Fact: The USA has a superior natural landscape to your country

Fact: The USA has a superior natural landscape to your country.

If you are not American, in your heart you wish that your country occupied this great piece of land.

99% of the USA is plain and boring

nah i'm alright ay

Russia has all types of landscape.
All those places are inhabited so not many people know about them

No country deserves this much land

balkanisation when?

what is there apart for tundra

Slightly less depressing temperament climates. Russians think that a hot summer day is 25C.

kek even Argentina has a better landscape than that shithole of yours.

New Zealand has god tier landscape
Western America has god tier landscape
Eastern America is lame

In conclusion: Pacific has the best landscape in the world

Warm beach with palm trees?


America and russia have the most varied landscapes but I like Southern Europe the best

Why don't pictures upload?
It keeps saying Error: upload failed

I can't even start new threads with pictures, but many other anons are making new threads at this moment

I can't post images either

yes it seem to be happening across all boards
hiroshima fucked something

Third nuke when?


i fucked your moms

I always knew I was a slav



no it doesn't

>tfw I can't post smug anime girls

>we have access to limitless information across the entire planet from people of all sorts of different cultures and backgrounds and all I want to do is post a fucking cute anime image AND i FUCKING CAN'T

but my countrymen are currently occupying that land


go get a job johny neet
useless garbage