Go to Netherlands

>go to Netherlands
>everyone speaks English

you can only speak abonese?

>Go to Netherlands.
>Everyone speaks their extremely retarded dialect of German.


>get tired of asian hookers in australia
>go to amsterdam window district
>they're all asian

Hello, Abdul, enjoy your time in the United Kingdom? Good.

They're all Eastern European m8

I once saw this black landwhale there.

>go anywhere in the world
>everyone is expected to know english so i never have to learn another language
get fucked everyone

>go to Australia
>everyone speaks Chinese

>eastern europeans
They're Asians, slavic ethnicity is a meme (Czechs are German)

>Come in France
>Get butthurt they won't speak english
>Call us arrogant
Even Britons don't display that level of butthurt.

Not anymore m8

>Says the flag of the Philippines
Fuck off you pig nosed shit skinned gook

fuck off???

This is a legit reason why people dislike you here. :^)

>Resisting cultural colonisation
Come on, be realistic Pierre

Nice dubs

u kunt

nee, u kunt opfokken

>Live in the US
>Realize I have somehow learned a bunch of Spanish

What is happening to this place dios mio.

I saw a whole section filled with fat niggers.

>Go to Netherlands

lemme guess, you took it throughout middle/high school and live in a border state?

Speak English cunt

>t. only travelled in Canada, Paris and Alaska

If hatred is the price to pay for L’Exception Française then it's something I'm willing to pay

>go to Australia
>get chased by emus

>go to India
>take a poo in a shoe

french people are nice when you speak a little bit of their Proto-English frogspeak

based secondary school

>be Dutch
>be COMPLETELY bald by age 25

>be Dutch
>take a shit
>clog toilet
>flood country

>be dutch
>cant find a gf because they're all dykes

>be Dutch
>deface historical sites

Is this why Dutch women love big Anglo cock? Because Dutch """men""" are beta?