Why Americans put fruits on their pizza?

Why Americans put fruits on their pizza?

Do you realize that tomatoes are fruits, right?

why nips put corn and shrimp on their pizza? this is an offensive act against Italians

americans are weird people


amerifarts have no manners

What the fuck?
>onion rings
>village fries
Might add grounded big mac as well

Shrimp is cool


Imagine going to a party and the white suburban stay at home mom with two overachiever kids and white dad who barbeques but doesn’t know how to barbeque and yet is always surrounded by other white Dads who compliment his barbqeuing even though they’re just store bought preshaped frozen patties from Ralph’s or Food 4 Less and while he’s cooking those the white mom comes out and says “okay kids, here’s some pizza!” And she pulls this out and starts telling the kids why its a “fun pizza” and then cries in her master bedroom when no one likes it or finishes it and the white dad is then consoling her why she sobs that she’s a terrible mother and ruined her fourth grade straight B+ sons birthday and thinks her kids hate her but they don’t care but she continues crying softly into her pillow while the children eat poorly cooked burgers with unmelted kraft singles and too much mayonnaise and the only other condiments are two pickles and pepper because the dad calls it his special burger with a secret spice but the spice was just pepper and the kids just keep playing E rated games on their Nintendo Wii while the 17 year old older sister starts cleaning the tragedy up and throwing away uneaten “fun pizza” and whole burgers dejected from the start while she dials Pizza Hut to get these kids an actual birthday lunch and the mother then throws a fit because the daughter did something the kids liked and she didn’t and was the only one making a huge deal out of it and the daughter was then grounded from her TV in her room for only two days and the son went to blow out the candles in his standard birthday cake from food 4 less the mom added strawberries to so she could feel she did something but was still slightly teary and sad because her day was ruined by no one wanting to eat her “fun pizza”

Why do Russians put vodka on their potatoes?

looks good.


Fruit pizza is the fun pizza
It's a ck thing

fantastic post, please have more of these

How is this so accurate, what the fuck Hungary

Strawberries are actually so similar to tomatoes that they can be used as a substitute for them in in most dishes without even having to tweak the recipe.


Thanks Norway!

I was about to say this - they are a tart, mildly acidic fruit with a complex chemical profile. They go amazing with alliums and chillies.

Wrong pizza but nice Pasta anyway. Nice touch that the strawberries still relate to the pizza like with the original one.

that actually looks pretty tasty

shrimp looks a little overcooked though