheld a plain, a great circle, somewhat hollowed like a vast shallow bowl: a mile it measured from rim to rim." edition.

Previously: .

Other urls found in this thread:


slags btfo


Lord of the Tings

Lazlomode here.

Ask me anything.

i powerlift

>You just need a more positive outlook dude

who /bent/ here

Wish I had a gf.

ah yes Stein Night Levy

I wish you did as well, then you might piss off.

Shit thread

absoulute state of leafs
communism hasn't been tried much because it's the absence of a state but see : Revolutionary catalonia and aragon and the Free terrotories

come to think of it democratic ownership of the means of production would be awful

voting is a shit system and in democracy we do it as little as possible, imagine voting on what to produce and how much?

im gay as shit!


Thanks lad.


guy on bottom left looks weird

good post

my autism renders me incapable of ever having a relationship. i am autistic AND ugly as fuck! i never had a chance

my pancreas hurts...

Gonna refrain from wanking in the hope of more sex dreams tonight lads

Although I never seem to manage to have sex in them for some reason


He looks like a Bo Selecta character

nah not really senpai... in real life they are pretty annoying and demanding on your time

bloke i know is cheating on his gf with a another girl to the point he basically has 2 relationships going. How the fuck does he have time for that?

I am an autist, ugly and short. JUST.

listening to some bjork

Marxism is a cancer that prevents human progression


reminder that if you're still reading Tolkien past 18, and if you haven't moved onto Tennyson, Longfellow, or Scott by 18, you're a verified plebeian

I wish I had something to be demanding of my time. All I have to demand my time is work.

haven't wanked in weeks

No socialism can be democratic lad you don't seem to understand there's more than Stalinism/centralized authoritarianism
Don't want to say this again but post femboys lad

i do sometimes and its never great

I had a dream the other night that i died in a train crash in a station. really hope that does NOT occur in reality

cant imagine /brit/ without tripfags like me

I am 5'4". Does this mean I will never get a gf?

No idea who any of those benders are but I could merk the lot of them in one shot

>Marxism is a cancer that prevents human progression

how did a scrawny german boy become the puppetmaster?

also post puppermasters

i demand that you take up a hobby

It means YOU are going to be the gf

What do people do for hobbies?


Wanking 3 times a day currently even though I'm at work 9-5

Be my gf(male) famrade

I am straight.

I cashed out on my Man City/Atletico BTTS & Win bet. Did I do the right thing? Took £210, instead on £320.

Business idea: A country which accepts no net migration and lives within its means - it is nice to other countries and helps out when it can, but politely states that it would simply prefer to look after its own affairs by itself.

Great post

Untalented slag

Wherever the bees are there is honey

Wherever the Jews are there is money

Been eating peppered mackrel fillets for 90 minutes

It just won't end

hello stagnation

You just described the USA

Idk why people are so against globalism, or multiculturalism. Then again maybe it's because I'm a foreigner

Brexit Britain

astute post

You guys should meet up or something. Remember it's not gay at all since you are his gf (male) after all

Bloody racist

*the entire thread bursts out laughing*

r8 the w8 lads

Probably because the majority of the 2nd and 3rd world is filled with rubbish people who have always been rubbish for most of history

City 5 - 3 Monaco

Fuck off with your commie talk you boring cunts

>Baguette munchers in charge of defending

ugh, ready for bed lads

Because I liked it just the way it was and foreigners come over and start changing it to be shit.


Economics is a meme. We have the resources and the technology in this country to be perfectly self-sufficient - we could produce an abundance of food if we put our minds to it and just looked after our own. Caring about 'economic growth' is ridiculous.

You're literally a country of immigrants lad.

We can only dream.

This is where the politeness comes in, it's impossible for someone to call you a racist if you're polite.

>this absolute weapon who keeps linking the previous thread

Stop that

what a sweetie

spit ur best barz /brit/

Very suspicious of the company Which? lads

Got a very bad feeling about them

I was a pintman
In the pubs of Dublin I did stay
Drank 30 pints each single day
Many a barman cut me off on those late nights
Passed out on my door step, gave my wife an awful fright
My liver gave out in the spring of '85
But I am still alive

Economics is a social construct

what do you like?

here are some things i do regularly that you could call hobbies
>play sport (weekly tennis or badminton, and rugby)
>learn languages
>fuck around with photography
>play sax

i also went to a lates thing at the national portrait gallery the other day and they gave out some charcoal and paper to have a go at art and it was pretty fun. might try getting involved in that a bit

Also thinking of taking up boxing this year.

Basically just think of something youd like to do or have done, or something you want to be good at and try it out

Call me a redditor I fucking dare you.

whats this?

imagine being retarded enough to call yourself a communist

>we could produce an abundance of food if we put our minds to it and just looked after our own.

Britain has basically always been an importer of food you moron

>finally bought a smartphone and installed Tinder
>nothing for a week or so
>finally a girl my age (25) likes me back
>she takes a day or so to reply to messages sometimes
>after just over a week I ask if she wants to go to see Manchester By The Sea with me
>protag is a cool quiet loner so I hope she might associate me with him
>she looks at her phone throughout the movie
>we go to her place afterward
>she spends literally an hour monologuing about her ex-boyfriend
>they dated for three years and he:
>hit her so she had to go to class with a black eye
>fucked her while she slept without asking
>cheated on her with her friend
>mocked her for being from a poorer background
>she still says he's (quote) "the One"
>we go quiet for a while
>I ask hesitantly if I can kiss her
>we kiss but her lips are shut tight and she keeps squirming back and just bumping her lips against mine
>I put a hand on her leg and she immediately holds me away
>says "whoah mister, what do you think you're doing?"
>apologize and she says it was a nice movie and thanks again
>I walk home alone in heavy rain

Louis is a shit name


when was that?

dont remember a time when there werent foreigners

>We have the resources and the technology in this country to be perfectly self-sufficient

the UK would be at a victorian era level of living standards

international cooperation, competition, trade and exchange is GOOD, it makes us richer, increases our well-being, makes the world more peaceful

new little t

Imagine thinking this thread was the place to discuss communism

What kinda moron would do that lol

ah yes stalinism/centralized is the only form of socialism love this meme
>what about the deaths in the civil war
Same with capitalism then

ah yes, workers owning the means of production, truly barbaric, better we all be slaves to capital.

How are the 'bais' in Boston, my definitely Irish friend?


How will /brit/ recover?

we definitely cannot produce enough (renewable) energy to be self-sufficient. Covering the entire UK in wind farms, solar farms and bio-fuel farms wouldn't cover current usage let alone future growth

should it not be 17 stone 2 lbs?

you're a big guy

>tfw people literally fought bloody wars costing thousands of lives to secure access to plants and their fruits/spices that we can now buy for $1 or less at the local greengrocer
Globalism is an overall force for good in the world whether you choose to accept it or not

It sounds stupid but I don't know what I like. If I knew, I might have a hobby.

The what now?

What's wrong with market socialism

note: pucci died on his way back to his home planet