
How often do you see these in your cunt?

>I've probably seen about 10 women wearing these in my life (only once outside of London)



Bristol, probably seen maybe 8 in my life.

For the first few I thought they were ninjas.

2-3 maybe, every time at the university.

Fucking saw one today
wasnt even at uni

all day every day.

There is one here in my smalltown, funny how their somali daughters are wild.

It is thankfully prohibited in France

East London

Can't remember the last time I went out and didn't see one.

>Seen a few, but I live in Prague so a lot of tourists

Normal sight at uni, sometimes at the cities.

B-but that's racist!


I was in Birmingham for 3 months last year and there are many women like that


>norn iron

A couple of times, maybe, when I was living around 45 minutes west of the Sydney CBD.
Don't really get out and about much, though.

Why? It's a piece of fucking clothing.

Immigrants stay in their ghettos and hang around only certain spots in the central, I have never seen these waste bags in east Helsinki but they are a common sight in the east.

God damn I love living in a white neighbourhood.

Only when I visit England

I meant never seen them in west Helsinki.



t. cheshire

Because it is culturally offensive to bag a woman in sack because of religious/cultural values.


>>US and Korea

I see hijab women often enough, but never in burka

Germany, Nuremberg

Probably ever other day

They are really common here, our city is 50% non-German

it's banned here so i never seen one

ive never seen one in person only online

Yeah, ve Cesku, only in Prague. What about Brno, though?

Surprisingly never with the face covering.

I hate Islam I hate Muhammed I hate the Koran
It says you can marry a woman who didn't have her period, I say anyone who says they believe this unholy book should be hanged. Simple as that, it's a sick twisted fantasy novel that has created a blood thirsty pedophile cult.
If I were prime minister I would warn you, I don't care if you're a labourer, a sheik, or a shah denounce your faith in Islam and you shall be let in otherwise it's to the gallows for you if you enter the borders.

At least one everyday

Never. These don't exist in Finland. The Somalis here don't cover their faces.

seriously ? I've seen at least 3 of them after the revolution, not counting the saudi tourists i occasionally see at hotels

Never despite I live in Muslim republic. Bashkirs are glorious.


there used to be too little of these in my cunt. now they're getting more and more and making me fucking scared.

1. Flag
2. Probably once or twice ever in Birmingham

Soon not at all :^)

Only on my holiday to England kek

about 10 times as well

t. melbourne

>french respect for freedom of religion

Once every few weeks, gulf tourists for the most part.

why is irn-bru so shit?

Well turkey is a popular tourist destination for saudis and emiratis. Are they locals?

some are, some aren't. my neighborhood isn't a touristic place but I see bunch of them everytime I go out shopping.

>Saudi headgarb


>leaving my suburb

yeah maybe about a dozen times in the last few years coming and going through central sydney station

explain yourself

Only once. They were clearly tourists from the Middle East because they got a lot of money.

In your cuck hold fantasy.

In my country, never, but I saw tons of those when I was in London. You say you only saw 10? Do you ever go outside?

Muslims in North Africa do not wear the Burka, they wear some regular headscard, which isn't forbidden to wear.
The Burka is specifically from the gulf region, and is affiliated with the most extreme for of Islam, which culture contradicts French values.
You can rule Islam out of the equation really. It's more about the influence of Wahhabism (thanks to saudi funding mosque and imams) than Islam in itself.


>USA, Chicagoland
>no niqab, seen hijabs once every 2 weeks at the grocery store

So maybe a total of 30, probably the same people over and over honestly.

To be honest I've heard Russian/Polish/Macedonian language far more frequently than I've seen hijabs here. On one hand I appreciate the Russians' secularism and the Poles/Macedonians' friendliness, but... lern2english if you come here. This country is already getting ruined by Spanish because Mexicants are lazy faggots.


Frankfurt represent

I feel like there's more Asians than muslims here,though.

You realise that the vast majority of foreigners in Germany are from other European countries?

I'd rather have Asians than Muslims

I'm not making a value judgement, I'm providing hard data

here u go m8

Yes but you referred to the guy that said that German cities are 50% non white.

Gladly all the Indonesians I know are Christian


They 100$ speak english, you simply won't get visa without that. They were probably just talking russian with their pals. Getting your visa (even touristic one) is incredibly hard so every russian you see are very rich and educated ones.

why would you go to birmingham ?

>this specific branch of Islam isn't Islam

where can I find good niqaab porn?

I don't live in London. There are very few Muslims where I live

two of my wives wear it, but I wish they were actually hidden Polish men with Big Polish Cocks (BPC)

yet to see one, but then again I'm a provincial.

In egypt i saw them all the time and it kinda bothered me
In the netherlands i saw them a few times
Why wear a burqa? Its not normal or practical and it looks scary as well.

Best saudi poster desu
Inshallah for you

Like 20, several 2s on the London underground and like 3 above ground and then like 10 in kingston when i had to go there

live in london and see once a month/2 months maybe

20 maybe more probably closer to a hundred, never seen them where i live though just in bradford

subhanBPC, brother

I live in west london in a part called shepherd's bush and I see them most times I go outside.

I thought that place was white

france is agressively secular, you cant even wear a cross, its one of the ideologies that bind the country together after the revolution

its why muslims seem more integrated in the uk compared to france, there is less of a stand-offish attitude

Never in my life.

It's fucking not you runt cunt


>Muslims are more integrated in the UK because they are allowed to have tax-funded Islamic schools where they teach creationism and quran recitations.

Notice something?

most of kingston is very white.

there's a place next to or overllapping kingston slightly called morden or new morden which has some brown parts


t. saddam al-bruceian

he is a brother spreading our seed into your women



Bostonfag, a few times quite recently actually, it's kind of jarring. It's pretty ironic that the point of them wearing those is so they don't get stared at but when you see them in the street you can't help but look.

i didnt say it was better

they just dont chimpout as much, its the same reason they dont chimpout in your country as well, the french are secular to the point of autism

Never see the full face covering.

However I see at least 10 or more hijabs whenever I'm at university (there's even two girls in a class of mine that wear it). Very rarely outside in the city though, they all probably like to stay on campus.

not even once desu


Have you ever seen a black or brown person there?

Have you had intercourse with them yet, Sven ?

yes we have some of them